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Sung Wook Kang 1 Article
Use of Home Nursing Therapy and Need of Home Care Equipments
Ho Sihn Ryu, Chai Soon Park, In A Kim, Young Dae Kwon, Sung Wook Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(2):157-166.   Published online June 30, 2008
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This study was conducted with whole home care nurses nationwide to provide secondary analyzed data to understand on their usage of medical equipments and their need of them for a month. This study found that treatments given by home care nurses were nelaton catheterization, bladder washing/urethral washing, newborn care, exchange and care for nasogastric tube and suction in that order of frequency. Second, instruments and equipments used for home care were reported to be stethoscope, patient monitor, blood pressure measuring equipment, air flotation mattresses, beds for patients, mattresses, suctioning device sets, enteral feeding equipment and dressing set in that oder of frequency. Moreover, need assessment of medical instruments and equipments showed renal dialysis was most needed and patient monitor, blood pressure measuring equipment, enteral feeding equipment, solution and other supplies for renal dialysis and beds for patient were necessary in that order. In conclusion, the results of this study investigating special treatments and medical instruments and equipments used for home care patients and analyzing patients' need, were expected to be useful for expansion of application of long-term care insurance for the elderly and health insurance as well as for quality control of home care and development of medial instruments and equipments used at home.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing