A Study on Adolescents' Smoking Behavior and the Status and Need of Smoking Prevention Education for Adolescents
Ok Hee An, Young Mi Kwon, Mi Soon Jeon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(4):467-477. Published online December 31, 2005
This study was to identify adolescents' smoking behavior and the status and need of smoking prevention education for adolescents. METHOD The subjects were 375 students selected through convenient sampling from three middle schools and three high schools in Jeonbuk. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey and analyzed using SPSS 10.1. RESULT The smoking rate was 20.8% and 83.7% the students experienced smoking prevention education. Students were educated by a special instructor (39.8%) or a health teacher (26.8%). Among the teaching methods, lecture was 69.4%, but some students (30.7%) wanted anti-smoking school. Among the students, 85.0% answered they want smoking prevention education and 46.7% said that it should be covered in regular curriculum. CONCLUSION High interest and continuity are emphasized for the success of smoking prevention education. In addition, various teaching methods need to be developed including anti-smoking school, lectures, counselling and long term education program. Moreover, smoking prevention education programs need to be covered in regular curriculum.
A Field Study on Managing System of Maternity Clinic at Public Health Centers in Seoul
Yeon Kang Chung, Young Mi Kwon, Hee Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):259-274. Published online December 31, 1995
- The study is to grasp the problems related to operation of Maternity clinic of public health centers in seoul and needs for public health of community in relation to consumers and providers in order to improve efficiency of community public health for mothers and children.
Four pregnancy woman, who receive medical care at the maternity clinic of M public health centers in seoul and understand the purpose of this study, and one nurse who works at the were the objects of this field study.
Participating observation and intensive interviews were conducted to collect data. All of them were performed as necessary from time to time since December, 1994, and not during a specific period.
Through an data analysis in the order of sector analysis and classification analysis, the data were classified into specific patterns and the results are the following; 1. All of the subjects were using both private hospitals and public clinics, but managing activities prior to delivery were not carried out in accordence with theories for those activities.
2. The subjects showed two types of response to utilizing maternity clinic. they answered that the advantages of the clinic were 'short waiting time for medical treatment', 'medical treatment by female doctors' and 'economical benefit.' Meanwhile, they gave negative response to the problems of 'non-implementation of delivery' 'uncleanness and insufficient facilities', 'limited time of treatment', 'lack of expertise' and 'want of public health education for materity.' 3. Problems related to operation of maternity clinic were 'lack of experts', 'irrational facility structure' and 'absolutely lack budget'. In terms of the status of managing the subjects, 'programs only aimed at attaining the central-government-assigned objects' and 'limited management before and after delivery by non-implementing delivery' were pointed out to be problems. Regarding public health education before delivery and PR relations, 'superficial public health education for maternity' and 'absence of PR programs' were named. In planning and evaluation, 'absence of autonomous planning and evaluation by the clinic itself' was a major problem in operating the clinic.
4. 'Substantial health education and PR', 'supplementation of facilities and eqipment', 'development' and supply of demanded service by the subjects', 'implementation of autonomous programs', and 'reinforcement of supplementary education' were presented as alternatives for efficient opration of maternity clinics.