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Volume 30 (1); March 2019
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Original Articles
A Conceptual Analysis of Korean Elders' Yangsaeng in Nursing
Min Kyung Gu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):1-10.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study tries to analyze the concept of Yangsaeng in the Korean aged, with focus on nursing.
Rodgers'evolutionary approach was used to identify the common definitions, attributes, antecedents, and consequences of the Yangsaeng concept for the aged. Literature search was conducted at the NAL, NDSL, RISS, ProQuest, PubMed, AMED, and MEDLINE databases from 2004 to 2016, using the keywords “Yangsaeng,”“health promotion,”“health management,”“traditional oriental methods,” and “traditional oriental nursing.”Finally, 20 relevant articles were selected and thoroughly reviewed.
The analysis shows that the model of Yangsaeng for the Korean aged is that of personal adaptive-capacity, totality, challenging, and coping resource and includes physical, social and psychological health and wellness.
This work provides some implications on the development of nursing intervention related with Yangsaeng for the Korean aged, and suggests the implementation of such intervention in the practice of Yangsaeng for the Korean aged. Therefore, a better understanding of the Korean aged and Yangsaeng within the context of nursing can be achieved.


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  • Effects of Multicomponent Oriental Integrative Intervention on Cognitive Function, Health Status, Life Satisfaction, and Yangsaeng of Community-Dwelling Elderly
    Sohyune Sok, Seyoon Kim, Eunyoung Shin, Myeongshin Kim, Youngmi Cho
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(19): 12113.     CrossRef
Factors Influencing Happiness among Pregnant Women in the Ecological Systems Theory
Gyu Ree Lee, Hyun Kyung Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):11-24.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study tries to systematically understand factors that explain levels of happiness among pregnant women in the Ecological systems theory.
A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with 169 pregnant women in Korea. Collected data from self-report questionnaires were analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis using the SPSS statistics 23 program.
A total of 5 models were examined according to individual, microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem in the Ecological systems theory. In the first model including individual factors, extraversion, neuroticism, and physical and psychological change constitute significant factors explaining happiness. In the second model with microsystem factors and in the third one with mesosystem factors, marital intimacy appears to be a significant factor. In the fourth model including exosystem factors, community service is a significant factor. In the final model with social atmosphere, personality (β=.15 for extraversion; β=−.30 for neuroticism), physical and psychological change (β=−.15), marital intimacy (β=.35), and community service (β= .18) turn out to be significant. These factors explain 59% of the variance of happiness in the pregnant women in Korea.
Considering the fact that pregnant women's happiness is explained by microsystem and exosystem factors as well as individual factors, developing intervention programs that can promote influencing factors such as marital intimacy and community service is necessary to improve levels of happiness among pregnant women in Korea.


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  • Trajectories of subjective health status among married postmenopausal women based on the ecological system theory: a longitudinal analysis using a latent growth model
    Eun Jin Kim, Ju-Hee Nho
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2022; 28(2): 123.     CrossRef
  • The Mediating Effect of Marital Intimacy on the Relationship between Spouse-Related Stress and Prenatal Depression in Pregnant Couples: An Actor–Partner Interdependent Model Test
    Miyoung Lee, Yeon-Suk Kim, Mi-Kyoung Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(2): 487.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Positive Psychology-Based Program for the Depressed Pregnant Women
    Hyeon Hee Shin, Yeong Hee Shin
    Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2021; 25(2): 109.     CrossRef
Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Nursing Information Literacy Competency
Mean Jung Jo, Yeong Mi Ha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):25-37.   Published online March 31, 2019
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The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for measuring nursing information literacy competency, and then to examine the validity and reliability of the instrument.
The developmental process of the instrument includes construction of a conceptual framework, generation of initial items, verification of content validity, preliminary study, extraction of final items, and psychometric testing. Its content validity was verified by three experts from nursing and nursing informatics. Its construct, convergent, and discriminant validity was examined in confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, its criterion validity was measured with Pearson's correlation. The tool's reliability was examined by Cronbach's α. The participants include 382 nurses from four hospitals and one university hospital.
Twenty seven items in total were selected for the final scale, and the results of the confirmatory factor analysis were supported with acceptable model fit, which were named competency for identifying problem, potential sources for information, searching fine information, evaluating information, acquising and managing of information, using information ethically, and integrating new information. The convergent, discriminant and criterion validities were also supported. The Cronbach's α coefficient was .93.
The instrument is valid and reliable to comprehensively assess nurses' information literacy competency, and to provide a basic direction for developing nursing information literacy program.


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  • The Impact of Technostress, Nursing Informatics Competency and Knowledge‐Sharing Behaviour on Nursing Work Performance Among Tertiary Hospital Nurses
    Gyuli Baek, Young Ji Lee, Eunju Lee
    Journal of Advanced Nursing.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Development and effects of a nursing information literacy competency education program for undergraduate nursing students
    Mean Jung Jo, Mee Ock Gu
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2021; 27(2): 210.     CrossRef
Mediating Effects of Interpersonal Problems in the Relationship between Social Network Service Use Tendency and Depression among University Students
Min Jeong Park, Mi Young Chung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):38-46.   Published online March 31, 2019
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The purpose of this study isto identify the mediating effects of interpersonal problems in the relationship between Social Network Service (SNS) use tendency and depression among university students.
Data were collected from April 28 to May 7, 2018 and the participants included 222 university students, who responded to the question regarding SNS use tendency, interpersonal problems and depression. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression using the SPSS/WIN 23.0 program.
A positive correlation is found between depression and SNS use tendency (r=.24, p<.001), and among interpersonal problems (r=.62, p<.001), SNS use tendency and interpersonal problems (r=.34, p<.001). Interpersonal problems have a full mediating effect on the relationship between SNS use tendency and depression (Sobel test: 5.24, p<.001).
These results suggest that it is important to manage interpersonal problems to prevent depression caused by SNS use tendency.
Effects of a Stim up Mat Walking Exercise Program on Balance, Gait Function and Joint Motion Range of the Frail Elderly
Gyeong Ran Kim, Mi Sook Song
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):47-56.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study was performed to evaluate effects of a stim-up matt walking exercise program on balance and gait of the frail elderly.
A total of 37 elderly people recruited from S city were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n=22) and control group (n=15). The stim-up matt walking exercise program was offered twice a week for 8 weeks. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0.
The dynamic balance ability Timed Up and Go test of the experimental group was significantly faster than that of the control group (t=21.72, p<.001). The static balance ability open-eye standing test (t=44.15, p<.001) and close-eye standing test (t=9.01, p=.005) also showed increase in effects of the experimental group. In the walking ability, gait cycle (t=2.48, p=.018), cadence (t=−2.21, p=.034) and gait speed (t=−2.78, p=.009), positive effects were on. However, no statistically significant differences were found in stride length and double support. At the ankle joint range left ankle plantar flexion (t=3.92, p<.001) and left ankle dorsal flexion (t=4.51, p<.001) were higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also right ankle plantar flexion (t=2.79, p=.008) and right ankle dorsal flexion (t=2.92, p=.006) increased in the experimental group.
The significance of this study is that the stim-up matt walking exercise program for the frail elderly proves to be useful for improving balance and walking.


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  • Differences in the Gait Pattern and Muscle Activity of the Lower Extremities during Forward and Backward Walking on Sand
    Chae-Won Kwon, Seong Ho Yun, Jung-Won Kwon
    The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy.2022; 34(1): 45.     CrossRef
Effects of a Structure-centered Cooperative Learning Safety Education Program based on Blended Learning for Elementary School Students
Jeong Hye Seong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):57-68.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study was performed to determine effects of a structure-centered cooperative learning safety education program based on blended learning for elementary school students.
The study is developed in non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design. The subjects included 24 sixth grade students in the experimental group and 23 sixth grade students in the control group, respectively. To prevent diffusion of the experiment, it was carried out from May 20th to June 24th in 2015 with the control group and the other from August 26th to September 30th in 2015 with the experimental group. It was performed on experimental group after the structure-centered cooperative learning safety education program based on blended learning once a week for 6weeks. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, paired t-test and independent t-test.
After the intervention, the experimental group showed significant increases in the self-directed learning attitudes and safety behavior compared to the control group except for the academic self-efficacy.
The results indicate that the structure-centered cooperative learning safety education program based on blended learning program is effective in safety education for 6th graders.
Mediating Effects of Hope and Therapeutic Relationship in the Relation between General Social Functions and Mental Health Recovery of Community People with Mental Illness
Sun Hwa Shin, Jung Hee Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):69-78.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study tries to test mediating effects of hope and therapeutic relationship in the relation between general social functions and mental health recovery of community people with mental illness.
This study was carried out in a cross-sectional research design. The participants included 217 people with mental illnesses who were enrolled at eight Mental Health Welfare Centers in the Gyeonggi Province. Data were collected from February to May, 2018. The collected data were analyzed using a regression analysis, and SPSS PROCESS macro was used to test the mediating effects.
This study analyzed the direct effects of general social functions on the hope, therapeutic relationship and mental health recovery. And general social functions had indirect effects on their mental health recovery via hope and therapeutic relationship. Both hope and therapeutic relationship had dual mediating effects in the influence of general social functions on mental health recovery.
The role of hope and therapeutic relationship in the mental health recovery of community people with mental illness is important, and it is confirmed that hope is a powerful factor influencing mental health recovery.
Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Joint Pain, Range of Motion, and Sleep in the Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis
Min Jin Jang, Yun Mi Lim, Hyo Jung Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):79-89.   Published online March 31, 2019
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The purpose of this paper is to determine effects of auricular acupressure on knee pain, range of motion, and sleep in the elderly with knee osteoarthritis.
This is an experimental study designed with randomization and single-blind in a placebo-control approach. The subjects included the elderly with knee osteoarthritis who were using an elderly welfare facility. In each of the groups, 28 subjects were assigned. For the experimental group, auricular acupressure was applied to five pressure points related to the pain caused by osteoarthritis and sleep. In the case of the placebo-control group, auricular acupressure was applied to other five points than the former. The intervention lasted eight weeks. In order to examine intervention effects of auricular acupressure, joint pain, Pressure Pain Thresholds (PPTs), and extension and flexion range of motion (ROM) were measured weekly. As for the pre- and post-examinations, pain, sleep quality, and the time-by-sleep stage of the patients with knee osteoarthritis were measured.
The VAS scores in the experimental group with auricular acupressure significantly decreased through time (p<.001) and WOMAC also significantly decreased (p<.01) compared with the placebo-control group. However, there were no significant differences in PPTs. The flexion (p<.01) and extension (p<.001) ROMs measured for eight weeks improved over time. Meanwhile, sleep quality improved significantly after the intervention termination (p<.01), but there was no significant difference found in the time-by-sleep stage.
Auricular acupressure applied for eight weeks was found to be effective in reducing joint pain, improving knee ROM, and improving sleep quality in patients with degenerative knee arthritis.


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  • The Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Menopausal Symptoms, Stress, and Sleep in Postmenopausal Middle‐Aged Women: A Randomized Single‐Blind Sham‐Controlled Trial
    Bomi Kim, Hyojung Park
    Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health.2024; 69(1): 41.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Auricular Acupressure on Urinary Incontinence, Quality of Life, and Sleep Quality in Elderly Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence
    Yeonjin Kim, Hyojung Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2024; 31(2): 203.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Non-Pharmacological Sleep Interventions in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Hye-Ja Gu, Oi-Sun Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2023; 20(4): 3101.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Low Back Pain, Neuropathy and Sleep in Patients with Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome (PSPS): A Single-Blind, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
    Yunmi Lim, Hyojung Park
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2023; 20(3): 1705.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Auriculotherapy on Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Sun Yeob Choi, Yeo Ju Kim, Bomi Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2022; 52(1): 4.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Improve the Sleep of Korean Elderly: A Systematic Review
    Yunhee Park, Hyun Jung Yun
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2022; 29(1): 67.     CrossRef
  • The effects of auricular acupressure on the sleep of the elderly using polysomnography, actigraphy and blood test: Randomized, single-blind, sham control
    Juyon Min, Bomi Kim, Hyojung Park
    Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.2021; 45: 101464.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Auricular Acupressure on Sleep in Older Adults with Sleep Disorders
    Ju Hee Lee, Hyojung Park
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2021; 23(2): 117.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Auricular Acupressure on Sleep and Pruritus in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
    Yun Yi Bang, Hyojung Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2020; 27(2): 141.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Joint Pain and Shoulder Range of Motion in Older Adults
    Bomi Kim, Hyojung Park
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2020; 32(3): 261.     CrossRef
Association between Maternal Feeding Practices and Excessive Weight Gain in Infants
Jin Suk Ra
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):90-98.   Published online March 31, 2019
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The purpose of this study is to identify the association between maternal feeding practices and excessive weight gain in infants.
This study adopted a cross-sectional design and included 240 pairs of mothers and their infants (129 boys and 111 girls) in public healthcare centers in the Daejeon area in South Korea. Via multivariate analyses, the association between maternal feeding practices and excessive weight gain in infants was identified.
Among 240 infants in this study, 39 (16.3%) infants gained excessive weight during 12 months after birth. Using multivariate logistic regression with adjustment for covariates, more than 7 months of exclusive breastfeeding was associated with a reduced likelihood of excessive weight gain in infants during the 12 months after birth (adjusted odds ratio: 0.39, 95% confidence interval: 0.02~0.81, p=.029).
Based on these results, nurses in communities and clinics should educate mothers on the importance of longer durations of exclusive breast feeding and develop strategies for encouraging such behavior. Furthermore, support for exclusive breast feeding should be provided in various settings.


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  • Anthropometric Kit Development for Stunted Early Detection among Children Under-two Years Old: Providing a Portable Body Length Measurer
    Maria Wigati, Aphrodite N. Nurlita, I Made A. Gunawan, Narendra Y. Hendarta, Mubasysyir Hasanbasri, Siti Helmyati
    Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.2022; 10(E): 852.     CrossRef
Hand Hygiene Compliance among Visitors at a Long-term Care Hospital in Korea: A Covert Observation Study
Min Young Jung, Ja Hyun Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):99-107.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study aimed to assess hand hygiene (HH) compliance among visitors at a long-term care hospital in South Korea.
The study was conducted at a 502-bed long-term care hospital located in Gyeonggi-do Province. From July 1 to August 15, 2017, including more than 6 weekends and one holiday, a trained observer covertly assessed visitors' HH at all five units (360 beds in total) of the study hospital building until the completion of 1,000 HH opportunities (i.e., 200 opportunities per unit). The modified World Health Organization (WHO) HH observation form was used. Instead of professional categories and the “before clean/aseptic procedure” moment, the estimated age range for each visitor were recorded in four categories: children (<14 years old), adolescents (14~18), adults (19~64), and the elderly (≥65). The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0.
A total of 1,000 HH opportunities were observed from 766 visitors (an average of 1.31 per visitor) and the overall HH compliance rate was 20.3%. Overall, 53.7% of the HH cases were performed with soap and water. Among the 4 HH moments, the “after body fluid exposure risk” moment showed the highest compliance rate (83.5%); 93.9% used soap and water. The most commonly exposed potential body fluid among visitors was saliva (48.1%).
For hospital visitors in long-term care hospitals, HH education programs including HH moments need to be developed and implemented. Further studies are necessary to evaluate visitors' HH compliance in various hospital settings and find the related variables influencing visitors' HH.


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  • Knowledge and Skills in Infection Prevention and Control Measures Amongst Visitors to Long-Term Care Homes: A Mixed methods Study
    Caroline Gibbons, Pamela Durepos, Natasha Taylor, Lisa Keeping-Burke, Matt Rogers, Karen Furlong, Rose McCloskey
    Nursing: Research and Reviews.2024; Volume 14: 149.     CrossRef
  • Compliance of patient companions and visitors with hand hygiene: an observational study
    H.N. Kaya, B. Süslü, R. Aydın, S. Atay
    Journal of Hospital Infection.2023; 136: 85.     CrossRef
  • Hand Hygiene Compliance of Caregivers for Hospitalized Patients in Liver Transplant Wards at a Tertiary-care Hospital in Korea
    Songhee Namgung, JaHyun Kang, Mina Yun, Younjin Kim, Seonhee Kwon
    Korean Journal of Healthcare-Associated Infection Control and Prevention.2023; 28(2): 233.     CrossRef
  • Exploring factors influencing the compliance of patients and family carers with infection prevention and control recommendations across Bangladesh, Indonesia, and South Korea
    Ji Yeon Park, Jerico Franciscus Pardosi, Titik Respati, Eka Nurhayati, Md. Saiful Islam, Kamal Ibne Amin Chowdhury, Holly Seale
    Frontiers in Public Health.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Examining the inclusion of patients and their family members in infection prevention and control policies and guidelines across Bangladesh, Indonesia, and South Korea
    Ji Yeon Park, Jerico Franciscus Pardosi, Holly Seale
    American Journal of Infection Control.2020; 48(6): 599.     CrossRef

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing