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Jeong Hee Park 3 Articles
Nursing Students' Practice Experience on Community Visiting Nursing
Jae Hyun Ha, Jeong Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2020;31(1):43-53.   Published online March 31, 2020
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The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of nursing students' practice on community visiting nursing.
For this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with a total of 12 nursing students, and data were collected through individual in depth interviews from September to December 2018. The data were analyzed using the phenomenological analysis method suggested by Colaizzi.
The experience of visiting nursing practice consisted of four themes. Four themes are ‘Understanding visiting nursing work: Tight time and problems to overcome’, ‘Understanding visiting nursing object: People waiting for a visiting nurse’, ‘Visiting nursing practice experience: Sometimes to get reprimanded but rewarding practice’, and ‘Expectations for visiting nursing business: Hopes for development’.
Findings from this study presented vivid experiences of nursing students who on community home visit nursing. Community visiting nursing practice became an opportunity for students to understand visiting nursing and target people and to think about the necessity of visiting nursing and future development direction. It is necessary to develop an institutional and policy basis with regard to the increasing number and role expansion of community visit nurses.
The Relationships of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Assertiveness Training to Assertiveness Behavior and Conflict Management Mode
Jeong Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(3):556-565.   Published online September 30, 2002
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Due to the fact that nurses may deal with diverse populations in the work place, it is very important for then to maintain appropriate interpersonal relationships with clients. Nurses should maintain diverse types of relationships appropriately with patients with special needs and their families during crisis, other nursing colleagues and staff on the same team, clients in the school or work place as well as the community. In particular, a hospital is a society with a system and hierarchy, and the importance of interpersonal relationships is much more emphasized. In interpersonal relationships, it is very important for a person to communicate with others in an accurate manner, and when the communication is not achieved appropriately, the person may have troubles and experience distress and conflicts because of the inaccurate communication of thoughts. According to the findings of previous studies, nurses actually experience much distress in the work place because of the miscommunication that they have with others. The purpose of this study was to observe a correlation between Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and assertiveness behavior, and to exam the effects of assertiveness training on the assertiveness behavior and conflict management mode. The subjects of this study included 20 persons in the experimental group and 20 persons the in control group. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was applied before the study. The assertiveness training group received six, 120 minutes sessions over a 3 week period. Pre-test on assertiveness behavior, Communication Conflict Inventory-General, Role Conflict Inventory- General, Conflict Management Mode was achieved for all the subjects prior to the training. Post-test was administered to all the subjects one week following the last session. The data were analyzed using SPSS PC program to obtain findings on mean, standard distribution, t-test, and Pearson correlation. The results are as follows: 1 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Introvert/Extrovert was correlated to assertive behavior and avoid- response type conflict management mode. 2 The assertiveness training was correlated to assertiveness behavior, communication conflict degree, and avoid- response type conflict management mode. 3 The post-test scores between the training group and the control group were significantly different in assertiveness behavior and avoid-response type conflict management mode. It is suggested that more studies need to be done to differentiate the effects of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and assertiveness training on assertiveness behavior and avoid-response type conflict management mode.
The Program Development of Nursing Activities for Community Health Promotion
Jeong Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):291-306.   Published online December 31, 1999
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Health promotion has come to the fore through new concept approach in consequence of the increase of chronic diseases. increase of medical cost and social trend of putting more emphasis on the individual responsibility for health. Studies of health promotion can be classified into two types: one is micro intervention method which is mainly focused on modifying individual life style and the other. macro intervention method in which they put another emphasis on the environment the individual is surrounded. in addition to modifying individual life style. This study belongs to the later. This study aims to develop nursing activities and program it for the purpose of community health promotion. The process of the study can be briefed as follows: to draw out nursing contents to intervene for community health promotion: to promote community health to develop nursing action indicators; to develop nursing action indicators for the development of main nursing activities. And those developed nursing activities are programmed systematically. The community health promotion program is composed of a hierarchical structure with nursing process that the nurses are supposed to apply to perform professional nursing. the level of nursing perform. the main items of nursing process. health promotion nursing indicators. health promotion nursing activities. The conclusion of this study according to objectives are as follows. First. community health promotion contents at individual and community level are remained revised and complemented and those at organizational level are developed. The developed main contents of community health promotion nursing are as follows. 1) Revised individual level nursing contents: 35 items. 2) Developed organizational level nursing contents: 24 items. 3) Revised community level nursing contents: 36 items. Second. for the development of the health promotion nursing action indicators. principles were set up and applied as follows. 1. Developed indicators should be provided with such qualities as comprehensiveness. diversity. developability, availability. practicability. 2. Developed indicators should be provided with functional abilities to measure the conditions and changes in any phenomena or state. inspect the development of the states. control the implementing program. evaluate the result of program and grasp what nurses should do. 3. Developed indicators should be provided with relevance and sequence. 4. Developed indicators should be undergo inspections from the expert. The developed community health promotion action indicators developed in this study. observing above mentioned principles. are total 330 indicators of 95 items. Third. when the main nursing activities were developed for each nursing action indicator. five priciples were set up in accordance with each nursing action indicators to decide main nursing activities. Main nursing activities developed observing those principles. are total 1273. Forth. for the programming of the developed nursing activities. three principles were set up. 1. The nursing activities are systematized in line with . 2. The program is constructed in downward and hierarchical order. 3. The program is constructed not in relation to same level activities but in relation to high and low level activities. The process step of programming of developed main health promotion nursing activities are; Step 1. The Developed nursing action indicators are classified into nursing process. Step 2. The main nursing activities are allocated per each nursing action indicators. Step 3. The statement of main nursing activities are inspected. Step 4. The items of main nursing activities allocated by a certain nursing action indicators are sequenced. taking into consideration the elaborateness of activity. the sequency of activity. familiarity of activity. the difficulty of activity. the interest of activity. the frequency of activity. Step 5. The whole developed program should undergo comprehensive and critical inspections.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing