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Young Hea Kim 1 Article
Workers' Experiences in Shift Work
Young Hea Kim, Young Mi Kim, So Hee Kim, Koung Oh Chang, Mi Jee Koo, Nea Young Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(2):284-292.   Published online June 30, 2007
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The purpose of this study is to explore and understanding the nature of the shift workers' experience in industries requiring 24 hours-a-day service provision and support. For the purpose, the present researcher made a research question, "What are workers' experience in the shift work?" METHODS: In the study, 5 male shift workers, 3 female shift worker and a woman (key informant) whose husband is a shift worker participated. Then profound interviews with the participants were made after their agreement.
The researcher classified the significant statements under 6 theme clusters, 1) sense of difference; 2) worries about health; 3) draining of emotion; 4) anxiety; 5) sadness; and 6) being comfortable.
Shift work which is inevitable in modern society may have severe influences on shift workers' physical, mental and psychological aspects by causing their work cycle rhythm to be unbalanced. Finally, the researcher hopes that the results of the study would help understand workers' life and increase social concern and support to the workers.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing