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Original Article
Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behavior among Workers with High Risk of Metabolic Syndrome: Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
Sungwon Park, Sook Ja Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2015;26(2):128-139.
Published online: June 30, 2015

1Banyan Tree Club & Spa Seoul · Division of Nursing Science, EwhaWomans University, Seoul, Korea.

2Division of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

• Received: January 30, 2015   • Revised: June 4, 2015   • Accepted: June 19, 2015

© 2015 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

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  • Purpose
    The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting health promotion behavior among workers with high risk of metabolic syndrome. This study was based on the planned behavior theory.
  • Methods
    The participants were 167 workers at high risk of metabolic syndrome. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Surveyed variables were attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intention, and health promotion behavior. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and hierarchical regression analysis with SPSS/WIN 22.0.
  • Results
    Perceived behavioral control affected the intention of health promotion behavior among the workers with high risk of metabolic syndrome. It explained 62% of variance in the intention of health promotion behavior (F=40.09, p<.001). Perceived behavioral control and occupation affected health promotion behavior among the risk workers with high risk of metabolic syndrome. The two factors explained 16% of variance in health promotion behavior (F=4.95, p<.001).
  • Conclusion
    The findings of this study suggest that perceived behavioral control is the only factor affecting health promotion behavior when the theory of planned behavior was applied. Therefore, intervention programs for improving health promotion behavior should be focused on strengthening perceived behavioral control.
Table 1

Sociodemographic Characteristics (N=167)

Variables Categories n (%) or M±SD
Gender Male 137 (82.0)
Female 30 (18.0)
Age (year) 38.7±8.41
20~29 28 (16.8)
30~39 57 (34.1)
40~49 67 (40.1)
50~59 15 (9.0)
Education ≤Middle school 2 (1.2)
Highschool 32 (19.2)
College 128 (76.6)
>College 5 (3.0)
Marriage Yes 119 (71.3)
No 48 (28.7)
Occupation Service 66 (39.5)
Cooking 101 (60.5)
Career experience (year) <5 22 (13.2)
5~<10 26 (15.5)
10~<15 38 (22.8)
15~<20 38 (22.8)
≥20 43 (25.7)
Subjective health status Very unhealthy 1 (0.6)
Unhealthy 24 (14.4)
Usual 83 (49.7)
Healthy 56 (33.5)
Very healthy 3 (1.8)
Disease Yes 26 (15.6)
No 141 (84.4)
Family history of metabolic syndrome Yes 64 (38.3)
No 103 (61.7)
Awareness of metabolic syndrome Yes 102 (61.1)
No 65 (38.9)
Educational experience of metabolic syndrome Yes 36 (21.6)
No 131 (78.4)
Smoking Yes 62 (37.1)
No 105 (62.9)
Duration of smoking (year) 14.8±6.71
Daily cigarettes 11.1±5.24
Drinking alcohol Yes 96 (57.5)
No 71 (42.5)
Weekly drinking times 1 24 (25.0)
2 39 (40.6)
3 24 (25.0)
≥4 9 (9.4)
Drinking quantity at once (Soju standards) 7.7±4.23

62 Smokers; 96 Drinkers.

Table 2

Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factor Characteristics (N=167)

Variables Categories n (%) M±SD p
Blood sugar Normal group 111 (66.5) 90.1±6.52 <.001
High risk group 56 (33.5) 112.5±17.27
Systolic blood pressure Normal group 94 (56.3) 118.1±6.22 .005
High risk group 73 (43.7) 133.2±5.17
Diastolic blood pressure§ Normal group 123 (73.7) 77.3±4.26 <.001
High risk group 44 (26.3) 85.5±3.02
Triglyceride level Normal group 111 (66.5) 89.1±30.80 <.001
High risk group 56 (33.5) 217.1±78.83
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol Normal group Male 154 (92.2) 55.5±10.40 .001
Female 65.5±12.92
High risk group Male 13 (7.8) 35.7±3.06 <.001
Female 47.7±2.31
Waist circumference# Normal group Male 137 (82.0) 81.2±4.77 <.001
Female 73.3±6.68
High risk group Male 30 (18.0) 96.1±5.61 <.001
Female 90.3±0.58
Number of metabolic-syndrome risk factors 1 100 (59.9)
2 67 (40.1)

Blood sugar: Normal group<100 mg/dL, High risk group≥100 mg/dL; Systolic blood pressure: Normal group<130 mmHg, High risk group≥130 mmHg; §Diastolic blood pressure: Normal group<85 mmHg, High risk group≥85 mmHg; Triglyceride level: Normal group<150 mg/dL, High risk group≥150 mg/dL; High-density lipoprotein cholesterol: Male) Normal group>40 mg/dL, High risk group≤40 mg/dL, Female) Normal group>50mg/dL, High risk group≤50mg/dL; #Waist circumference: Male) Normal group<90 cm, High risk group≥90 cm, Female) Normal<85 cm, High risk group≥85 cm.

Table 3

Health Promotion Behavior Intention and Health Promotion Behavior in Accordance with Sociodemographic Characteristics (N=16)

Characteristics Categories Health promotion behavior intention Health promotion behavior
M±SD t or F p M±SD t or F p
Gender Male 1.2±1.19 2.61 .012 0.2±0.62 0.46 .648
Female 0.6±1.14 0.2±0.75
Age (year) <40 1.1±1.10 2.02 .884 0.2±0.68 0.99 .307
≥40 1.1±1.30 0.3±0.60
Education ≤High school 0.9±1.38 -1.19 .241 0.1±0.81 -0.97 .336
≥College 1.2±1.15 0.3±0.59
Marriage Yes 1.1±1.24 -0.28 .779 0.2±0.66 -0.38 .707
No 1.1±1.12 0.3±0.59
Occupation Service 1.2±1.25 1.19 .235 0.4±0.75 2.08 .040
Cooking 1.0±1.17 0.1±0.55
Career experience (year) <10 1.0±1.16 0.44 .645 0.1±0.56 0.92 .400
10~<20 1.2±1.13 0.3±0.66
≥20 1.0±1.38 0.2±0.59
Subjective health status Not healthy 0.8±1.28 3.30 .039 0.2±0.89 4.81 .009
Usual 1.0±1.19 0.1±0.50
Healthy 1.4±1.14 0.4±0.65
Disease Yes 0.9±1.09 -0.86 .395 0.1±0.53 -0.94 .351
No 1.1±1.22 0.3±0.66
Family history of metabolic syndrome Yes 1.0±1.16 -1.09 .277 0.1±0.70 -1.36 .175
No 1.2±1.23 0.3±0.60
Awareness of metabolic syndrome Yes 1.1±1.17 0.16 .874 0.3±0.71 1.17 .244
No 1.1±1.27 0.2±0.50
Educational experience of metabolic syndrome Yes 1.2±1.10 0.51 .612 0.4±0.69 1.89 .064
No 1.1±1.23 0.2±0.62
Smoking Yes 1.3±1.31 1.29 .199 0.2±0.59 -0.45 .651
No 1.0±1.13 0.3±0.67
Drinking alcohol Yes 1.3±1.19 2.42 .017 0.3±0.68 1.49 .139
No 0.8±1.18 0.2±0.58
Table 4

Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behavior Intention (N=167)

Variables Step 1 Step 2
B SE β t p B SE β t p
(Constant) .90 .73 1.24 .217 .79 .47 1.68 .095
Gender -.38 .26 -.12 -1.45 .148 -.19 .17 -.06 -1.11 .268
Education .17 .24 .06 0.73 .465 -.05 .15 -.02 -0.30 .768
SHS .35 .13 .20 2.62 .010 -.04 .09 -.02 -0.47 .643
Drinking status -.31 .20 -.13 -1.55 .124 -.15 .13 -.06 -1.16 .247
Attitude .07 .07 .05 0.96 .339
SN .06 .06 .05 0.95 .334
PBC .78 .05 .77 15.26 <.001
Adjusted R2=.07, F=4.06, p=.004 Adjusted R2=.62, F=40.09, p<.001

SHS=subjecitve health status; SN=subjective norm; PBC=perceived behavioral control;

Dummy variables: Gender (1=Male), Education (1=Under highschool), Drinking status (1=Yes).

Table 5

Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behavior (N=167)

Variables Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
B SE β t p B SE β t p B SE β t p
(Constant) .16 .36 0.45 .656 .09 .35 0.26 .796 .04 .36 0.12 .905
Gender -.06 .13 -.04 -0.46 .644 .01 .12 .01 0.07 .944 .02 .12 .01 0.19 .854
Education -.22 .12 -.14 -1.81 .072 -.20 .11 -.13 -1.78 .076 -.20 .11 -.13 -1.77 .079
Occupation -.00 .04 -.01 -0.09 .926 .02 .04 .04 0.52 .605 .03 .04 .60 0.55 .008
SHS .17 .07 .19 2.47 .015 .08 .07 .09 1.21 .229 .08 .07 .10 1.25 .220
Attitude -.03 .05 -.04 -0.52 .602 -.03 .05 -.05 -0.58 .561
SN .01 .05 .02 0.26 .794 .01 .05 .02 0.19 .852
PBC .21 .04 .39 5.10 <.001 .16 .06 .30 2.52 .013
Intention .06 .06 .11 0.95 .346
Adjusted R2=.04, F=2.62, p=.037 Adjusted R2=.16, F=5.54, p<.001 Adjusted R2=.16, F=4.95, p<.001

SHS=subjecitve health status; SN=subjective norm; PBC=perceived behavioral control;

Dummy variables: Gender (1=Male), Education (1=Under highschool), Occupation (1=Service).

This article is a condensed form of thr first author Sungwon Park's master's thesis from Ewha Womans University.

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    We recommend
    Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behavior among Workers with High Risk of Metabolic Syndrome: Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
    Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behavior among Workers with High Risk of Metabolic Syndrome: Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
    Variables Categories n (%) or M±SD
    Gender Male 137 (82.0)
    Female 30 (18.0)
    Age (year) 38.7±8.41
    20~29 28 (16.8)
    30~39 57 (34.1)
    40~49 67 (40.1)
    50~59 15 (9.0)
    Education ≤Middle school 2 (1.2)
    Highschool 32 (19.2)
    College 128 (76.6)
    >College 5 (3.0)
    Marriage Yes 119 (71.3)
    No 48 (28.7)
    Occupation Service 66 (39.5)
    Cooking 101 (60.5)
    Career experience (year) <5 22 (13.2)
    5~<10 26 (15.5)
    10~<15 38 (22.8)
    15~<20 38 (22.8)
    ≥20 43 (25.7)
    Subjective health status Very unhealthy 1 (0.6)
    Unhealthy 24 (14.4)
    Usual 83 (49.7)
    Healthy 56 (33.5)
    Very healthy 3 (1.8)
    Disease Yes 26 (15.6)
    No 141 (84.4)
    Family history of metabolic syndrome Yes 64 (38.3)
    No 103 (61.7)
    Awareness of metabolic syndrome Yes 102 (61.1)
    No 65 (38.9)
    Educational experience of metabolic syndrome Yes 36 (21.6)
    No 131 (78.4)
    Smoking Yes 62 (37.1)
    No 105 (62.9)
    Duration of smoking (year) 14.8±6.71
    Daily cigarettes 11.1±5.24
    Drinking alcohol Yes 96 (57.5)
    No 71 (42.5)
    Weekly drinking times 1 24 (25.0)
    2 39 (40.6)
    3 24 (25.0)
    ≥4 9 (9.4)
    Drinking quantity at once (Soju standards) 7.7±4.23
    Variables Categories n (%) M±SD p
    Blood sugar Normal group 111 (66.5) 90.1±6.52 <.001
    High risk group 56 (33.5) 112.5±17.27
    Systolic blood pressure Normal group 94 (56.3) 118.1±6.22 .005
    High risk group 73 (43.7) 133.2±5.17
    Diastolic blood pressure§ Normal group 123 (73.7) 77.3±4.26 <.001
    High risk group 44 (26.3) 85.5±3.02
    Triglyceride level Normal group 111 (66.5) 89.1±30.80 <.001
    High risk group 56 (33.5) 217.1±78.83
    High-density lipoprotein cholesterol Normal group Male 154 (92.2) 55.5±10.40 .001
    Female 65.5±12.92
    High risk group Male 13 (7.8) 35.7±3.06 <.001
    Female 47.7±2.31
    Waist circumference# Normal group Male 137 (82.0) 81.2±4.77 <.001
    Female 73.3±6.68
    High risk group Male 30 (18.0) 96.1±5.61 <.001
    Female 90.3±0.58
    Number of metabolic-syndrome risk factors 1 100 (59.9)
    2 67 (40.1)
    Characteristics Categories Health promotion behavior intention Health promotion behavior
    M±SD t or F p M±SD t or F p
    Gender Male 1.2±1.19 2.61 .012 0.2±0.62 0.46 .648
    Female 0.6±1.14 0.2±0.75
    Age (year) <40 1.1±1.10 2.02 .884 0.2±0.68 0.99 .307
    ≥40 1.1±1.30 0.3±0.60
    Education ≤High school 0.9±1.38 -1.19 .241 0.1±0.81 -0.97 .336
    ≥College 1.2±1.15 0.3±0.59
    Marriage Yes 1.1±1.24 -0.28 .779 0.2±0.66 -0.38 .707
    No 1.1±1.12 0.3±0.59
    Occupation Service 1.2±1.25 1.19 .235 0.4±0.75 2.08 .040
    Cooking 1.0±1.17 0.1±0.55
    Career experience (year) <10 1.0±1.16 0.44 .645 0.1±0.56 0.92 .400
    10~<20 1.2±1.13 0.3±0.66
    ≥20 1.0±1.38 0.2±0.59
    Subjective health status Not healthy 0.8±1.28 3.30 .039 0.2±0.89 4.81 .009
    Usual 1.0±1.19 0.1±0.50
    Healthy 1.4±1.14 0.4±0.65
    Disease Yes 0.9±1.09 -0.86 .395 0.1±0.53 -0.94 .351
    No 1.1±1.22 0.3±0.66
    Family history of metabolic syndrome Yes 1.0±1.16 -1.09 .277 0.1±0.70 -1.36 .175
    No 1.2±1.23 0.3±0.60
    Awareness of metabolic syndrome Yes 1.1±1.17 0.16 .874 0.3±0.71 1.17 .244
    No 1.1±1.27 0.2±0.50
    Educational experience of metabolic syndrome Yes 1.2±1.10 0.51 .612 0.4±0.69 1.89 .064
    No 1.1±1.23 0.2±0.62
    Smoking Yes 1.3±1.31 1.29 .199 0.2±0.59 -0.45 .651
    No 1.0±1.13 0.3±0.67
    Drinking alcohol Yes 1.3±1.19 2.42 .017 0.3±0.68 1.49 .139
    No 0.8±1.18 0.2±0.58
    Variables Step 1 Step 2
    B SE β t p B SE β t p
    (Constant) .90 .73 1.24 .217 .79 .47 1.68 .095
    Gender -.38 .26 -.12 -1.45 .148 -.19 .17 -.06 -1.11 .268
    Education .17 .24 .06 0.73 .465 -.05 .15 -.02 -0.30 .768
    SHS .35 .13 .20 2.62 .010 -.04 .09 -.02 -0.47 .643
    Drinking status -.31 .20 -.13 -1.55 .124 -.15 .13 -.06 -1.16 .247
    Attitude .07 .07 .05 0.96 .339
    SN .06 .06 .05 0.95 .334
    PBC .78 .05 .77 15.26 <.001
    Adjusted R2=.07, F=4.06, p=.004 Adjusted R2=.62, F=40.09, p<.001
    Variables Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
    B SE β t p B SE β t p B SE β t p
    (Constant) .16 .36 0.45 .656 .09 .35 0.26 .796 .04 .36 0.12 .905
    Gender -.06 .13 -.04 -0.46 .644 .01 .12 .01 0.07 .944 .02 .12 .01 0.19 .854
    Education -.22 .12 -.14 -1.81 .072 -.20 .11 -.13 -1.78 .076 -.20 .11 -.13 -1.77 .079
    Occupation -.00 .04 -.01 -0.09 .926 .02 .04 .04 0.52 .605 .03 .04 .60 0.55 .008
    SHS .17 .07 .19 2.47 .015 .08 .07 .09 1.21 .229 .08 .07 .10 1.25 .220
    Attitude -.03 .05 -.04 -0.52 .602 -.03 .05 -.05 -0.58 .561
    SN .01 .05 .02 0.26 .794 .01 .05 .02 0.19 .852
    PBC .21 .04 .39 5.10 <.001 .16 .06 .30 2.52 .013
    Intention .06 .06 .11 0.95 .346
    Adjusted R2=.04, F=2.62, p=.037 Adjusted R2=.16, F=5.54, p<.001 Adjusted R2=.16, F=4.95, p<.001
    Table 1 Sociodemographic Characteristics (N=167)

    62 Smokers; 96 Drinkers.

    Table 2 Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factor Characteristics (N=167)

    Blood sugar: Normal group<100 mg/dL, High risk group≥100 mg/dL; Systolic blood pressure: Normal group<130 mmHg, High risk group≥130 mmHg; §Diastolic blood pressure: Normal group<85 mmHg, High risk group≥85 mmHg; Triglyceride level: Normal group<150 mg/dL, High risk group≥150 mg/dL; High-density lipoprotein cholesterol: Male) Normal group>40 mg/dL, High risk group≤40 mg/dL, Female) Normal group>50mg/dL, High risk group≤50mg/dL; #Waist circumference: Male) Normal group<90 cm, High risk group≥90 cm, Female) Normal<85 cm, High risk group≥85 cm.

    Table 3 Health Promotion Behavior Intention and Health Promotion Behavior in Accordance with Sociodemographic Characteristics (N=16)

    Table 4 Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behavior Intention (N=167)

    SHS=subjecitve health status; SN=subjective norm; PBC=perceived behavioral control;

    Dummy variables: Gender (1=Male), Education (1=Under highschool), Drinking status (1=Yes).

    Table 5 Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behavior (N=167)

    SHS=subjecitve health status; SN=subjective norm; PBC=perceived behavioral control;

    Dummy variables: Gender (1=Male), Education (1=Under highschool), Occupation (1=Service).

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing