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Original Article
Comparison of Preventive Health Behaviors in Adults Aged 50~64 in Korea and the United States
Chung Yul Lee, Jung Ae Kim, Su Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2013;24(2):161-171.
Published online: June 30, 2013

1College of Nursing · Nursing Policy Research Institute, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

2Department of Nursing, Catholic Sangji College, Andong, Korea.

3College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

• Received: January 28, 2013   • Accepted: June 12, 2013

© 2013 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

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  • Purpose
    The purpose of this study was to compare Preventive Health Behaviors (PHBs) in adults in Korea and the United States and identify factors influencing PHBs.
  • Methods
    This was a secondary data analysis study using data from the 2008 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the 2008 USA Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. The PHBs were predicted using multiple linear regression analysis.
  • Results
    1) The total score of PHBs was significantly higher in American males (5.11) than in Korean males (4.78). There was also a significant difference between Korean females' total score (6.57) and American females'(6.75). 2) Age, marriage, monthly income, subjective health status, and cardiovascular disease were significant factors of PHBs in Korean males (p<.001). However, age, marriage, education, monthly income, health insurance, subjective health status, and cardiovascular disease were significant factors in American males (p<.001). In Korean females, only age and education were significant predictors (p<.001). However, six variables(age, marriage, education, monthly income, health insurance, and subjective health status) were significant predictors in American females (p<.001).
  • Conclusion
    There were different variables in predicting PHBs between Koreans and Americans. Each country should focus on those significant predictors to promote the PHBs for adults.
Table 1
Preventive Health Index
Table 2
General and Health related Characteristics
Table 3
Preventive Health Index in Korea and the United States
Table 4
Preventive Health Prediction Model for Adults in Korea and the United States


Multiple linear regression.

This study was supported by research fund from Nursing Policy Research Institute Yonsei University.

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    Comparison of Preventive Health Behaviors in Adults Aged 50~64 in Korea and the United States
    Comparison of Preventive Health Behaviors in Adults Aged 50~64 in Korea and the United States
    Table 1 Preventive Health Index

    Table 2 General and Health related Characteristics

    Table 3 Preventive Health Index in Korea and the United States

    Table 4 Preventive Health Prediction Model for Adults in Korea and the United States


    Multiple linear regression.

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing