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Seung Sook Hwang 1 Article
A Study on Health Promotion Behaviors of a Group of Middle Aged Men in K-Ku, Incheon City
Eun Joo Kim, Seung Sook Hwang, Jeong Mo Park, Hwa In Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(3):408-418.   Published online September 30, 2004
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This study aims to provide useful basic materials for planning the Health Improvement Program and Policy for men aged 20-40. This study investigated 889 subjects, and at each corresponding age, who were collected among the trainers at the Civil Defense Training Institute in K-ku, Incheon City. The data collection period lasted from April to July of 2003. I revised and complemented the measurement tool for the Health Improvement Life Style developed by Jung Eun-Kyung. For analysis of the acquired data, I used SPSS11.0 program. The study shows that the Health Improvement Action of a group of middle-aged men averaged 2.80, and 0.44 point out of 5. According to the results found during the analysis of the generic characters of differences in behaviors of Health Improvement, It was revealed that there were significant differences in age, regular exercise and health interest, stress management, self-concept as well as degrees of interest in health, and education level. According to monthly income levels, regular exercise and degrees of self-concept degrees were significantly different from each other. According to marital status, balanced diet and regular exercise were related to each other. According to religion, balanced diet, stress management degree, self-concept degree, and degrees of interest in health, significant differences were shown. Based on the earlier mentioned results, we should pay attention to act more, rather than merely recognize the development of the health improvement program of our regional community. Also, it is necessary to find out the cause, which lowers men's interest in health.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing