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Sung Sil Kim 5 Articles
Job Analysis of the CHP Program in the Kangwon Area
Sung Sil Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(3):376-384.   Published online September 30, 2004
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The CHP program has been evaluated as one of the most successful program in the public health area in Korea. The objects of this study were as follows; 1) to evaluate the job activities of the CHP program, using service contents analysis, 2) to figure out personal factors and the outcome of CHP's activities.
Data were collected by sending questionnaires to 130 subjects through the mail from May to December 2003. The response rate was 48.0%. The Data were analyzed by the SPSS WIN program with t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. In using these methods, independent variables are CHP's personal factors (age, experience, certification of specialty) and regional factors (geographical classification, aged population, village workers, cooperation of community leaders, work- conditions), and a dependent variable is the outcome of CHP's job activities.
The results of t-test analysis show that regional differences between factors are influential in the welfare service, the routine job, and the consultation. As a whole, this is shown that CHPs represent experience, the number of village workers and CHPs living condition of work and most of the categories of jobs that influenced over statistical meaning of differences (t=2.417, p=1.043, t=6.123, p= .004, t=4.309, p= .000). There is a significant positive relation between the routine job and the consultation(r= .455, p= .000), the consultation and the education(r= .461, p= .000).
Finally, according to the results of this study, the CHP program should be developed and continue to meet the basic health care needs of the residents in accordance with the philosophy of their own primary health care.
Development of Community Health Nursing Service Model: Based on the Visiting Nurses Project in Seoul, Kyonggi, and Kang-won Area
Sung Sil Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(2):361-374.   Published online September 30, 2001
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This study was done to identify a status of home visiting project as a community health nursing system, that was the organization. personal who have age, educational background. marital status, position. experience of the home visiting in the public sectors in part of Seoul. Kyonggi. Kang-won area. It was done to provide basis data for the development of effective visiting nurses project in the health sectors, where was Health Centers in urban and rural, Branch of Health Center in rural and Health posts. The question airs were distributed 352 public health workers who working place was 118 health workers in 12 health centers in Seoul. 56 public health workers among 39 health center and other public health sectors in Kyonggi and 178 public health workers among health center and health care sectors. Data collected from October to December, 2000. The analysis by SAS system with F test, percentage and frequency. The major result were as follows. The general characteristics of the respondent show that most of them were graduates from community college and RN-BS with broadcast that they had not completed CPHN course but only two health workers have trained for the visiting nurses project. As for their grade in position, the most of health workers have seventh level and the other CHP were above sixth level in the health care post that in the government structure. This indicates that workers do not have great authority in decision making, the most period of works in the position was one and two years indicating that they change jobs frequently. On an average their clinical experience was 4.11 years which is ideal for the total service. As for preparation of staff for home visiting workers education on visiting nurses program have to receive short term or longer term training course for strong emphasis. The analysis showed that public health visiting workers responds about active job performance that based on an area, approach of acting by districts, education and position are shown statistically significant difference between acceptance of the visiting nursing job show the same as well as visiting nurses project. Special concerns for visiting Nursing care spread came to burden, many of activity carry out main solution is covered the health problem connective support system needs of quality and quantity which out health problem. As 71.1% of visiting health service held on the poor population was under the guardianship of the law, but people who health insurance wide application under law shown a tendency to increase gradually. The general characteristics of the patients showed 56.2% of female on average of age was 66.1 years old, they have health problem was the most of 47.6% of high blood pressure and stroke. the other and as a problem that economics, which is complex welfare with out health problem. Community health care service should be combined health and social work program. The form of delivery of visiting health care given the most guide and education with counselling and support.(33.6%) Among the six category of visiting care service shown statistically significant difference and next is fundamental care, remedy care with priority.
A Study on the Utilization of the Volunteer Service in a Rural Community
Sung Sil Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):373-388.   Published online December 31, 2000
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the activities of woman volunteers. The sample consisted of 626 woman volunteers working in 18 districts in Kangwon province. The questionnaires consists of three parts: The first part of the questionnaire addresses demographic information. The second part of the questionnaire asks the feelings of subjects concerning volunteer activities (15 items). The third part of the questionnaire was to explore their perspectives of volunteer activities. An SAS was used for frequency. F-test, and a Pearson Correlation. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Most of the subjects were in their 40's(37.7%) and 10.7% were under age 20. About two thirds(69.8%) were housewives, the Buddhists were the highest religious groups (34.9%). Most of the subjects(36.7%) worked at Red-Cross. 2. Most of the subjects(56.8%) have nuclear families. 3. The subjects worked most frequently was at the Social Welfare Center, followed by homes, and welfare centers. 4. The most frequently used direct service was conversation(38.2%) followed by assistance with the eating process. 5. About thirty-nine percent of the subjects had less than one year of experience, and the majority of subjects had volunteer service once per week. 6. There was a significant relationship among age, number of family, duration of volunteer service, and experience. Integrated service will be needed to connect home health nursing with welfare service.
A Comparative Study on Effective Factors Related to Home Nursing Care in Hospital and Community-based Care in Korea
Sung Sil Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(1):181-199.   Published online June 30, 1998
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This study was designed to examine Home Nursing Care in Hospital-based and Community-based programs. This study investigates actual conditions of nursing needs and demands of clients and their family and the state of home nursing services. We hope that this study will improve upon the current home nursing care system. In Korea Home-Nursing Care programs are still developing and only now becoming a part of the health care delivery system. The data was collected by a questionaire the clients developed and modified through literature review by this writer and through 10 nurses who are members of 4 hospital and 3 community-based agencies. In this study 173 clients were selected. The study lasted from Oct. 1997 to March of 1998. The results show that the average age was 64.3, years older than most women clients (63.0%), the average age of a caregiver was 50.9 years old and most were female(77%). Two types of agency clients with a significant difference between social conditions [25.7%] used some form of insurance; 54.3% had the spouse pay expenses; pay 58.5% son and daughters of Hospital-based agencies: patients of social workers were 24.0%, the highest in the community agency. The condition of patients was 63.2% of the foley and nelaton catheter insertion at hospital based agencies. The range of nursing services offered is one of the highest among the 34 kinds of servies including nasogastric tube management basic nursing, ROM exercise, bladder irrigation, wound and sore dressing. For an effective care service factors that disturb each program such as a non-cooperatative family as well as patients themselves need to be lessened. Further more, the following must be emphasized, supportive counsel 27.0%, steady care for patient, 13.3%maintain a sense of security(11.7%), dressing sores and nutrition(10.0%). Although there were a large number of home nursing care services in the community, policy changes have gathered momentum. Fortunately, the scope and level at legal support will be increased in the future. The program should intergrate and link the district or community together. A project to develop a community based home nursing system as soon as possible should be developed. In conclusion, home nursing care nurses training curriculum should be strengthened.
Study on Effective Utilization Strategies of the Home Health Care Program in the Community Care Service of Welfare Policy
Sung Sil Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):183-202.   Published online December 31, 1996
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This study was designed out to develop a home health care service for nurses working in community care services. This study investigates actual conditions at welfare institutions related to health needs the demands of clients, and the state of home health care services we hope that this study will improve upon the current service system. In Korea home health care services are still developing and only new becoming a part of the health care supply system. The data was collected by recording the client home nursing assessments modified to the situation of UTMB home health agency. In this study 107 clients were selected for home care who needed care for physical and mental deficits. The study lasted from March to November of 1995 at one of the welfare service institutions in Chunchon city. The results show that those who most frequently needed care services were over 50 years old with a health deficit of 80.3%, followed by sex as women who needed care at 59.8%. 50.5% of the clients had very little education. 99.1% of the clients live with their family, and a medical diagnostic analysis reveals that 73.9% of the 5 year period of illnesses were the following : 38.8% - muscular -skeleton system disorder, 24.4% - hypertension and stroke, 25.7% sole disease of arthritis. For behavioral conditions 43.3% of the patients were without care services, 56.6% of the patients were taking treatment that 73.5% of those were taking medication. The most main complaint of patients were 22.4% of pain in the extremities, next were 16.8% of a limitation of body activities, 15.0% was lumbo-sacralgia. According to the investigator who was a senior student nurse, the following suggestions were made: 32.7% for curative medical services, 29.9% for physical exercise, 19.6% for emotional support. Consultation nursing services consisted of 67.2% for physical therapy, 11.2% for the maintaining healing, 9.4% for counseling. The patients at home, required assistance most frequently for muscular-skeleton problems under the category of physical systems (33.3%). But, on the other hand, 49.5% of the patients required care givers at home, 28.2% had a knowledge deficit, 21.0% had malnutrition, 18.4% had bad impaired communication. The character of health problems were devided into chronic disease(67.0%), accidents(I3.1%), and general disease(15.9%). 86% of the disabled client had an impairment of the physical system. Eating (86.9%) , Toileting(77.6%), and personal care showed much the same of ADL condition, the level and range of achievement of mobility, the most frequently self performed was 81.3% only in a room size area, and 40.2% were completely dependent when going out. Although there were a large number of home care services in th community at these welfare institutions, many clients needed a variety of curative services. As policy changes have gathered momentum, responsibility for the development of a more suitable program was demanded by the clients from the community.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing