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Soon Hee Lee 3 Articles
Acculturative Stress, Depression and Drinking Problems of Korean International Students in the United States
Soon Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):366-375.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to identify predictors of drinking problems in Korean international students in the United States.
The subjects involved this study were 190 Korean international students in the United States. Data were measured using a drinking problems questionnaire, an acculturative stress scale for international student, and the CES-D. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 17.0 program to calculate mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Sheffe test and pearson's correlation coefficient. and stepwise multiple regression.
1) The mean score of the degree of perceived acculturative stress was 2.15+/-0.63, of depression was 17.67+/-9.85, and of drinking problems was 15.03+/-15.52. 2) There were significant correlations between acculturative stress and drinking problems (r=.506, p<.001), between depression and drinking problems (r=.6726, p<.001), and between acculturative stress and depression (r=.453, p<.001). 3) In stepwise multiple regression analysis the most powerful predictor of drinking problems were acculturative stress (beta=.243, p<.001), and depression (beta=.562, p<.001).
Based on the results, practical implications for reducing the acculturative stress and improving the psychological well-being of Korean students were discussed.


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  • The Effects of Acculturative Stress, Career Stress, and Social Support on Depression in Korean International Students in China
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  • Impacts of Social Support and Acculturative Stress on Depression among Korean Registered Nurses in the United States
    Young-Mi Jung
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2014; 20(2): 192.     CrossRef
Validation of Instruments to Classify the Frailty of the Elderly in Community
In Sook Lee, Young Im Park, Eun Ok Park, Soon Hee Lee, Ihn Sook Jeong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(3):302-314.   Published online September 30, 2011
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This study aimed to validate instruments to classify the frailty of Korean elderly people in community.
For this study, 632 elders were selected from community-based elderly houses and home visiting registries, and data on frailty were collected using three instruments during November, 2008. The Korean Frail Scale (KFS) was composed of 10 domains with the maximum score of 20. The Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS) had 10 domains with the maximum score of 17. The 25_Japan Frail Scale (25_JFS) was composed of 6 domains with the maximum score of 25. Internal consistency was measured with Cronbach's alpha. Sensitivity, specificity and area under the curve (AUC) of ROC were measured to see validity with long-term care insurance grade as a gold standard.
The Cronbach's alpha was .72 for KFS, .55 for EFS, and .80 for 25_JFS. Sensitivity, specificity, and AUC were 70.0%, 83.2%, and .83, respectively, at cutting point 10.5 for the KFS, 50.0%, 80.9%, and .66, respectively, at 8.5 for EFS, and 80.0%, 85.9%, and .86, respectively, at 12.5 for 25_JFS.
KFS and three JFS showed favorable internal consistency and predictive validity. Further longitudinal studies are recommended to confirm predictive validity.


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  • Effects of Health Characteristics on Depression of Elderly Beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Scheme
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  • Frailty Level and Health-related Characteristics among Participants of a Tailored Home Visiting Service
    Insook Lee Ph.D., Ihn Sook Jeong Ph.D.
    Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society.2012; 16(2): 74.     CrossRef
The Relation between Social Support and Loneliness in Migrant Workers
Soon Hee Lee, Shin Jeong Kim, Young Joo Lee, Sook Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(1):67-74.   Published online March 31, 2009
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the actual condition of social support and loneliness and to examine of the relation between social support and loneliness in migrant workers.
One hundred and thirty migrant workers were sampled from two churches located at Seoul and Gyeonggi-do in order to collect basic data onmigrant workers from August to December, 2007 using a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA test.
1) The average scores of social support and loneliness were 3.73 +/- 0.31 and 2.57 +/- 0.31, respectively. 2) With respect to the general characteristics of subjects, there was no statistically significant difference in social support, but there was a significant difference in loneliness according to religion (t=2.586, p=.001). 3) The correlation coefficient between social support and loneliness was not significant (r=-.010, p=.929).
Social support should be considered in nursing intervention to decrease the level of loneliness in migrant workers. More studies are needed to identify variables influencing social support and loneliness in migrant workers.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing