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Aekyung Chang 1 Article
Comparison of Comprehensive Health Status and Health-related Quality of Life between Institutionalized Older Adults and Community Dwelling Older Adults
Hye Jin Hyun, Aekyung Chang, Su Jeong Yu, Yeon Hwan Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(1):40-50.   Published online March 31, 2012
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The aim of this study was to compare the factors of health-related quality of life in older adults according to the type of residency.
A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted. The subjects were 114 institutionalized older adults and 99 community dwelling older adults. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews by nurses using structured questionnaires composed of SF-36 (ver.2) and CGA-SF.
The institutionalized older adults had more health problems and experienced lower quality of life compared to community dwelling older adults. Factors influencing health-related quality of life for institutionalized older adults were social support, educational level, and ADL, which explained about 25.7% of the total variance, while thoseof community dwelling older adults were IADL, experiencing fall, and weight loss, which had explanatory power of 31.8%.
These results indicate that differentiated nursing strategies according to the type of residency are required to promote health-related quality of life for older adults.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing