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HOME > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > Volume 10(1); 1999 > Article
Original Article Appropriateness Evaluation of Hospitalization for the Cerebral Ischemia Patients
Hyo Young Yeom, Soon Lae Kim

Published online: June 30, 1999
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The purpose of this study was to survey appropriateness of admission and days of care for the cerebral ischemia patients as a basis to provide an effectiveness of hospitalization. The authors retrospectively reviewed the medical records of cerebral ischemia patients in two hospitals from November 1997 to February 1998. Of 194 medical records reviewed, there were 2108 medical days. It is used a 'Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol' previously developed by Gertman and Restuccia (1981) and translated by Department of Health Management, Seoul National University and Korea Institute for Health Services Management (1993), It was found that the 'Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol' had a high inter-rater reliability(kappa=.92), Statistical significant was tested by using the percentage, mean, and logistic regression by SAS 6.12. The results were as follows; 1. The appropriate admissions were 87.6%, days of care 63.4%, and the average length of stay 10.9+/-6.7 days. 2. The reasons of inappropriate admissions were for work-up(75.0%) and conservative care (25.0%). Major reasons of inappropriate days of care were 'cases in which the medical purpose of hospitalization has been accomplish or can be addressed in a less setting(45.0%)', and 'cases in which there is a delay in performing the work-up or treatment which required patients is hospitalized (44.4%)'. 3. Appropriate days of care were higher as ageing. Appropriate days of care were higher in patients with lower accademic back ground than those of upper college graduates, and in the patients who enter a hospital via emergency room than out-patients department. Appropriate days of care were higher in the patient with MCA infarction, and lower in the patient with cerebellar infarction than the patient with lacunar infarction. Appropriate days of care were higher in attack first than attack above second, in nomortension patients than hypertensive, and lower in groups who engaged in semi-private room and public room than private room in hospital. Appropriate days of care were higher in shorter length of stay than longer length of stay. 4. Diagnosis, admission path, and appropriate days of care explained appropriate admissions. Diagnosis, appropriate admissions, hypertension explained appropriate days of care. According to the above results, author confirms the substantial amount of inappropriate hospital bed utilization. To reduce inappropriateness, it is necessary to develop some alternative services such as home care services or nursing home with which can be replaced inpatient services and to introduce policy such as case management which includes Critical Pathway for consistent management. And, it should be followed the further study for the effectiveness.

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