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Souk Young Kim 10 Articles
Direction of the Community Health Nursing Practice Education Focusing on the Nursing Education Accreditation Criteria
Kyung Ja June, Young Ran Chin, Hee Girl Kim, Chun Mi Kim, Yeon Yi Song, Souk Young Kim, Han Ju Lee, Ihn Sook Jeong, Ki Soon Seo, Kyung Won Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(2):183-192.   Published online June 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to seek the direction of community health nursing practice education focus on the nursing education accreditation criteria.
We collected data through e-mail survey to all of 202 Korean nursing baccalaureate education institute in April, 2016. The 93 professors teaching community health nursing was responded about their affiliated institute (response rate 46.0%).
The Korean nursing graduates in Feb. 2016 was practiced 3.01 credits, 131.6 hours in community health nursing course. Community health nursing practice agency was public health center (98.9%), Public health center post (43.0%), Public health center branch (32.3%) in order. The possibility to achieve the course objectives up to national examination was recognised Public health center (3.4), Public health center post (3.3), Public health center branch and school (3.2) from 5 score likert scale. A lot of nursing education institute have difficulty in clinical placement in community health nursing practice agency that meet eligibility of preceptor and space gaining for only nursing students.
The nursing education accreditation criteria in 3rd cycle have to be considered real community health nursing practice situation and newly emerging community health nursing fields.


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  • A Preliminary Study for the Curriculum Development of Community Care Coordinators: Educational Needs Analysis
    Han Nah Park, Ju Young Yoon, Soong-Nang Jang, Hye Jin Nam
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2022; 33(2): 153.     CrossRef
  • Educational needs for the development of a simulation module of home visiting care for the frail elderly
    Junhee Ahn, Youngran Yang
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2021; 27(1): 68.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Global Nursing Practice Education Experience
    Eun Sil Cho, Myoung Hee Seo, Soo Ok You, Ok Hee Ahn, Myeoung Hi Song
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2021; 32(4): 485.     CrossRef
  • Development and Effects of Head-Mounted Display-Based Home-Visits Virtual Reality Simulation Program for Nursing Students
    Min Kweon Ahn, Chong Mi Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2021; 51(4): 465.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of Current Status of the Community Health Nursing Practice Education
    Yoo Hyang Cho, Eun Young Do, Kyung Sook Kang, Young Me Kim, Younkyoung Kim, Farrah Rou, Chong Mi Lee, In Hee Choi, Hee Chung Choi
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2017; 28(3): 347.     CrossRef
  • A Comparative Study between American Public Health Nurse Core Competency and Community Health Nursing Practicum in a Province
    Hanju Lee, Junghyun Choi, Sa Saeng Hyeon, Chun Mi Kim, Young Ran Chin
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2017; 28(3): 334.     CrossRef
The Effects of Case Management for Clients with Clonorchiasis in Riverside Areas
Chun Mi Kim, Hee Gerl Kim, Kyung Ja June, Souk Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):427-437.   Published online December 31, 2012
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In order to lower the infection rate and the reinfection rate of Clonorchiasis in high-risk areas, we performed and analyzed a case management on people with chlonorchisis.
The data was collected from April 2010 to March 2011. A community health practitioner was selected as a case manager based on our training program. The intervention group had 58 participants with three months of case management and the control group had 144 participants handled with traditional methods.
The pre and post-test in the intervention group and the control group showed us improved knowledge of Clonorchiasis, attitudes and behavior toward eating freshwater fish. The results of post-test between the intervention group and the control group showed statistically significant differences in all categories, except a hand-washing category. However, one year after a case management, there was no significant difference in the failure rate of treatment.
The case management was effective for people infected with Clornorchiasis near riverside areas; however, in order to lower the rates of reinfection and treatment failure, it is necessary to perform continuous monitoring and regular evaluations.


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  • A new method for estimating the prevalence of clonorchiasis in Korea
    Jin-Young Jeong, Jin Yong Lee, Byung-Suk Chung, Younghyun Choi, Allison Baer Alley, Hyun Joo Kim
    Medicine.2017; 96(13): e6536.     CrossRef
  • Population-Based Regional Cancer Incidence in Korea: Comparison between Urban and Rural Areas
    Haa-Na Song, Se-Il Go, Won Sup Lee, Yire Kim, Hye Jung Choi, Un Seok Lee, Myoung Hee Kang, Gyeong-Won Lee, Hoon-Gu Kim, Jung Hun Kang, Yune Sik Kang, Jeong-Hee Lee, Jin-Myung Jung, Soon Chan Hong
    Cancer Research and Treatment.2016; 48(2): 789.     CrossRef
Conditions of Workplace Violence Experience among Workers in the Distribution Industry
Souk Young Kim, Soon Nyung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(2):212-221.   Published online June 30, 2012
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The purpose of this study is to explore violence experienced by workers in the distribution industry.
The research subjects were 236 workers from 2 department stores and 1 large scale discount store located in Daejeon City, Korea. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, chi2-test, and logistic regression analysis.
72.9% of the research subjects experienced verbal violence, and 9.3% of the respondents experienced physical violence during last year. 17.8% of the respondents reported that they had experience of sexual harassment at their workplaces. The variables which affected verbal violence included working departments and stress level, whereas the variable that affected physical violence was educational level of workers. The variables that affected experience of sexual harassment turned out to be gender as well as the duration of work at the current workplaces.
The findings from this research revealed that many of the workers engaged in the distribution industry were exposed to workplace violence. For the reduction of risk of workplace violence for these workers, it is required to develop and execute programs including violence related policies and education about workplace violence.
The Effects of a Walking Leader Program on Walking Knowledge and Self-efficacy
Chang Hyun Lee, Young Im Kim, Souk Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(2):178-187.   Published online June 30, 2010
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of a walking leader program on changes in walking knowledge and self-efficacy.
The subjects were 276 participants who participated in the nationwide walking leader program 9 times from May to September in 2008. Data were collected before and after the program by an organized questionnaire.
1) Knowledge related to walking exercise increased significantly to 4.14 point from 2.90 point after the program (t=-20.70, p<.001). 2) Self-efficacy related to walking exercise increased significantly to 4.08 point from 3.40 point after the program (t=13.93, p<.001). 3) Significant factors that affected knowledge and self efficacy before the program were regular exercise and subjective health status. The history of chronic disease and smoking were significantly affecting factors to knowledge and self-efficacy after the program.
The walking leader program promoted the participants' walking knowledge and self-efficacy. It is necessary to develop more specific programs tailored to socio-demographic characteristics of participants and to make efforts to increase participants with active public information.
Clonorchis Sinensis Infection Experience in Residents Living in Riverside Areas
Hee Gerl Kim, Kyung Ja June, Souk Young Kim, Myungsook Park, Chun Mi Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(1):110-117.   Published online March 31, 2010
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The purpose of this research was to describe clonorchis sinensis infection experience in high risk populations living in riverside areas. The research question was "How do local residents perceive Clonorchiasis and how are they infected with the parasite".
Qualitative data were collected by focus group interviews with 16 participants from January to February, 2009. All the interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed by the content analysis method.
Five main categories were conceptualized, which were "lacking in understanding of Clonorchiasis," "culture of the rural community," "life style," "recovering experience from infection" and "change of health behavior." CONCLUSION: The result of this study indicates that residents are infected with Clonorchiasis through interaction between individual and group risky factors. Therefore, it is important to develop effective health education programs on both individual and group levels to prevent infection with Clonorchiasis.


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  • Development of tailored contents of a mobile health application to prevent the metabolic syndrome
    Jiye Kim, Jiwan Kang, Harim Kim, Juyeun Ko, Hyekyeong Kim, Yuri Kim, Kwangsuk Ko, Minsoo Lee
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2018; 35(3): 25.     CrossRef
  • A new method for estimating the prevalence of clonorchiasis in Korea
    Jin-Young Jeong, Jin Yong Lee, Byung-Suk Chung, Younghyun Choi, Allison Baer Alley, Hyun Joo Kim
    Medicine.2017; 96(13): e6536.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and Related Factors of Clonorchiasis among Five Major Riverside Residents in South Korea
    Chunmi Kim, Kyung Ja June, Shin Hyeong Cho, Kyung Soon Park, Hung Sa Lee, Ji Yeon Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(4): 346.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Case Management for Clients with Clonorchiasis in Riverside Areas
    Chunmi Kim, Hee-Gerl Kim, Kyung-Ja June, Souk-Young Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2012; 23(4): 427.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Prevalence of Clonorchis Sinensis and the Effects of Educational Program among Residents in the Basin of the Youngsan River, Korea
    Chunmi Kim, Aeyoung So, Kyung-Ja June, Hee Young Jung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2011; 22(1): 56.     CrossRef
Workers' Health Belief in Health Promotion Programs and Related Factors
Young Im Kim, Soon Lae Kim, Hye Sun Jung, Souk Young Kim, Hyun Ju Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(4):465-473.   Published online December 31, 2009
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between worker's health belief in health promotion programs and their demographic, health, and health behavior characteristics.
This study used survey data from 262 small- and large-scale workplaces. The study included 1149 male and female workers who completed the questionnaires.
The health belief score increased significantly with age and length of service. Male, married, shift-work, and white-collar workers showed a significantly higher health belief score than female, single, non-shift-work, and blue-collar ones. Workers with disease history, hypertension, or obesity had a significantly higher health belief score. Regular exercise was significantly correlated with the health belief score. When all the variables were included in the model, the health belief score was significantly higher in workers who were married, had a longer length of service, worked in the sales department, were diagnosed with hypertension, exercised regularly, and felt fatigue.
The results showed that workplace intervention programs meet more the needs of workers who have a higher health belief score. In addition, given that healthier life style was related to a higher health belief score, further research is required to find how to change health behavior in workers.
Analysis of Working Time of Nurses in Urban Public Health Center Branches in South Korea.: Focused on Nurses for Visiting Health Service and Chronic Disease Management
Kyung Ja June, Hee Gerl Kim, Souk Young Kim, Ae Young So, Shin Young Sohn, Eun Ok Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(4):649-659.   Published online December 31, 2008
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The purpose of this study is to investigate working time of nurses in urban public health center branch, especially for nurses for visiting health service and chronic disease management.
Daily note, which was developed by this research team, was distributed to nurses at 7 urban public health center branches to be filled out them for 2 weeks during 2 month from June 2007 to August 2007. We analyzed 121 daily notes recorded by visiting nurses and 65 daily notes written by chronic disease management nurses were analyzed.
The total working time for visiting nurses at urban public health center branches was 589.85 minutes per day on the average. They spent 147.13 min in actual visiting nursing services, 149.36 min in documenting, 66.94 in preparing, 77.69 min in transferring, and 11.84 min in referring. The total working time for chronic disease management nurses at urban public health center branches was 582.92 minutes per day on the average. They spent 148.77 min in actual chronic disease management services, 120.62 min in documenting, 42.46 min in group education, 37.38 in preparing, and 10.38 min in referring.
Based on the results of this study, it is recommended to improve documenting systems and to increase community resources linkage were recommended through the results of this study. The results of this study are expected to be used to plan staffing at urban public health center branches in the future.
The Development of a Structural Model on Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders of Women Workers
Souk Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):624-633.   Published online December 31, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to develop and test a structural model on work-related musculoskeletal disorders of women workers.
Data were collected from 237 women workers from industries such as electronics, food production and garment production, and analyzed by LISREL 8.54.
The fitness indices of the model are GFI=.87, NNFI=.91, PNFI=.74. Eight out of the ten paths were proved to be statistically significant: work environment-->social support, work environment-->health behavior, work environment-->WMSDs, domestic work-->health behavior, social support-->health behavior, social support-->job satisfaction, health behavior-->job satisfaction, and job satisfaction-->WMSDs. Work environment, social support, health behavior and job satisfaction significantly influenced WRMDs. WRMDs were accounted for 35% by the predictor variables.
In conclusion, this study identifies that work environment, social support, health behavior and job satisfaction are important factors affecting WMSDs. Therefore, in order to prevent WRMDs, it is most important to improve both physical work environment for female workers such as appropriate work station and tools fit for them and psychological environment such as less job demand and more decision latitude(worker control).
A Survey of Workplace Health Promotion Activities and their Health Promotion Program Need
Young Im Kim, Hea Sun Jung, So Young Lee, Soon Lae Kim, Souk Young Kim, Kang Jae Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(2):195-209.   Published online June 30, 2006
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No abstract available.
A Study on Health Behaviors and Problems of Female Retail Workers
Souk Young Kim, Soon Nyung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(1):127-145.   Published online June 30, 2000
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The objectives of this study are to identify health behaviors and health problems. and the relations between health behaviors and health problems of female workers in the retail business. The number of subjects were 200 female workers of 6 department stores in Seoul and Kyonggi area, whose jobs last more than 6 months as retail employees. The data was collected during 2 months from July 1 to August 30, 1998. The Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire(CMI) was used to measure their health problems, while health behaViorn were investigated in terms of 'smoking', 'alcohol', exercise', 'diet', and 'sleeping'. The data were analyzed with frequency. percentage, t-test, ANOVA test, and chi2-test by SPSS PC+ program. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Out of health problems. Digestive symptoms occupied the highest percent number. nervous ones the second and cardiovascular ones the third among physical health problems of retail female workers. The most frequent mental health problem was 'adequacy' and the next, 'tension' and 'anger'. 2. Health problems according to general characteristics of subjects were shown that the younger or the unmarried complained more than the older or the married, especially in the items of 'eye and ear', 'respiratory system', 'cardiovascular system', 'digestive tract', 'nervous system', 'adequacy', and 'depression'. The longer working duration they have had, the more they complained of 'respiratory system' and 'adequacy'. The lower academic careers complained of 'nervous' than the higher ones with statistical significance. 3. The analysis of daily health clinic notes showed that respiratory complaints were the highest percent, successively followed by digestive tract, nervous one, external injury, musculoskeletal system, urinary-reproductive system and others. 4. The level of their health practice was generally low in smoking, diet habit and alcohol intake, exercise, sleeping, very low especially in smoking, diet, alcohol intake, and exercise among them all. 5. Present smokers and ones with past experience complained of physical and mental health problems of 'respiratory system', 'digestive tract', 'skin', 'nervous', 'urinary-reproductive system', 'fatigability', adequacy', 'depression', 'anxiety', 'anger' and 'tension', than non smokers, with statistical difference. Workers without having breakfast and with irregular diet had more complaints on 'digestive tract', 'adequacy' and 'tension', than those who had regular dietary habit. The less the subjects slept, the more they complained of eye and ear, cardiovascular system. The subjects who drank alcohol complained more digestive problem. However, whether they exercise or not did not affect physical and mental health problems in a significant manner. 6. The subjects' age and marital status were statistically significant relating to health behaviors, as the younger or unmarried recorded a low level of health practice in smoking, drinking, dietary habit. Based on the results, the suggestions are made as follows: 1. Health education program on smoking, alcohol intake, diet habit is needed to improve health problems and health behavior of female retail workers. 2. The unmarried workers of late teen and twenties, who are transitional period from teenagers to adulthood are important targets for health promotion program especially for maternal health. 3. Better working environment with sufficient time and facilities for workers to relax is required to promote female sales workers' health. 4. Further research is required to identify the relation between workers' visual fatigue and intense lights for the display of goods.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing