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Ji Hye Jeong 2 Articles
A Structural Equation Modeling of Prostate Cancer Screening Intention
Ji Hye Jeong, Nam Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(4):471-483.   Published online December 31, 2019
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The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with the intention of the prostate cancer screening (PCS). To achieve this purpose, a structural equation model was established based on the health belief model and the theory of planned behavior.
The subjects of this study were 260 male participants who were between 40 and 74 years old and had not taken the PCS. Data were collected using a structured self-report questionnaire (i.e., perceived benefits, perceived barriers, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, and intention of the PCS). Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and fitness test were used to test hypotheses.
The intention of the PCS was directly affected by the perceived behavior control and indirectly influenced by the perceived benefits. The structural equation model also showed that the perceived behavior control explained 78% of the intention.
To raise the intention to take the PCS, it is necessary to increase the confidence of a subject that may control its difficulties and inform the perceived benefits of the PCS to a subject.
The Influence of Health Literacy and Diabetes Knowledge on Diabetes Self-care Activities in Korean Low-income Elders with Diabetes
Ji Hye Jeong, Nam Hee Park, So Young Shin
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2014;25(3):217-224.   Published online September 30, 2014
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This study aimed to assess the levels of and relationships among health literacy, knowledge about diabetes, and self-care activities in the Korean low-income elderly with diabetes and to identify factors influencing the self-care activities of this vulnerable population.
This study surveyed a total of 151 low-income elderly patients with diabetes registered at 16 Visiting Health Care Services in B City, Korea. Health literacy was measured with the Newest Vital Sign. Diabetes knowledge was measured with the Diabetes Knowledge Test. The Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activities Questionnaire was used to assess diabetes self-care activities. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify significant factors influencing diabetes self-care activities in these patients.
In the regression model, diabetes knowledge (beta=.322, p<.001), exercise (beta=.337, p<.001), and experiences of diabetes education (beta=.241, p=.001) were significantly associated with increased diabetes self-care activities in low-income elderly patients with diabetes when gender, education, health literacy, and subjective health state were controlled.
To improve diabetes self-care activities in the low-income elderly with diabetes, it is important to develop a customized program considering their knowledge, exercise, and diabetes education experience.


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RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing