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Young Suk Park 4 Articles
The Effect of Nordic Walking Exercise on Physical Indicators and Subjective Happiness of the Middle-aged in Rural Area
Chan Mi Lee, Young Suk Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2020;31(1):65-75.   Published online March 31, 2020
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of regular Nordic walking exercise on the physical indicators and subjective happiness of middle-aged rural residents.
A pretest and posttest design with a nonequivalent control group was conducted. The participants of experimental and control group were each 21 subjects from 40 to 64 years old. The Nordic walking exercise program consisted of 24 sessions which were focused on group exercise, and was conducted three times a week for eight weeks.
The experimental group showed significant decreases in body mass index (p=.042), body fat (p<.001), and abdominal fat (p=.026). The experimental group showed significant increases in muscle mass of right lower limb (p=.009) and left lower limb (p=.016) but was not statistically significant in right, left upper limbs and body. On the other hand, the control group showed significant decreases in muscle mass of right upper limb (p=.034), left upper limb p=.038), and body (p=.034). There were no significant differences in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and subjective happiness between the experimental and the control group.
The Nordic walking exercise should be actively encouraged to improve health of the middle-aged in rural area.
Problem behaviors, Cultural Identity and Acculturation of North Korean Refugee Youth
Young Suk Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(2):144-154.   Published online June 30, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of problem behaviors, cultural identity and acculturation of North Korean (NK) refugee youth and to suggest an appropriate approach for helping them to adjust to our society based on these findings.
The subjects were 117 NK adolescent refugees in Hanawon. Data were collected by a demographic questionnaire, Youth Self Report (YSR), the South-North Korean cultural identity.
Problem behaviors of NK refugee youth were the highest in anxiety/depression and withdrawal behavior and were followed by internalized behavior, aggressiveness, overall problem behavior, externalized behavior, delinquency and positive behavior in that order. Acculturation was the highest in 'separation' followed by 'integration', 'assimilation' and 'marginalization' in that order. No significant relationship was found between acculturation types and problem behaviors except positive behavior.
This study provides some important information that we have to develop specific strategies and interventions primarily focused on withdrawal, anxiety/depression, and internalization for the adjustment and mental health of NK refugee youth. It is necessary to explore further research related to cultural identity, acculturation processes, and the correlation between acculturation types and problem behaviors.
The Effects of individual Characteristics and Health Beliefs on North Korean Refugees' Health Behavior
Jeung Hee Jeon, Young Suk Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(1):82-90.   Published online March 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study is to provide base data for preparing plans that North Korean (NK) Refugees can adjust themselves to our society with a healthy mind after they get over their health problems using the Health Belief Model, knowing the relationship between individual characteristics and health beliefs, and health behavior.
The subjects were 304 NK adult refugees in Hanawon. Data were collected by demographic questionnaire, health behavior scale, self-efficacy scale, perceived benefit scale, perceived barrier scale, perceived seriousness, perceived sensibility, and individual characteristics.
The factors influencing the health behavior of NK refugees were perceived benefits, self-efficacy, the period in the third country and experience in being expelled to NK, and these variables were describing 31.4% of the health behaviors of refugees.
The perceived benefits and self-efficacy of health belief and specific experiences related to refugee affected NK refugees' health behavior.
The Phenomenological Study of School health practice experience of Nursing Students
Seon Hye Woo, Young Suk Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):161-172.   Published online December 31, 1995
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This study was conducted to have better understanding of the students' experience in field practice by school health practice experience. The study subjects were 40 nursing students working in department of nursing K Univ. in C city. This study was approached by phenomenological method. Collected data were analyzed by Colaizzi's method. The results were from the protocol 980 significant statements and organized into 240 formulated meanings. From formulated meaning 89 themes were identified, organized into 18 them clusters, and then into 16 categories. The nursing students took part in the practice with (expectation and readiness) different from those of the clinical practice, expressed wonder at the school which had progressed much more than their primary schools used to be. They said that they began to feel (Fatigue and stress), and that experienced tension for the lack of nursing knowledge and skill during the health education and clinical treatment activity. In addition, they experienced "ambivalence of satisfaction and something wanted", that is to say, they could have done better by means of video education and health education. The 10-day-school health practice brought about the change in( the image of teacher) and (cognition about the nursing teacher's role), made the students have(love to the client) and (desire to be nursing teacher), and then turned out experience benefical enough to be expressed "satisfaction" However, they pointed out many problems in (School Eniviroment), (Clinic), (Physical assessment), (Recording and reporting), so they had a chance to apply the school nursing process to the school. The professor should play the role of promoting the learning through the field practice and providing the stimulant of learning to help the learner get as much from the field situation as they could. Therefore, I suggest that the students always have a chance to exchange actual affairs and educational study, and that the concrete discussion and continuous cooperation be done. The professors should keep doing their best to find the way to professors should keep doing their best to find the way to promote the ability of thinking through the process the learners experienced themselves.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing