A Comparative Study of Health Status in Urban and Rural Elderly: Kwangju, Chonnam Area
Hae Young Kang, Su Mi Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):244-256. Published online December 31, 1996
- This Study was conducted to investigate and compare of elderly lived in a urban and rural Area. The Subject were sampled in convenient sampling and total number of sample were 450 Persons (Urban=150, Rural=300).
The Data were collected through one by one interview with interview schedule in the period of March 1-30, 1995. The Study Tools for this study were 1) CMI, 2) Self Rating Score for Health Status, 3) No. of Dignosed Diseases, 4) ADL to investigate for physical health status, 5) IADL for social health status and, 6) Life Satisfaction for psychological health status.
The Data was analyzed in percentage, t-test, chi2 and pearson correlation by SAS program.
The Results could be summarized as follows; 1) In the status of physical health, the group of rural elderly were tended to have more physical problems but more active in daily life (ADL, IADL) and more satisfactory psychologically in their life than urban elderly.
2) There were negative correlations between the number of Health Problems and Self Rating Score for Health, ADL, IADL, Life Satisfaction. And there was positive correlation between the Number of Health Problems and Diagnosed Diseases.