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Suk Ok Yun 3 Articles
Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Elderly People
Bo Sun Huang, Yu Sun Shin, Suk Ok Yun, Ji Hyun Lee, Kyung Yim Jung, Jung Soon Kim, Lee Soon Kim, Bok Yong Kim, Young Mee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):133-160.   Published online December 31, 1995
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The purpose of this study was to understand the structure of the lived experience by poor elderly people. The research question was "What is the structure of the lived experience of life of a poor elderly people." The sample consisted of 21 single poor elderly persons in Pusan. The unstructured interviews were audio-recorded and analyzed using the Van Kaam method. This study was 368 responses which yielded of descriptive expressions and priority classifications. The result generated 74 common elements, 18 syntheses of hypothetical definitions and 5 identifications of the structural definition. The structural definitions and hypothetical definitions were as follows; 1. physical discomfort ; complaints of severe pain ; dysfunction of physical organs 2. emotional cognition ; despair ; resignation ; attitude toward death 3. support system ; interaction with family ; thinking about God ; economical difficulties ; expectancy of social services ; opinions about health service ; leisure ; interaction with neighborhood ; dissatisfaction due to inadequate environment 4. past reminiscence ; negative reminiscence of one's past ; past regret ; positive reminiscence of one's past 5. desire ; desire of unrealization life ; self satisfaction The significance of this study for nursing are; Comprehension of the lived experience of client and identification' of nursing approach method concerning the lifestyle of client.
A Study of Industrial Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Health Care Services in Busan City
Bo Sun Huang, Yu Sun Shin, Suk Ok Yun, Ji Hyun Lee, Jung Soon Kim, Lee Soon Kim, Bok Yong Kim, Young Mee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):100-108.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to identify the workers the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of industrial health care services. The study was conducted from Dec 10, 1992 to Jan 20, 1993. The data was collected from 849 workers in 56 companies in Busan City. The data was analyzed by using the mean, S.D>, T-test, ANOVA. The tool for measuring the degree of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial health care of workers was developed by community health nursing academy and the reliability an of the tool was 0.82810. The results were as follows : 1. The general characteristics of workers : Distribution of workers consisted of laborer(55.0%), office workers(45.0%), in an age range from 25-39(55.0%), male employees were(69.7%), married employees were(62.4%), the educational level with the highest percentage was high school graduates(54.2%). The present work force had a career for 7 years or more with an income of 300-700 thousand won monthly(43.2). 2. The degree of Knowledge Attitude and Practice about industrial health care services of workers : The total score of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice was 49.09 points out of a possible 80(mean Score=2.46) 1) The total score of the Knowledge was 15.73 points out of 24. (Mean score=2.62) The following are the Knowledge scores: The necessity examination of occupational disease was(3.34) The knowledge of occupational disease was (3.12) The knowledge of health education was(1.29) 2) b. The total score of the Attitude was 26.01 point out of 44(mean score=2.36) The following are the Attitude scores: The necessity of health education for health examination was (3.14). The importance of health examination was(3.08) The necessity of measurement for working environment was(2.99). The satisfaction of the content in the periodic health examination was low(1.81). 3) The total score of the Practice was 7.35 points out of 12(mean score=2.45) The following are the orders of Practice scores: The participation in health examination was higher than in health education(1.33). 3. The general characteristics and the degree of knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of workers of industrial health care. 1) The level of worker's knowledge was significantly related by working part(t=2.54 P=0.000), marital status(F=4.35 P=0.029), educational level(F=3.91 and P=0.020), monthly income(F=2.98 P=0.029) 2) There were no significant difference between the general characteristics and the attitude of workers. 3) The practice was significantly related with working part(T=2.52 P=0.012), sex(T=2.28 P=0.23), marital status(F=4.25 P=0.012), monthly income (F=2.76 P=0.034) 4) The total score had a significant difference with working part(T=2.39 P=0.017), sex (T=3.84 P=0.000), marital status (F=3.18 P=0.032). Educational level (F=3.20 P=0.033), and monthly income(F=3.05 P=0.022).
A Study on The Periodic Medical Examination, and Health Care Management Programs of Industries: Busan City Province
Bo Sun Huang, Yu Sun Shin, Suk Ok Yun, Ji Hyun Lee, Jung Soon Kim, Lee Soon Kim, Bok Yong Kim, Young Mee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):14-24.   Published online June 30, 1993
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The Purpose of this study was to explore the condition of periodic medical examination and the health care services of industries in order to offer some basic data on developing industrial nursing care. To achieve this goal a self - administered questionnaire (developed by the academic affairs of community health nursing) was provieded to the nurses in 56 industries from Dec. 10, 1992 to Jan. 20, 1993. The statistical computer package, SPSS, was used to manipulate the data along with T-test and ANOVA. The results were as follows : 1. General characteristics: The greater part of the industries were manufacturing company, and below 300 employees of industry were 55.4%. The shift system was mostly one shift(66.1%) and three shift(23.2%), and 50.0% them organized the Industrial Safety and Health Commitee. Average a number of employees was 631 person. 2. Periodic Medical Examination: Most of the workers were receiving periodic medical examination from the designated hospital (95.71%). From the about 12.89% were gone through a colse medical examination. In colse medical examination 58.41% were decided 'C' and 36.73% were decided 'D'. About 6.23% off those who had any clinical findings were work-time shortening(7.84%), work-transition(8.12%), recoverating at home. The majority of the workers receive the result of the periodic medical examination individually (78.5%). 3. Special medical examination: The rate of those who are receiving special medical examination were 76.82% and about 8.24% were decided 'C' and 1.23% were decided 'D' Those who had any health problems were receiving follow-up checking (9.10%) and medical treatment while working (15.04%). The health managers in the company can consult (85.7%) those who had any suspicious sign and symptoms of occupational disease. 4. Health care services: The average score of health care services were 17.57 point out of 28 point, and the score was lower in health assessment and environmental hygiene than medical diagnosis and health education. There were significant differences in environmental hygine (F=3.72, P=0.017), health care services(F=3.94, P=0.013) according to the size of the size of the industries The other's significancy is not shown by any type of industrial nurse. The level of health care services were higher in the wokers who had better health and showed no singificant differences(T=-0.73, P=0.470).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing