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Suk Jeong Lee 7 Articles
Comparison of Gender Stereotype between Female Nursing Students and Humanities Students
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(4):412-420.   Published online December 31, 2009
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The purpose of this study was to identify difference in gender stereotype between female nursing students and humanities students.
A descriptive comparative study was done. The subjects were 300 nursing students and 114 humanities students who were selected by convenient sampling. Data were collected from September 2008 to October 2008 using a constructive questionnaire with 30 questions, which was prepared for this study by modifying the instrument about gender stereotype developed by Kim. The data were analyzed through ANCOVA, factor analysis and Chronbach's alpha using the SPSS program.
1) Of the six subcategories of gender stereotype, five were higher in the nursing students than in the humanities students, but occupational gender stereotype was not. 2) Age affected total, familiar, social, external, and intellectual gender stereotype. 3) Self-satisfaction and major satisfaction affected social gender stereotype. 4) In the analysis of difference in gender stereotype with controlling age, self-satisfaction and major satisfaction, the nursing students showed statistically significant higher scores in intellectual stereotype than the humanities students.
Because female nursing students tended to show high gender stereotype, nursing educators need to develop programs for helping nursing students escape from gender stereotypes and increase their self-satisfaction.
A Meta Analysis on the Effects of Exercise on Bone Mineral Density among Middle-aged and Older Women
Ji Soo Yoo, Jee Won Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(3):285-295.   Published online September 30, 2009
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This study was to examine the effectiveness of exercise for bone mineral density (BMD).
Four investigators reviewed English articles from Pub Med and CINAHL, selecting randomized controlled trials on exercise programs for middle-aged and older women. Out of 25 studies identified, 14 that satisfied with the inclusion criteria were included in the meta-analysis. The quality of the studies was assessed using recognized methods and the effect size was calculated as a Hedges' g using Comprehensive Meta-analysis Version 2.0. Primary outcomes were changes in BMD at femoral neck, trochanter, and lumbar spine. Subgroup analysis included changes in BMD according to exercise style.
Weight bearing exercise was effective (Q = 20.1, p > .05, ES = 0.32), and resistance exercise was effective in case of comparing to pre and post intervention (Q = 4.15, p = .98, ES = 0.14). At the femoral neck, 9 study groups were homogeneous and the experimental groups demonstrated a positive effect on BMD (Q = 19.5, p > .05, ES = 0.33). In contrast, marked heterogeneity (Q = 33.3, p < 0.01) was apparent in 7 study groups evaluating trochanter.
These findings suggest that weight bearing is effective for BMD of the femoral neck, and is relevant to the non-pharmacological treatment of bone loss for middle-aged and older women.
Change in the Sensation of the Arms, the Range of Motion in the Shoulders and Depression in Breast Cancer Patients
Suk Jeong Lee, Si Ja Chon, Young Sook Roh, Young Mi Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(3):398-407.   Published online September 30, 2008
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The purpose of this study was to examine the association among change in the sensation of the arms, the range of motion in the shoulders and depression in breast cancer patients.
This is a descriptive study on correlation. The participants were 132 patients who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and had mastectomy at a university hospital, and had participated in a breast cancer self-help group. The degree of depression was assessed by SCL-90-R scores. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS 12.0 for Windows.
The participants complained of 'heaviness' as the most frequent and serious symptom of change in the sensation of the arms. 'Completely zip up the dress with a back-fastening zipper' was the most difficult motion of the shoulders. Participants who were in a worse stage of disease were in a worse condition in shoulder functions, and on a higher degree of depression. The degree of change in sensation and shoulder functions showed a positive correlation with each other, and both of them showed a negative correlation with the degree of depression.
Sensation and motion change in the arms and the shoulders were common phenomena that affected depression in patients who had mastectomy. Nurses should consider not only depression but also discomfort of the arms and the shoulders for patients with mastectomy.
The Effects of Visiting Nursing Intervention on Self Care Behavior and Blood Pressure in Persons with High Risk of Cerebrovascular Diseases
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):572-582.   Published online December 31, 2007
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This study was to evaluate the effects of visiting nursing intervention on self care behavior and blood pressure with high risk of cerebrovascular diseases.
A one-group pretest-posttest was designed. Data collection was done in 150 participants from March, 2003 to November, 2003 at a public health center. Self care behavior was assessed by the scores of smoking, alcohol, diet, exercise, stress and medication compliance. The scores of knowledge related cerebrovascular diseases, blood pressure, blood glucose were estimated. The Participants were intervened in with basic assessment, emotional support, education. This program took a period ranging from 3 months to 7 months depending on the cerebrovascular risk level. The mean number of visiting times was 1.67 per month.
1. Knowledge level was improved(t=-2.542, p=.012). 2. Systolic and diastolic pressure were lower(t=5.439, p<.001; t=4.966, p<.001). 3. Self care level was higher (t=-12.981, p=.001) after the intervention.
The visiting nursing intervention was found to have an effect on the scores of knowledge, self care behavior and blood pressure with high risk of cerebrovascular diseases. The results provided evidences for the importance of visiting nursing intervention in the high risk factor of cerebrovascular disease for self care.
The Effects of Rehabilitation Excercise Program on Physical Function and Mental Health Status in Patients with Hemiparesis Following Chronic Stroke
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(2):166-175.   Published online June 30, 2006
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No abstract available.
Experiences on Home Visiting Nursing Service among the Elderly in Community
So Young Min, Sook Kyoung Park, Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(4):437-445.   Published online December 31, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to understand the meaning of experiences in home visiting nursing service among the elderly in community provided by nursing students.
This is a phenomenological study to investigate the experience of community-based patients. Data were collected through in-depth interviews from the 4th of March to the 15th of December 2003. Individual interviews were conducted with 8 patients on subjective experiences. Data were analyzed through Colaizzi's method, in which meaningful statements were extracted.
Four categories were identified from nine theme clusters. The four categories were 'thankfulness', 'dependence', 'sorrowfulness' and 'the sense of being'.
These results show the importance of visiting nursing service for the elderly in community.
Evaluation of Community Health Nursing Practice and Nursing Student's Clinical Experience at Public Health Centers
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):161-170.   Published online March 31, 2002
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To evaluate community health nursing practice by nursing students for basic data to improve nursing practice education, and to determine the clinical practice experiences of nursing students at public health centers.
According to methodological triangulation, all data was collected from March 2001 to June 2001 through prepared questionnaires with 62 Participants, and in depth interviews with 2 Participants, and content analysis with 8 Participants.
1. Clinical practice content was needed to make up professionally. 2. Clinical practice instructor was satisfied with teaching by community health nursing professor, but not by public health center nurse. 3. Clinical environment was perceived as good. 4. Clinical practice time was perceived suitable, but practice evaluation was given a low grade. 5. Experience of nursing students was grouped into 9 categories and 20 themes. 9 Categories are as follows: change of public health center image, difficulty in the personal relationship, positive personal relationships, doubt about the attitude, doubt about the task, tension, worth, ambivalance of the conference, feeling about the end stage of the clinical practice. Twenty themes are stereotypic of the public health care center: recognition, difficulty between tasks and interrelationships with the clients, decrease of self esteem due to deficiency of trust with the students, exchange of feelings in the relationships, the situation of clients was not considered, feelings were disregarded, not systematic, regarding students as supplementory manpower, independent work but not enough contents, anxiety & fear, self-trust, be skilled in the practice, pragmatic knowledge formation, understanding of the old person, self-study of oneself, live up to the expectation, consider as the job, dissolve the stress and impose burden, feeling the lack regarding active approach in the practice.
The students have perceived the need of community health nursing through the clinical practice. Clinical practice of community health nursing requires content supplement, correction of instruction by public center nurses, environmental alteration, evaluation criteria set up. Experience of clinical practice in the public health center was as follows: Getting rid of the stereotype about public health center, nursing students comprehended variety and were worth while to do clinical practice in spite of tension & anxiety and fear. And they thought to be a community nurse someday.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing