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Keum Ee Kim 5 Articles
Effectiveness of a Reducing Alcohol Intervention Program for Workers
Keum Ee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):611-623.   Published online December 31, 2007
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To evaluate a reducing alcohol intervention program for workers.
The intervention program employed one-group pretest-post-test design with repeated measuring by quasi-experimental study. The program was developed from literature review based on the Transtheoretical Model, and evaluated from April 6 to June 22, 2006. Sixteen white collar male workers participated. At the beginning, the subjects were at the pre-contemplation stage (50%) and contemplation stage (50%). The intervention was applied personally or in group twice a week for 9 weeks.
The scores of each stage of change in the post-test increased significantly compared with those in the pretest. The scores of process (cognitive and behavioral) of change in the post-test increased significantly compared with those in the pretest. The score of self-efficacy of change in the post-test increased significantly compared with that in the pretest. The score of pros-cons for drinking in the post-test decreased significantly compared with that in the pretest. The consumption of alcohol a week and a day in the post-test decreased significantly compared with that in the pretest. The levels in ALT, AST, GGT, total cholesterol, triglyceride, B.P. and BMI in the post-test did not decrease significantly compared with those in the pretest, but the level of FBS decreased significantly compared with that in the pretest.
The above result informs us that a stage-based reducing alcohol intervention program for workers has the effect of increasing the stages of change, the process of change (cognitive and behavioral) and self-efficacy, and decreasing pros-cons for drinking, alcohol consumption and FBS, and it also has a value as an effective means of nursing for workers.
Factors Associated with the Stages of Changes in Drinking Behavior among Industria Workers, an Application of thel Transtheoretical Model
Hee Soon Kim, Keum Ee Kim, Myung Soon Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):110-121.   Published online March 31, 2004
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This study was performed to identify factors associated with drinking behavior using Transtheoretical Model in workers.
The study method was a survey of 216 marine shipping metal workers in Koje city from November 11, 2002 to November 30, 2002.
The subjects were divided in four stages of drinking behavior: 38.9% in pre-contemplation stage, 38.6% in contemplation stage, 17.6% in preparation stage and 7.9% in action & maintenance stage. The amount of drinking was significantly decreased as the workers progressed through each stage. Helping relationships(HR) and Self reevaluation(SR) were identified as the main processes of change in all stages. Self liberation(SEL), Counter conditioning(CC), Helping relationships(HR), Self reevaluation(SR), Dramatic relief (DR) and Social liberation(SL) were used higher than average. The self-efficacy score increased as the workers progressed through each stage, but not significantly. The Pros score of decisional balance was the highest in the pre contemplation stage and decreased as the workers progressed through each stage, but not significantly. The Cons score of decisional balance was the highest in the preparation stage, but not significantly in as the workers progressed through each stage.
This study can provide the basis of a staged matching alcohol-reducing program using TTM for more effective and useful intervention.
A Study on Health Behaviors and Medication Compliances of Hypertensive Patients in a Rural Area
Keum Ee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):49-56.   Published online March 31, 2002
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This study was performed to identify the health behaviors and medication compliances of hypertensive patients in a rural area, from May 1 to July 31, 2001. The subjects were 100 hypertensive patients who were registered at the Health Center in Goeje City. The data was collected by face-to-face interviews with a 25-item questionnaire on health behaviors, and analyzed by the Chi-square test on each variable. The results were as follows: Approximately 76% of the subjects were currently taking drug medication. In the comparison of health behavior rates between male and female, there were statistically significant differences in smoking (p<.000), alcohol(p<.003), low salt diet(p<.014), and the health behavior rates of female were higher than those of male. In the comparison of socioeconomic factors by medication compliance, there was statistically significant difference in sex(p<.001), and the medication compliance rate of female was higher than that of male. In the comparison of subjects' perception by medication compliance, there were statistically significant differences in seriousness of hypertension (p<.001) and medication period for hypertension care (p<.004). The medication compliance rate of the group of subjects who took the threat on their hypertension seriously was higher than that of the group who didn't, and the medication compliance rate of the group who knew that they should take medication for the rest of their life was higher than that of the group who didn't. These results suggest that community health education programs and distribution of information must be emphasized in order to increase medication and to encourage behavior changes for promoting health.
A Study on Health Promoting Behavior and Disease Preventive Behavior of a Community Residents: Koje area
Keum Ee Kim, Mee Young Im
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):168-174.   Published online March 31, 2001
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This study was conducted to investigate the disease preventive behavior and health promoting behavior of a community residents. The subjects were selected by convenient sampling and the total number was 300(Female, 170, Male, 130). The data were collected by face to face interviews during the period of Sep. 15-30, 1999. The measurement tool for this study was the rating score for disease preventive behavior and health promoting behavior. The instrument was developed by the researcher based on the tool of Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, t-test, ANOVA, chi2 test by Windows SPSS/PC program(v7.5). The results were as follows: 1. In the comparison of disease preventive behavior rates between male and female, there was a statistically significant difference in physical examination, measuring the blood pressure and vaccination for B type hepatitis. In the comparison of disease preventive behavior rates among the age, there was a statistically significant difference in physical examination, measuring the blood pressure. 2. The rating score for the health promoting behavior of the men subjects was lower than that of the women subjects. In the comparison of health promoting behavior scores between male and female, there was a statistically significant difference in smoking, drinking, regular exercise, breakfast eating, vegetable consumption and teeth brushing. In the comparison of promoting Behavior scores among the age, there were significant difference. there was a statistically significant difference in smoking, sleeping, seat belt use, breakfast eating and salty eating.
A Comparative Study of ADL, IADL in Urban and Rural Elderly: Taejon, Koje Area
Chun Yu Li, Keum Ee Kim, Hyun Li Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(2):225-236.   Published online December 31, 1997
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This study was conducted to investigate the elderly in urban and rural ares. The subjects were selected in a convenient sampling and the total number was 189(Urban : 95, Rur al : 94). The data were collected by one to one interviews in the period of Sep. 1-30, 1995(Koje) and March 15-28, 1997 (Taejon). The study tools for this study were 1) ADL and IADL 2) Self rating scores for health status. The data were analyzed by percentage, T-test, ANOVA, chi2 Test, Pearson correlation coefficiency by SPSS pc WIN. 7.0 program. The results were as follows: 1. The self rating score for health status of the elderly in urban area was lower than that of the rural when compared in the same age group. 2. In the comparison of ADL scores between the elderly in urban and rural areas, there was no statistically significant difference. The IADL score of the rural elderly were higher than that of the urban elderly and there was a statistically significant difference. 3. In the comparison of ADL & IADL scores according to the self rating score for health status, there was a statistically significant difference among health status levels.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing