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Sohyune R Sok 6 Articles
A Comparative Study on the Applied Effects of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Insomnia in the Elderly by Sasangin Constitution: Based on Tae Yin In, So Yang In, and So Yin In
Sohyune R Sok
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(3):327-334.   Published online September 30, 2009
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This study was to compare and examine the effects of auricular acupressure therapy on insomnia in the elderly by Sasangin constitution.
This study was designed to compare three groups according to Sasangin constitution (Tae Yin In, So Yang In, and So Yin In) in terms of the changeful effects of auricular acupressure therapy on insomnia in the elderly. The subjects were 81 (Tae Yin In: 28, So Yang In: 26, and So Yin In: 27) persons aged over 65 years who were living in Seoul or Gyunggi Province. Data were collected from May, 2007 to July, 2008, and analyzed by SPSS/WIN 16.0.
1. The effect of auricular acupressure on insomnia in Tae Yin In was higher than that in So Yang In, and its effect in So Yang In was higher than that in So Yin In. 2. The effect was highest after the 4th treatment in Tae Yin In, after the 5th treatment in So Yang In, and after the 6th treatment in So Yin In.
The use of auricular acupressure therapy in consideration of individual elders' Sasangin constitution can maximize its effect to relieve insomnia in the elderly.
Factors Influencing Depression of the Elderly
Kwuy Bun Kim, Sohyune R Sok
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(2):197-206.   Published online June 30, 2009
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This study was to examine factors related to depression of the elderly, and using them, to lay the ground for the development of nursing intervention.
This was a descriptive correlation study. The subjects were 581 elders aged over 65 from senior centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression with SAS.
The predictors of depression in the elderly were quality of life, moral, life satisfaction, self-esteem, loneliness, nonformal support, and perceived health state. Among them, quality of life was the most significant predictor in the elderly. These factors explained 72.2% of the total variance.
These findings suggest the need to develop nursing strategies for decreasing depression in the elderly. To decrease the depression of the elderly, the above-mentioned major influencing factors should be considered.
Activities of Daily Living and Nursing Needs of the Elderly in Nursing Home
Kwuy Bun Kim, Hye Kyung Lee, Sohyune R Sok
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(1):1-11.   Published online March 31, 2009
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The study was a survey study to identify the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and nursing needs of the elderly in the nursing home and derive the fundamental data for offering the better quality of nursing service to them.
The subjects were the 111 elderly aged over sixty five living in the nursing home located in Seoul. Measures were the nursing needs scale and ADL scale. The data were analyzed by SAS 11.0.
First, with regard to the nursing needs, the general need was scored average 3.0, and the emotional d social need was 3.7, and the physical need was 3.1, and the informational need was 2.7. Second, the ADL was scored at the average of 2.7, bathing 1.9, eating 3.1. Third, In correlation between the nursing needs by area, the informational nursing needs showed the sheer correlation with the physical nursing needs, nursing needs. The physical nursing needs showed the sheer correlation with the nursing needs, and the inverse correlation with the ADL.
It is necessary that it should improve the service to meet the emotional and social nursing needs and develop the extensive nursing programs satisfying their desires based on the general traits of the elderly.
A Comparative Study on Physical Health Status, Family Support, and Life Satisfaction between the Aged Living Alone and Living with Family
Sohyune R Sok
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(4):564-574.   Published online December 31, 2008
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This study was a descriptive survey research to compare and to examine the levels of physical health status, family support, and life satisfaction between the aged living alone and living with family, the relations among the factors.
Subjects were the 267 aged (living alone: 133 subjects: living with family: 134 subjects) in Seoul and Gyung-gi province. Measures were Cornell Medical Index(CMI) to check physical health status, family support scale developed by Cobb(1976) to check the family support, and elderly life satisfaction scale developed by Yun(1982) to check life satisfaction. Data were collected from March to August, 2006. Collected data were analyzed through SPSS/PC 12.0 version.
First, degree of the physical health status, family support, and life satisfaction in the elderly living with family were better than them in the elderly living alone. Second, the relations among the factors were all positive correlation. Third, the education and monthly allowance in aged living alone did effect to the life satisfaction.
Clinical practice should be focused on family support/social support for the aged living alone. Also nursing practitioners for the aged living alone should consider the general characteristics of them.
A Study on Middle-Aged People's Preparation for Old Age Life and Their Perception of Long-term Care Facilities
Kwuy Bun Kim, Min Suk Park, Sohyune R Sok
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(3):480-494.   Published online September 30, 2008
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The study was to get basic data on the well-being of middle-aged people concerning their preparation for their upcoming old age and their quality of life.
The subjects were 440 people aged between 40 and 59 living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do.
First, physical preparation for old age was affected by religion, children, health, monthly income, and economical status, and these factors were shown statistically significant. Emotional preparation and spiritual preparation were also related to the above-mentioned factors. Secondly, in the subjects' mental picture, a nursing home was a place for the aged without anyone who is going to take care of them and without abilities to care of themselves. Preference for nursing home was based on two factors, i.e., nursing and treatment care, and the cost was about one million won per month. Also they wanted that the government should pay a certain amount for private users.
Therefore, people should lead a life of good health-related habits along with economical preparation for their old age.
A Study on the Health Status, Burnout, and Burden of Primary Family Caregivers of the Elderly In-Patients
Kwuy Bun Kim, Jung Min Sung, Sohyune R Sok
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(2):216-225.   Published online June 30, 2008
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This study was to explore the level of health status, burnout, and burden of primary family caregivers of the elderly inpatients, and to identify the relations among the factors.
The subjects were a total of 232 primary family caregivers of elderly in-patients at K and E Medical Center, and were surveyed from March 1 to April 10, 2007. Measures were a health status measuring tool based on CMI developed by Brodman et al. (1945), the burnout measuring tool developed by Pines et al. (1981), and the burden measuring tool revised by Jung, Soo-Jin (1998). Data were analyzed by SPSS-WIN 12.0.
Firstly, the mean of health status was 1.69, which means that they were mostly healthy, and the mean of burnout was 2.66, which means that they were a little burned out. The mean of burden was 2.71, which means that they were a little burdened. Second, there were high correlations between health status and burnout, between health status and burden, and between burnout and burden. Third, there were significant difference in health status and burnout according to sex and relationship, and in burden according to sex, education level and relationship.
Nurses need to consider the characteristics, health status, burnout, and burden of primary family caregivers.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing