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Hyeon Sook Park 1 Article
The Association of Health Behaviors with Stress Perception among High School Students in Korea: Based on 2015 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Hyeon Sook Park, Ji Young Han, Nae Young Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2018;29(1):87-96.   Published online March 31, 2018
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The aim of this study is to identify Korean high school students' health behaviors and perceived stress and to examine effects of their health behaviors on their stress perception.
The subjects were 33,744 high school students who participated in the 11th Korea youth risk behavior web-based survey 2015 in Korea. Data were analyzed using complex samples analysis with the PASW 18.0 program. The questionnaire utilized in this study is designed to find the subjects' general characteristics, health behaviors, and perceived stress.
The prevalence of subjects with high level stress was 38.9%(n=13,137) in this study. There were significant differences in the general characteristics and stress perception among the Korean high school students in terms of gender, grade, school achievement, family's affluence, mother's education, perceived happiness, perceived health status, and stressor. The variables of health behaviors of Korean high school students were significantly different from stress perception. Under complex samples logistic regression, predictive factors of stress for the high school students include gender, grade, father's education, family's affluence, living arrangement, perceived health status, perceived happiness, current smoking, current alcohol experience, and enough sleep.
The study suggests multilateral efforts are needed to help high school students' stress management including health behaviors for high school students.


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RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing