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Mee Young Im 9 Articles
A Systematic Review of Literature on Community Health Center Exercise Programs
Suk Jung Han, Young Ran Lee, Chung Min Cho, Mee Young Im
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2015;26(1):18-30.   Published online March 31, 2015
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the research methods, types and effects of community health center exercise programs for the elderly.
We established the PICOTS-SD (Participants, Interventions, Comparisons, Outcomes, Timing of outcome measurement, Setting, Study Design), reviewed 583 studies from electronic database of DBpia, KoreaMed, KISS, RISS, NDSL and Pubmed, and finally selected 20 studies based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Methodological quality was assessed with the Risk-of-Bias Assessment tool for non-randomized studies.
With regard to research methods, the majority of studies on community health center exercise programs for the elderly were performed after 2010 and using non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest research design. As for the types and effects of exercise programs, the exercise period ranged from 6 to 28 weeks, and the most common exercise frequency was three times a week for 60 minutes. In addition, mixed-type and group exercise programs were performed most commonly.
The results of this study provide a basis for the development of exercise programs to improve elders' health.


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  • Effects of Changes in Physical Activity with Cognitive Decline in Korean Home-Dwelling Older Adults
    Hyunjong Song, Jin-Hwa Park
    Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.2022; Volume 15: 333.     CrossRef
  • A grounded theory approach toward the walking practice and health promotion of urban older adults
    Dong Ha Kim, Seunghyun Yoo
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2022; 39(1): 73.     CrossRef
  • Deriving the Components of Lifestyle-Related Occupational Therapy Intervention Program for the Elderly: Through the Delphi Technique
    Yun-Chan Shin, Da-Sol Park, Eun-Hye Cho, Kyung-A Won, Dae-Sung Han, Jung-Ran Kim
    Journal of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy.2020; 28(1): 45.     CrossRef
The Effects of Lifestyle Factors on Metabolic Syndrome among Korean Adults
Mee Young Im, Young Ran Lee, Suk Jung Han, Chung Min Cho
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(1):13-21.   Published online March 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to estimate the effects of lifestyle factors on metabolic syndrome (MS) among Korean adults (age> or =20).
A total of 7,798 subjects (weighted subjects=37,215,961) were recruited from the 2009 Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV-3). Data were analyzed by t-test, chi2-test, and logistic regression in consideration of strata, cluster and weight as national data using the SAS 9.1 program.
The prevalence of MS by definition of AHA/NHLBI and waist circumference cutoff points for Koreans was 22.4%. The mean clinical MS score for MS patients was 3.4, but the mean score for the non-MS group was 1.2 out of 5.0. Among the lifestyle factors, smoking (OR=1.024), stress (0.546< or =OR< or =0.587) and drinking (OR=1.005) had significant influence on the MS risk and MS scores, but exercise did not.
The results of this study indicate that further research is necessary on the effect of lifestyle factors on MS risk and nurses should focus on effective programs about smoking, stress and drinking for the prevention and reduction of MS risk.


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  • A Systematic Review of Literature on Community Health Center Exercise Programs
    Suk-Jung Han, Young-Ran Lee, Chung-Min Cho, Mee-Young Im
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(1): 18.     CrossRef
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A Study on Effect of Smoking Prevention Education of Middle School Students
Mee Young Im, Jeoung Weon Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(1):49-58.   Published online March 31, 2005
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No abstract available.
A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Experience of Middle School Boys Toward Sexual Behavior
Mee Young Im, Young Hee Mun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(2):223-231.   Published online June 30, 2003
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No abstract available.
A Study on Health Service Utilization and it's Determinants in the Low Income Family in Korea
Mee Young Im, Na Sun Ha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(2):272-279.   Published online June 30, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to analyze health service utilization, and its related factors in low income families who earned half of the average Korean household income.
This was a cross-sectional descriptive survey study in which a nationwide randomization sampling technique was used. The data were collected from July 12 to August 7, 1999, and the total sample size was 5,819 individuals, belonging to 1,753 households.
1) In the utilization of health services for the last 3months, the pharmacy was the type of service that was the most utilized (32.0%), and the health center was the one that was the least utilized (10.3%). About 29 % (29.2%) of the respondents could not utilize the health service at all, and 19.8% of the respondents terminated their medical treatments half way to completion because of financial difficulty (89.4%). 2) Analysis of the data using logistic regression showed that living with spouse, level of education, occupation, and income had statistically significant effects on health service utilization.
The parameters of health care policies are equity and efficacy for health status, and the health service utilization by low income families. The conclusive resolution for these is the improvement of public health centers for an increased utilization rate of their services.
Diagnosis of Health Problems in School-aged Children Through the Analysis of Daily Health Records
Young Hee Mun, Mee Young Im
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):746-754.   Published online December 31, 2001
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In order to analyze the health problems of school-aged children, daily health records from a convenient sample of two primary schools were analyzed. Diseases were classified into 21 categories according to the KCD (Korea Standard Classification of Diseases). The mean number of visits to health care rooms during school per student was 1.98 during 212 school days from Mar. 2000 to Feb. in 2001 and the mean number of daily visits was 11.66. Male students and 3rd graders visited health care rooms more frequently than female students and other graders. The total spell base incidence rate was 1976.8 per 1,000 students in a year; the incidence rate from injuries was 960.0; 542.4 were for digestive diseases; and 415.2, for respiratory diseases. 97% of all diseases were injuries, digestive diseases and respiratory diseases. The most frequent diseases for male students resulted from trauma, and those for female students, from digestive and respiratory symptoms. The services that nursing teachers implemented were wound treatment (48.8%), medication (44.6%), and so on. Therefore, the findings of this research can serve as the basis for developing school health service program and health education program.
A Study on Health Service Utilization for the Low Income Elderly in Korea
Mee Young Im, Ho Shin Ryu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):589-599.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation amongst health status, health care costs, health service utilization among the low income elderly who were 60 years of age or older, earning a half of the average Korean family income. The cross-sectional descriptive survey research we conducted used families randomly sampled nationwide. The data were collected from July 12 to August 7, 1999 and the total sample was 1,259 household members (421 households). These were the major findings. 1. As for the health status, 72.4% of respondents fell ill in the last 1 month; 54% of respondents had chronic disease. 2. As for the health care cost, the cost of hospitalization and the medical treatment were 1,069,000 won and 226,000won, respectively. 59.3% of respondents experienced a burden from the monthly health care expenses. 3. As for the health service utilization for the last 3months, 28.5% of respondents didn't utilize the health service. In addition, 22.2% of respondents gave up a medical treatment because of economic situation (88.8%). 4. The statistically significant determinants of health service utilization are old age, female, living with a spouse, unemployed state, medicare, and more days sick. 5. It is shown conclusively that equity and efficacy of the health care policy are to be considered for lower income older adult.
A Study on Health Promoting Behavior and Disease Preventive Behavior of a Community Residents: Koje area
Keum Ee Kim, Mee Young Im
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):168-174.   Published online March 31, 2001
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This study was conducted to investigate the disease preventive behavior and health promoting behavior of a community residents. The subjects were selected by convenient sampling and the total number was 300(Female, 170, Male, 130). The data were collected by face to face interviews during the period of Sep. 15-30, 1999. The measurement tool for this study was the rating score for disease preventive behavior and health promoting behavior. The instrument was developed by the researcher based on the tool of Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, t-test, ANOVA, chi2 test by Windows SPSS/PC program(v7.5). The results were as follows: 1. In the comparison of disease preventive behavior rates between male and female, there was a statistically significant difference in physical examination, measuring the blood pressure and vaccination for B type hepatitis. In the comparison of disease preventive behavior rates among the age, there was a statistically significant difference in physical examination, measuring the blood pressure. 2. The rating score for the health promoting behavior of the men subjects was lower than that of the women subjects. In the comparison of health promoting behavior scores between male and female, there was a statistically significant difference in smoking, drinking, regular exercise, breakfast eating, vegetable consumption and teeth brushing. In the comparison of promoting Behavior scores among the age, there were significant difference. there was a statistically significant difference in smoking, sleeping, seat belt use, breakfast eating and salty eating.
A Study on Health and Public Health Center Utilization Behavior for lower Income Family in Korea
Ho Sihn Ryu, Mee Young Im, Ju Yull Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):60-70.   Published online March 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between health behavior and public health center utilization among lower income families who earned half of the average Korean family income. The cross-sectional descriptive survey research we conducted was a nationwide randomization sampling among lower income families. The data was collected from July 12 to August 7, 1999 and the total sample was 5,819 household members (1,735 households). There were three major findings according to these studies. 1. In health behaviors, 26.5% of respondents had a health examination. Among them, 41.5% were in a poor condition of health. In health promotion behaviors, only 37.3% of respondents were doing activities for health maintenance or promotion. 2. In the results of the public health center utilization for the past year, 57.4% of respondents visited one or more times. In addition, 46.2% of respondents wanted to use a visiting nursing service. 3. In the results of multiple logistic regression, we found that less education, larger family size, and medicaid affects more utilization of public health center. In addition, older age, living without a spouse, less education, larger family size, lower family income, and public health center usage affects requests for the visiting nurse service.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing