Stress, Depression and Health Risk Behaviors in Korean Elders
Ae Jung Kim, Ok Soo Kim, Sung Hee Baik, Jong Hwa Jang, Jung Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(3):391-399. Published online September 30, 2007
The purpose of this study was to investigate stress, depression and health risk behaviors in elderly people. METHODS The subjects were 238 Korean elders who had visited the convalescent center. The level of stress was measured by the Korean version of BEPSI, which was developed by Bae, Jeung & Yoo (1992) and modified by Yim et al.(1996). CES-D was used to measure the level of depression. For health risk behaviors, we measured cigarette consumption and alcohol drinking during the last one month. RESULTS Of the subjects, 17.4% were excessive drinkers and 18.9% were currently smokers. The level of stress was between moderate and high, and 62.7% of the subjects were depressed. There were significant differences in stress and depression according to economic status and self-reported health. In addition, depression had positive correlations with stress and QF score. CONCLUSION Stress and depression management programs for the elderly are needed. These findings indicate that nurses must consider stress and alcohol drinking when they take care of depressed elderly people.
Analysis of materials for sexual education in Korea
Soon Ok Yang, Sung Hee Baik, Geum Heel Jeong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):508-524. Published online December 31, 1999
- We would like to identify the current status and the problem of the material for sexual education in Korea by analyzing the contents and the subjects of the materials. The 274 materials were collected from 80 institutes from March 1999 to June 1999. The collected ones were analyzed according to title. year of production. producer. subjects of materials and contents. Also, the materials in the internet was searched. Result were summarized by the descriptive statistics with SPSS/PC as followings: Type of materials were video tape (155), books (70), projection slides (43) and CD-ROM (6); Number of production from each institute were 54 from Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea, 39 from Korea Broadcasting System. 23 from Seoul School Health Center. 22 from Seoul Education and Science Research Institute, 16 from Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center, 13 from Republic of Korean National Redcross. and 10 from Korea Educational Development Institute; Subjects of the materials were middle and high school children (55), teachers (35), primary schoolchildren (17) and adult (14), preschool children (5). One hundred forty eight materials did not indicate the specific subjects; Thirty institutes had been providing the information for sexual education and the counseling. According to the above results. we suggest the followings: The systematic development of materials for sexual education appropriate to the specific subjects should be done: Materials in the CD-ROM and internet homepage should be developed more and more; The evaluation tool should be developed and adapted to the materials for the recommendation of the good materials; Database of the sexual materials should be provided for further development, evaluation and utilization.