A Study on the Gongjungwisaeng Kanhohak, the First Korean Textbook for Public Health Nursing
Kyung Ja June, Ggod Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2022;33(1):84-95. Published online March 31, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2022.33.1.84
- Purpose
The purpose of this study is to extend the knowledge about the textbook, Public Health Nursing Textbook (in Korean, Gongjungwisaeng Kanhohak) which is published in 1933 by the Nurses' Association of Korea. Methods Public Health Nursing Textbook was investigated from the cover page to the last page and compared with two original books and other nursing books published in modern Korea. Results Public Health Nursing Textbook was the forth published Korean nursing textbook and the first published Korean public health nursing textbook. Rosenberger, a missionary nurse from USA, Lee Keumjeon, Korean public health nurse who studied in Canada, and other Koreans were in charge of translation, etc. It is a user‐friendly book written mainly in Korean (Hangul) with Chinese characters and included the English table of contents, preface and back cover. Most of its contents were extracted and translated from two original books, one is Public Health Nursing by Mary Gardner and the other is Personal Hygiene Applied by Jesse Williams. It is worth noting that the book not only introduced the public health nurses’s activities across the country, but also focused on the information necessary for common health problems at that time. Conclusion From the Public Hygiene and Nursing, it can be seen that public health nurses had been independently educated since Imperial Japan’s colonial period, and public health nursing was growing as a independent field in Korea.
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- A study on the Textbook on Nursing published in Korea in 1918
Ggodme Yi, SuJeong Yu, Chan Sook Park The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2023; 29(4): 415. CrossRef
Historical Review of Lee Keumjeon, a Pioneer in Community Health Nursing in Korea
Ggod Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(1):74-86. Published online March 31, 2013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2013.24.1.74
The purpose of this study is to show the development of community health nursing in Korea in light of the life of Lee Keumjeon (1900~1990), who devoted her life to community health nursing. METHODS Primary and secondary sources were collected and analyzed. RESULTS Lee could get high level education up to college courses, which was very exceptional at that time in Korea. She got nursing and midwifery education in Severance Hospital (1929) and majored in public health nursing at Toronto University (1930). Then, she worked in mother-and-child health practice for more than 10 years. She helped the Korean Nurses' Association to publish Public Health Nursing (1933) and other nursing books. After the liberation of Korea, she became a governmental official in the public health nursing field and tried to establish the national public health nursing system. During the Korean War, she devoted herself to nursing education and practice at nursing schools and hospitals. After the war, she worked as president of the Korean Nurses' Association. In 1959, Lee was given the Nightingale award. Although she retired in 1960, she continued to devote herself to the development of nursing, and published her book Public Health Nursing (1967). CONCLUSION Lee worked from 1920s to 1960s for the development of nursing in Korea and during the period Korean nursing showed great development to national system and professional status.
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- The Impact of U.S. Army Nurses on the Development of the Nursing Profession in South Korea
Myunghee Jun, Hyekyung Kim, Anne Dressel, Hearyun Cho, HackSun Kim, Christine Vandenhouten Journal of Humanistic Psychology.2023; 63(6): 764. CrossRef - A Study on the Gongjungwisaeng Kanhohak, the First Korean Textbook for Public Health Nursing
Kyung Ja June, Ggodme Yi Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2022; 33(1): 84. CrossRef - Nursing Missionary Elizabeth J. Shepping's Education and Holistic Care for Koreans
Me Ok Yoon Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(1): 60. CrossRef - Historical Review of Park Myungja, very Pioneering and Creative Registered Nurse who winned the Florence Nightingale Medal
Ggodme YI The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2015; 21(3): 361. CrossRef - May 18 Democratic Uprising and Experiences of Nursing Activities in the Gwangju Area
Ya Ki Yang Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2014; 20(1): 82. CrossRef
Forty Years' Development of the Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
Ggod Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(1):102-115. Published online March 31, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2012.23.1.102
This study was conducted in commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing [KACHN]. METHODS Primary and secondary sources were collected and analyzed to show changes that KACHN has experienced. RESULTS In the 1970s it made the annual meeting regular and began research presentation. In the1980s regular symposiums were activated and as a result the academy could publish its own journal from 1989. In the 1990s the boards were selected from locals by turns and lots of papers and teaching materials were produced from collaborate researches of the members. In the 2000s, the journal was selected by the National Research Foundation in Korea and the academy began regular Korea-Japan Community Health Nursing Conference and hosted the 5th ICCHNR. CONCLUSION In spite of great development, KACHN has new challenges. The number of members has increased so much that there are a few academies specialized in some fields of community health nursing. They have made the members' interest and loyalty weaker than during the pioneer days. KACHN should take the new role as a leader of international community health nursing research as well as the old role as a leader of Korean community health nursing research.
Citations to this article as recorded by
- Historical Review of Lee Keumjeon, a Pioneer in Community Health Nursing in Korea
Ggodme YI Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2013; 24(1): 74. CrossRef
A Study on Knowledge of Oral Health, Behavior, Self-Efficacy, Belief, and the Number of Dental Caries of Elementary School Students
Ggod Me Yi, Hye Jin Hyun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(4):531-539. Published online December 31, 2009
To understand the differences and correlations of the knowledge of oral health, behavior, self-efficacy, belief, and the number of cavities in accordance with the general traits of elementary school students. METHODS The survey was conducted at 2 elementary schools in D city, which 740 respondents were analyzed. RESULTS A group of students who have received health education has plentiful knowledge of oral health and have more cavities. Also, a group of students who have been to dental clinics recently have more knowledge of oral health, follow guidance on oral health, and have high level of belief in health. The more knowledge of oral health the students have, the better they behave for oral health and the higher self-efficacy and belief in oral health become. Students with higher self-efficacy show more knowledge of oral health, more appropriate behavior, and stronger belief in oral health, while the number of cavities are much less. CONCLUSION Health education contributes to improving the level of knowledge of oral health. Comprehensive programs beyond simple introduction of knowledge will be needed to improve behavior, self-efficacy, and belief in oral health. It is recommended to include a health clinic within a program for improving oral health in school so that it can help more students get oral health.
The Influence of Depression, Temperament and Character of Female Adolescents on Smoking Behavior
Ggod Me Yi, Kyung Ja Jeon, Shin Young Son, Ae Young So
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(3):441-451. Published online September 30, 2007
The purpose of this study is to analyze the smoking behaviors and to identify the impacts of depression, temperament, and characteristic on smoking experience in the female adolescents. METHODS This study surveyed 691 highschool girls in the Gangwon area using self-administered questionnaires. Data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0. using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. RESULTS The smoking rate of the highschool girls was lower than that of the national average. Depression was observed to be seriously in the highschool girls. There were a positive correlations among smoking experience, the school records and novelty seeking and a negative correlation between smoking and cooperativeness. The significant predictors of smoking experience were the type of school, the satisfaction with school, the school records, novelty seeking, reward dependence and cooperativeness. CONCLUSION These results suggest that femalel adolescents who have the factors identified in this study are considered to have the potential for smoking. These results provide the basis for developing smoking prevention and cessation programs.
A Study on the Subjective Musculoskeletal Symptoms Associated with Tasks of Operating Room Nurses
Hyeon Hee Park, Ggod Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(3):351-359. Published online September 30, 2005
To find the factors of subjective musculoskeletal symptoms associated with the general characteristics and tasks of operating room nurses (OR nurses) and then to use the factors as basic information for preventing and managing musculoskeletal symptoms in OR nurses. METHOD This study was an exploratory research. Data were collected using a self-report questionnaire from OR nurses working at 8 polyclinics in Korea during the period from July 26 2004 to August 19 2004. The questionnaire contains 7 questions on general characteristics and 18 questions on tasks in the operating room. RESULT 187 (75.1%) nurses said they 'had' subjective musculoskeletal symptoms. Statistically significant differences were observed according to clinical career, career as an OR nurse, skillfulness, satisfaction with tasks in the operating room, perception on suitable treatment, care of symptoms by the hospital. weight of hospital linen and weight of a basic operation set (p<.05). CONCLUSION Musculoskeletal symptoms complained of by OR nurses were significant. This may cause difficulties in nursing tasks in the operating room. Thus, various arrangements should be made for OR nurse with subjective musculoskeletal symptoms at the early stage.
Effects of Community-based case Management Program on Functional Status and Caregiver Burden of Stroke Patients
Eun Young Kim, Jung Hyun Choi, Chang Yup Kim, Jee Yeon Shin, Ggod Me Yi, Kyung Ja June
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):18-28. Published online March 31, 2004
The purpose of the study was to analyze the changes in functional status and caregiver burden after a community-based case management program for stroke patients. METHOD This study was designed as a one group pre and post-test. A total of 61 stroke patients and their caregivers were sampled in three urban areas and two rural areas. Face to face interviews were conducted as a pre-test one week before intervention, and a post-test two weeks after intervention. The case management program consisted of four home visits and two telephone counseling sessions for assessment, education and providing information during the eight weeks. The collected data were analyzed with paired t-test. RESULTS First, significant differences in functional status, and specifically mobility and cognition, were found between pre-test and post-test. Second, caregiver burden, in particular, objective burden was significantly decreased after 8 weeks. Third, the positive response for the services increased after 8 weeks. CONCLUSION The community-based case management program was effective to improve the functional status of stroke patients and to decrease the caregiver burden.
A Correlational Study of Adolescents Behavior and Mothers Childrearing Attitude with Child Abuse Experience of the Adolescents
Hye Young Ahn, Ggod Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):786-794. Published online December 31, 2002
The aim of th study was to investigate how adolescents behavior is correlated with child abuse they experience and how childrearing attitude of mothers perceived by th adolescents is correlated with child abuse experience by the adolescents METHOD: A convenient sampling strategy was used. A total of 160 adolescents participated in this study. of the 160 responses 116 were used for final analysis. The data were analyzed using K-YSR program and SPSSWIN. RESULT the results were as follows Mild child abuse experiences reported by the subjects were Throwing the object at me (12.9% N=15) Clutching and pushing (12.9% N=15) and slapping on the cheek (14.7% N=17) Severe child abuse experiences reported by the subjects were Kicking pounding and biting (10.3% N=10) Rod stick, belt, broom beating using various objects (41.4% N=38) and Beating all over the body (6.7% N=8) Very severe child abuse experiences reported by the subjects were Burning with cigarette (0.4% N=1) Threatening me with objects such as a knife a hammer an axe or a gimlet (0.8% N=2) Injuring me with the objects (0.4% N=1) and Hospitalized by belting (0.4% N=1) In terms of correlations among the main study variables physical child abuse had significant positive correlations with externalizign problem (r=.271 p=.001) and total behavioral problem (r=.288 p=.002) Physical child abuse also had a significant positive correlation with authoritarian childrearing attitude of mother (r-.363 p=.000) Physical child abuse had significant negative correlations with mother affectionate childrearing attitude (r=-191 p=.050) and active participative chilrearing attitude (r=-101 p=.035). CONCLUSION Mothers childrearing attitude is a salient factor for prevention child abuse. In addition child abuse is an important factor for prevention adolescent's behavioral problem.
Nursing Education in North Korea : Past 50 Years and Future
Ggod Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(2):437-449. Published online September 30, 2001
To understand the development of nursing education of North Korea after 1945. METHOD First, collecting primary sources published in NK. Second, collecting secondary sources published in South Korea. Third, interview with South Korean medical personnels who visited NK. Forth, interview with medical personnels who escaped NK. RESULT After 1945 NK increased health care facilities in short time and had the policy of training medical personnel in short time. Nursing education was focused on the basic practice. NK could begin free medical treatment for the laborer in 1947. Post Korean War restoration and free medical treatment system of national level in 1950s and 1960s served to the health promotion of NK population.
The medical personnel training policy continued and the number of R.N. in NK had increased 13 times in 15 years. NK has tried to increase the quality of health care service and medical personnel since 1970s. Nursing education in medical colleges is three-year course but 6 month training courses in general hospitals continue. They focus on primary prevention and oriental medicine in nursing curriculum reflecting the characteristics of NK medial care. But English and high technology is very poor, and there is no computer related curriculum. CONCLUSION Nursing education in NK has developed reflecting the changes of NK society and health care since 1945. After 1980s NK is in deep economic depression and it is hard to recover from the state with their hands. In this state, we cannot expect the development of nursing education in NK.
Missionary Public Health Nursing of Korea during Japanese Colonial Period
Ggod Me Yi, Hwa Joong Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):455-466. Published online December 31, 1999
- Western missionary nurses practiced in Korea from 1891. and the first trial to begin missionary public health nursing service in 1909 could not put into practice for short of nursing staff and budget. The main focus of missionary medical practice was not in public health program but in the management of missionary hospitals. A few of missionary western R.N. tried district nursing in 1910s. but their activities were personal and focused on the rescue of poor and sick patients. In 1917 the North American Methodist Church dispatched R.N. Elizabeth S. Roberts to begin district nursing in Korea. Roberts began maternal and child district nursing service. Her service was focused on teaching the method of bringing up children. bathing service, and home visiting for delivery. She could not but stop district-nursing service in 1918 to serve for a hospital in Siberia.
The North American Methodist Church dispatched a few of R.N. to Korea in early 1920s and the missionary public health nursing of Korea could be activated. R.N. E. T. Rosenberger began public health nursing program in Seoul with Korean graduate nurse, Shin-gwang Han, and missionary M.D. Hall. Their public health nursing program was focused on maternal and childcare. They did home visiting in the morning, and served at a well baby clinic in the afternoon. The first baby competition began in 1925. and contributed to the teaching the method of bringing up children. They expanded public health nursing activity to school health nursing and milk station. Their public health nursing program was such a success that In 1929 Severance hospital. Eastgate Hospital. Taehwa Social Evangelistic center organized Seoul Child Health Union.
Maren P. Bording, another missionary R.N. and midwife dispatched by the North American Methodist Church began public health nursing program at Kongjoo in 1924. Her program was focused on the maternal and childcare and close to that of Seoul. She started the first milk station in Korea in 1926. As she was a midwife and could get M. D. license in Korea, her program was more focused on maternal care than that of Seoul. The first day nursery school in Korea and the first graduate course for public health nursing in Korea began at Kongjoo in 1930. As the city of Choongcheongnam Province moved from Kongjoo to Daejeon in 1932, missionary public health nursing service in Kongjoo extended to Daejeon.
There were lots of public health nursing program in Korea in 1920s and 1930s by missionary western nurses and Korean nurses. There were 13 missionary public health-nursing center in Korea in 1932. But in the late 1930s. Japan extended colonial war and drove out western missionaries. The missionary service in Korea was daunted. and the missionary public health nursing service could not but shrink.