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Yeon Kang Chung 10 Articles
A Study on Service Satisfaction of Users' Family in Charged Recuperation Facilities Specializing in the Old
Young Mi Lee, Yeon Kang Chung, Seung Eui Han
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(3):397-406.   Published online September 30, 2003
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The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data in order to improve the quality of charged recuperation facilities which are specialized in the old, after finding out the satisfaction degree for the services which are provided in the current charged recuperation facilities specialized in the old and surveying the services which are demanded by users. As for the research method, the subjects were 88 family members of the users in the five charged recuperation facilities, which are specialized in the old and located in Seoul and Incheon. The survey research was executed from 27th July to 15th September, 2002. Then the collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS 10.0 for windows program. The research results are as follows. Firstly, in the satisfaction degree of the user's family about the daily service showed the highest satisfaction degree for the kind service of the staff to the users. In the satisfaction degree about the specialized service of the user's family, the satisfaction degree was high in bedsore prevention, periodical health care, proper medical treatment, family counsel, and adequate disease management. In the satisfaction degree about the facility and environmental service, the satisfaction degree about the surrounding environment of the facility or safety facility, and the comfort condition was high. In the satisfaction degree about the services related to the local society, it was high in the hospital and medical-related field. Secondly, in the demanded services, the demanding degree for worship, mental and spiritual nursing, hospice, funeral service, family meeting, and support for the special vehicle were not so high, but it was shown that they were generally demanded. Thirdly, it was shown that the provided services had an overall high satisfaction degree. In the service satisfaction degree according to the general characteristics of the user's family, it was recognized that there was a significant difference between the distinction of sex and local society related services. Also, there was a significant difference in the satisfaction degree between age and specialized service. Through the above research results, detailed rehabilitation programs such as linguistic treatment and working treatment should be more and more compensated in order to supplement the insufficient points of the services provided by the charged recuperation facility specialized in the old. Additionally, the correlation with the local society such as education and training for specialized human labor, close cooperation among the facilities, and positive participation in local society events are thought to be reinforced.
A Correlational Study on Perceived Sex life and Depression in Old Men
Seon Suk Kwon, Myoung Hee Kim, Won Yoo Lee, In Soon Lee, Yeon Kang Chung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):639-647.   Published online December 31, 2002
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Sexuality is important for the quality of life in old men but this issue has been less explored due to social prejudice. Therefore this study was carried out to describe a correlation between sex life and depression perceived by old men.
The subjects were 370 old men who were aged over 60 and lived in a city and three provinces. Instruments used in this study were perception of sex life scale (11 items) and depression scale (20 items). The data was collected from December 2001 to February 2002 by written responses of the subjects to the questionnaire as well as one-to-one interview by research assistants for subjects. Statistical analysis for the data was done using SPSS and the level of significance was tested at 95% of confidence interval.
1) Mean age of the subjects was 69.35+/-5.70 A total of 253 subjects (68.6%) had spouse and 191 of the subjects (52.3%) had sexual intercourse as frequently as 3 times per month. The average score of perception of sex life was 21.25+/-5.06 out of the total score of 44 and that of depression was 35.08+/-9.29 out of the total score of 80 2) Perception of sex life was statistically significant by age education disease medication living arrangement marital status presence of girlfriend pattern of inter-coitus pocket money age of last coitus subjective health state age of last coitus subjective health state and relationship (P<0.05) 3) Depression was statistically significant by age education disease medication living arrangement marital status satisfaction for marriage life pattern of inter coitus feeling for change of sex life pocket money subjects health state and relationship (P<0.05) 4) The correlation between perception of sex life and depression was negative showing that depression tended to decrease as perception of sex life increases.
It is concluded that depression in old men is colsely related to their sex life. Positive sex life may have an important effect on the quality of life in old men.
A Study on the Relationship between Stress and Climacteric Symptoms of Midlife Men
Kyung Lim Han, Yeon Kang Chung, Jae On Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(3):513-522.   Published online September 30, 2002
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This study investigated stress and the extent of climacteric symptoms in mid-life men, and examined their relationship in order to better understand the stress and climacteric symptom experiences of mid-life men, and thereby attempted to offer basic materials for the development of a health improvement program that may help increase the quality of life of mid-life men. Three hundred mid-life men whose ages were between 40 and 59 and resided in the Seoul area were subjects of this study. The data were analyzed with the SAS PC program using descriptive statistics to analyze subjects' general characteristics and variables of stress and the extent of climacteric symptoms of the subjects. The relationship between stress and climacteric symptoms were examined by the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and stress and the extent of climacteric symptoms in relation to the general characteristics were analyzed by T-test and ANOVA. The study conclusions are as follows: 1. Subjects general characteristics The average age of the subjects was 46 and 47.0% of them reported ages between 40 and 45. Of the subjects, 98% were married. In marriage satisfaction, those who were generally satisfied with their married life comprised 62.0% of the subjects. In terms of level of education, 95.7% were educated above the high school level. In occupational background, 59.7% had occupations related to technologies. As for religion, 42.7% had no religion. In number of children, 67.3% had 2 children. In residential status, 79.3% were living in their own homes. In terms of living arrangements, 87.7% of the subjects were living in the form of nuclear families. 2. Stress and the extent of climacteric symptoms The level of stress was scored as 2.94+/-0.74, and considering that the overall examination score is 27.16+/-1.32, the subjects' stress level was not viewed as particularly high. The average score of the extent of climacteric symptoms was 35.37+/-0.27. The extent of sub-domains of climacteric symptoms included skeleton symptoms (39.37+/-2.81), joint pain (39.16+/-3.66), vasomotor symptoms (35.39+/-3.01), other symptoms (36.99+/-3.02), psychological symptoms (34.68+/-3.01), urogenic symptoms (35.03+/-3.27), and cardiovascular symptoms (33.70+/-2.78). 3. General characteristics in relation to the stress level The subjects' general characteristics that were significantly related to the level of stress were marriage status (F=4.38, p=.001), marriage satisfaction (F=4.56, p=.001), educational background (F=2.68, p=.012), and age (F=2.48, p=.033). 4. General characteristics in relation to the level of climacteric symptoms The subjects' general characteristics that were significantly related to the level of climacteric symptoms were educational background (F=3.26, p=.007), age (F=2.58, p=.027), marriage status (F=2.62, p=.025), and marriage satisfaction (F=2.78. p=.032). 5. The correlation between stress and climacteric symptoms The subjects' level of stress and climacteric symptoms were significantly related to each other (r=0.578, p=0.000). The subjects' level of stress was correlated with sub-domains of the climacteric symptoms including psychological symptoms (r=0.579, p=0.000), joint pain (r=0.479, p=0.000), skeleton symptoms (r=0.477, p=0.000), other symptoms (r=0.467, p=0.000), vasomotor symptoms (r=0.4615, p=0.000), cardiovascular symptoms (r=0.458, p=0.000), urogenic symptoms (r=0.401, p=0.000). In summary, the climacteric symptoms suffered by mid-life men are positively correlated with their level of stress. In addition, the climacteric symptoms were affected by the level of stress.
Comparison of Depression-level of Poor Elderly and Elderly
Seon Suk Kwon, Yeon Kang Chung, Hye Jin Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):30-38.   Published online March 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to compare the Depression levels of the poor and elderly as well as the elderly who were residents in a community. The author studied the Depression levels of 117 poor and elderly individuals and 183 elderly individuals all 65 years or older living in Suwon City. This study has been done using a directinterview structured Questionnaire and Korean Form of Geriatric Depression Scale (KGDS) from May to July in 1999. The results can be summarized as following; 1. With Case and Control group there was no significant difference with respect to gender, age, education level, or religion. But was significantly different regarding marriage state, if subjects were living together, type of residency, province, and place of toilet(P<0.05). 2. Smoking and Hwa-pyung was a large number of case group more than control group, and alcohol was more control group than case group(P<0.05). 3. There was a similiar taking medicine and kind of body symtom of case and control group. 4. The mean score of perceived KGDS of the poor elderlys was 17.87+/-5.97 out of 30, and that of the elderlys was 13.35+/-6.00 out of 30(P<0.001). 5. In a simple correlation analysis of elderlys, education, marital status, residency, son and daughter, position of toilet, elderly center, alcohol, Wha-byung, disease. 6. In a multiple regression analysis, Hwabyung, elderly center, education, smoking, disease, son and daughter.
A Study on the Relations between Health - Promoting Behaviors and Self-Efficacy/Perceived Health Status
Mi Young Lee, Mi Hye Choi, Yeon Kang Chung, Eune Hee Her
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(1):140-153.   Published online June 30, 1999
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This study is designed to furnish basic data for development of health-care program to promote health of the middle-aged adult by making the middle-aged adult an object who have radically increasing death rate because of chronic degenerative diaease, finding out the executive degree of health-promoting behaviors, and verifying the relation between self-efficacy/perceived health status and health-promoting behaviors. The results are as follows. 1) The hypothesis that 'the higher the self-efficacy, the better the health-promoting behaviors' was supported on a meaningful level(r=.30l, p=.000) 2) The hypothesis that 'The health-promoting behaviors will have differences according to the perceived health status' was supported on a meaningful level in the sections of the control of stress(p=.000), the self-achievement (p=.000), the exercise(p=.002), the control of interpersonal relation(p=.014) and the eating habit(p=.061) and was rejected in the sections of drinking' smoking(p=.787), heath-responsibility (p=.061). The fact that executive degree of health-promoting life-style have correlation with self-efficacy was found out and we need to develop health-education program to promote self-efficacy.
A Study on the Fee-Based Model Development of Day Care Centers for the Elderly
Shin Sook Chung, Yeon Kang Chung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(1):5-18.   Published online June 30, 1999
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The aim of this study is the development of a fee-based model day care center for the elderly by inquiring into the current condition of facilities in America and in Korea, and in surveying the opinion of domestic elderly about day care facilities. A field trip to U.S. day care services was held between July 5 and July 15 in 1997, and an on-the-spot study for domestic facilities took place during March in 1998. Our research reveals that the overall supply of day care facilities can not meet future demand in terms of quality and quantity. Therefore a model must be created for day care centers of a that consists of a director from a professional group. an adequate environment, and a standardized in order to offer a qualified public health service linked to the home and community in Korea. The director of a day care center is a critical variable in determining the quality of service. Professional skills related to the needs of the elderly and the person's quality of service should be considered in appointing director for the center. This study belleves that a professional nurse should be the director of a day care center. The operating environment of a day care facility should be made up of considerable space comparable to the number of residents, should be in a comfortable and safe location, and should have equipment that provides a qualified, safe service to the elderly. Our model is designed for 20 persons and allocates 4 Peng per person. This model is comprised of a reading room. a craft room, a health room, a room for physical therapy, a dining room, a staff office, and a multi-purpose room connected to other rooms. Day care service should be a comprehensive service program meeting the multidimensional needs of the elderly. A comprehensive service program needs a team of various professionals made up of the elderly family, participants, nurses, social workers, physical therapists, nutritionists, and medical doctors. The program will also include health care service, physical therapy, speech therapy. diet, occupational therapy, transportation service, health and an education program, etc. In conclusion, a model of a day care center is developed with the following components: a professional director and an environment and program, that considers the physical, mental, and social characteristics of the elderly. A model should also motivate self-reliance self-fulfillment in the elderly in order to fulfill their health needs and to prevent isolation from society and mental depression. Furthermore, This facility will be a beneficial factor in reducing a family's burden on caring for the elderly that includes unnecessary hospital expenses. The following is a suggestion based on results this study: A service program should be developed to fit the conditions of the elderly in Korea by specifically analyzing the needs of the elderly.
A Study of the Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Quality of Life of Cancer Patients receiving Gene therapy
Mi Kyung Chang, Kyung Hee Kim, Yeon Kang Chung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(1):74-88.   Published online June 30, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between perceived social support and the quality of life of cancer patients receiving gene therapy. The subjects for this study were 50 cancer patients receiving gene therapy at two general hospital in Seoul. The data were collected during the period from October 14, 1996 to November 11, 1996. The perceived social support was measured by the family support scale made by Hyun Sook Kang, by the medical support of life scale developed by Ok Soo Kim. The quality of life scale developed by Bang-Whal-Ran was used, among the questionnaire, physical factors was developed by U.S.A National Conference on Cancer Nursing. The data was analysed by the SAS statistical program. Percentile, means and standard deviations, t -test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson correlation were utilized for analysis. The results of this study were as follows. 1. The mean score of the perceived social support of the subjects was 83.66, the item score was 3.8. 1) The mean score of the perceived family support of the subjects was 44.96, the item mean score was 4.5. 2) The mean score of the perceived professional medical support of the subjects was 38.70, the item mean score was 3.2. 2. The mean score of quality of life of the subjects was 120.38, the item mean score was 3.17. For each factor in quality of life scale, the mean score was follows: for attitude toward life, 3.95, for familial relationship and financial status, 3.53, for social activity 3.24, for emotional status, 3.08, for healthy perceptive, 2.90, for physical symptom, 2.80. 3. The result of the analysis of the relationship between perceived social support and quality of life showed a positive correlation(r=.4853, p=.0004). Therefore, the higher the perceived social support of the patients, the higher the quality of life. 1) The result of the analysis of the relationship between perceived family support and quality of life showed significant correlation(r=. 3566, p=.0110). Therefore the higher the perceived family support of the patients, the higher the quality of life. 2) The result of the analysis of the relationship between perceived professional medical support and quality of life showed significant correlation (r=.4477, p=.0011). Therefore, the higher the perceived professional medical support of the patients the higher the quality of life. 4. There was a significant difference in perceived social support according to sex(F=2.1437, p= .0371), others coping non-family (F=2.4863, p=.0164) and duration of treatment (F=4.16, p=.0218). 5. There was a significant differance in quality of life according to sex(F=2.6932, p=.0097), degree of education(F=2.3610, p=.0223), others coping non-family(F=2.0502, p=.0458). In conclusion, this study revealed that social support is an important factor that associated with the quality of life in cancer patients receiving gene therapy.
A Study on Woman's Experience of Being Bereaved of Her Husband by an Accident
Sung Hark Park, Mi Hye Choi, Yeon Kang Chung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):294-312.   Published online December 31, 1996
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Relatively young widows, who are left with young children by a sudden death of their husbands, will be faced with not only psychological troubles such as individual anxiety and frustration but also the dual burden of playing both father and mother roles in a family, Also, family members have difficulty in adapting themselves to new circumstances of the family system, the training and raising of family members, and management of the family economy. In this study, the realistic resources on the experience of middle-aged women who are bereaved of their husbands by accidents were explored. The purpose of this study is to help widows adapt to life in society and live a more positive life by setting a new goals and recovering from a lost and twisted life. 11 women, who have experienced the loss their husbands and live in the Seoul metropolitan area were studied. The research took 116 days from December 15, 1995 to April 8, 1996. The method of research was direct interviews. While having interviews with them, the contents were recorded with their consent. The ground theory was that used by Strauss & Corbin(1990) in the analysis of the data. 81 concepts were analyzed and they were subdirided into 22 subordinate categories through the course of the analysis. These were then classified into 9 general categories. In the course of being categorized, "absurdity" was showed as a core category. The subordinate categories "surprise", "gloom", "grudge", "helplessness", "emptiness", and "loss" were united in the core category "absurdity". Ominous presentiment, belated notice, death, surprise, gloom, grudge, helplessness, emptiness, loss, the situation of the children, lack of support from neighbors, support from neighbors, mulling over ways to live, choosing a job, strengthening, reinforcement, burden, sadness, smoldering, yearning, overcoming these 22 subordinate categories were re-composed into 9 general ones the husband's death, absurdity, presence of children, existence of support, self-support ability, preparation of countermeasures, self-reinforcement, toilsomeness, and overcoming. "Absurdity" widows experience was shown in the results of "toilsomeness" and "overcoming" through reaction, confrontation, and adaptation. According to the analysis the central phenomenon was absurdity, the causal condition of the death of a husband, the presence of children and the existence of support, and the meditated situation of self-support. To solve absurdity, the preparation of countermeasures and self-reinforcements were shown resulting in toilsomeness and overcoming. Through the contrast in the data, the following statements were deduced: (1) If the death of the husband is expected, the more a widow will feel absurdity. (2) The more children she has and the younger she is, the more a widow will feel absurdity. (3) The lower support she is given, the more a widow will feel absurdity. (4) The larger self-ability she has, the more actively she will prepare countermeasures. (5) The smaller self-ability she has, the more passively she will prepare countermeasures. (6) The larger self-ability she has, the weaker self-reinforcement she will preform. (7) The smaller self-ability she has, the stronger self-reinforcement she will perform. (8) The more actively she prepares countermeasures for absurdity, the better she will overcome. (9) The more passively she prepares counter measure for absurdity, the worse she will overcome. (10) The stronger self-reinforcement for absurdity she performs, the better she will overcome. (11) The weaker self-reinforcement for absurdity she performs, the worse she will overcome. Through the results in this study, the following suggested: 1) A study whose object is all family members, and a comparative study on the case of a husband who has lost his wife should be done. These studies can be expected to develop a more refined theory. 2) Because of the collapse of the extended family system and the changes of family culture in Korea, a widow's status and position are apt to be ambiguous between her husband's home and her parent's. Therefore a new study on family culture should be made. 3) A continuous study on growing social Self Help Groups should be requested for the widows of this study to re-establish and recover from their twisted and scattered lives.
A Field Study on Managing System of Maternity Clinic at Public Health Centers in Seoul
Yeon Kang Chung, Young Mi Kwon, Hee Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):259-274.   Published online December 31, 1995
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The study is to grasp the problems related to operation of Maternity clinic of public health centers in seoul and needs for public health of community in relation to consumers and providers in order to improve efficiency of community public health for mothers and children. Four pregnancy woman, who receive medical care at the maternity clinic of M public health centers in seoul and understand the purpose of this study, and one nurse who works at the were the objects of this field study. Participating observation and intensive interviews were conducted to collect data. All of them were performed as necessary from time to time since December, 1994, and not during a specific period. Through an data analysis in the order of sector analysis and classification analysis, the data were classified into specific patterns and the results are the following; 1. All of the subjects were using both private hospitals and public clinics, but managing activities prior to delivery were not carried out in accordence with theories for those activities. 2. The subjects showed two types of response to utilizing maternity clinic. they answered that the advantages of the clinic were 'short waiting time for medical treatment', 'medical treatment by female doctors' and 'economical benefit.' Meanwhile, they gave negative response to the problems of 'non-implementation of delivery' 'uncleanness and insufficient facilities', 'limited time of treatment', 'lack of expertise' and 'want of public health education for materity.' 3. Problems related to operation of maternity clinic were 'lack of experts', 'irrational facility structure' and 'absolutely lack budget'. In terms of the status of managing the subjects, 'programs only aimed at attaining the central-government-assigned objects' and 'limited management before and after delivery by non-implementing delivery' were pointed out to be problems. Regarding public health education before delivery and PR relations, 'superficial public health education for maternity' and 'absence of PR programs' were named. In planning and evaluation, 'absence of autonomous planning and evaluation by the clinic itself' was a major problem in operating the clinic. 4. 'Substantial health education and PR', 'supplementation of facilities and eqipment', 'development' and supply of demanded service by the subjects', 'implementation of autonomous programs', and 'reinforcement of supplementary education' were presented as alternatives for efficient opration of maternity clinics.
A Study on Health Behavior and Utilization of Health Service of Residents in Low-Income Areas
Yeon Kang Chung, Seung Eui Han
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1994;5(1):30-52.   Published online June 30, 1994
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The purpose of this study is to look into the health behavior and utilization of health service, and the factors which have influence on both of them. In order to research them, it visited home and interviewed selecting randomly 300 subjects who can understand the purpose of this study, want to participate and are possible to interview. Questionnaries survey was administered during the period from April.6 to May.12. 1993. Collected materials analysis were dealt with a method of SPSS PC Program and used percentage. Mean, SD. t-test, chi2-test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Multiple Regression and One-way ANOVA for hypothesis verification. The results of this study are as follows. 1. The hypothesis is that there will be a significant difference in performance degree of health behavior by general characteristics(sex, age, educational background, occupation, religion) of subjects. According to the results, it turned out that sex(P=.035), educational background(P=.0432), and occupation(P=.440) appeared to be a significant difference as P<.05. 2. The hypothesis that the more interesting degree on health of subjects have, the better they performance for health behavior was supported (r=.2552, P<.001). 3. The hypothesis that the healthier subjects are, the better they performance for health behavior was supported(r=.5262, P<.001). The highest correlation was seen between the healthier subjects and health behavior. According to the results of multiple regression analysis with interesting degree on health and healthier subjects as dependent variables, it turned out that R2 was 35% and had a significant difference. 4. The hypothesis is that there will be a difference in the utilization of health service by general characteristics(sex, age, educational background, occupation, religion). According to. the results, it showed that educational background (dental clinic), religion(pharmacy) had an influence on the frequency of utilization of facilities (P<.05).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing