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Sung Ae Park 4 Articles
A Study for Evaluating the Performance of a Community-based Home Care Services Model
Se Young Kim, Sung Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(4):673-683.   Published online December 31, 2008
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This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of a community-based home care services model.
The subjects were 138 patients who have been enrolled during a 6 month's period, nursing records and nursing service bills. The data was collected by self report and chart review. The mean cost per visit was compared with those of hospitalization & clinic visit in the data from National Health Insurance Corporation.
A significant number of patients were bed ridden(63.8%) and unconscious(27.5%), and most of the patients had complex chronic diseases. Except nursing assessment, bed sore care was the most frequent nursing treatment(25.1%) in home care services. The mean cost per visit of home care services was 34,665 won, which was lower than those of hospitalization & clinic visit for medical aid. The patients were highly satisfied with the services by visiting nurse specialists.
Community-based home care services provided cost-effective and satisfied services. Community-based home care services needs systematic supports to expand it's domain for promoting community health.
A Diagnostic Study on the Registered Beneficiaries of Health Centers - From the Perspective of the Precede Model -
Soon Nyung Yun, Jung Ho Park, Sung Ae Park, Hyeoun Ae Park, Chun Mi Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(2):292-305.   Published online June 30, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic assessment on the level of health status, and quality of life of the health care beneficiaries registered in health management programs of public health centers. In order to investigate the level of health status and the quality of life and to find factors affecting them, the PRECEDE model, that was developed by Green, et al. for the purpose of a comprehensive diagnostic research, was used.
The subjects were 81 residents who resided K-gu, Seoul. Data were collected from September, 1999 to August, 2000 using a self reported questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Kruskall-Wallis test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and path analysis.
1. The quality of life and the level of health promoting lifestyle were moderate or more, but were not significantly different by sex, age, marital status, educational level, occupation, and monthly household income. 2. Self-efficacy was significantly correlated to be a perceived benefit, social support and health-promoting lifestyle. Perceived benefit had a significant correlation with social support and health promoting lifestyle. There was also a significant correlation between the level of satisfaction, and the availability of the health promotion program. 3. Social support, health promoting lifestyle, and health status were found to influence the quality of life directly, whereas self efficacy and perceived benefit affected the quality of life indirectly through social support.
The results of this study suggest that the health promotion program should include strategies to strengthen self efficacy and perceived benefit to enhance social support, and to encourage health promoting behaviors in order to improve the quality of life of the health care beneficiary.
An Evaluative Study of Community based Health Promotion Project
Sung Ae Park, Jung Ho Park, Soon Nyung Yun, In Sook Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(2):532-546.   Published online September 30, 2001
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This report is the result of interim evaluation of a health promotion project which was operated by a public health center of K Gu in the year of 2000. It evaluated the aspects of the aim of a project, a target group, and adequacy and appropriateness of a approaching strategy by considering data of public health center's self-evaluation, and guidelines of a group assigned to evaluate the project. The way of evaluation was dividing the project into a colligated evaluation and a evaluation by projects in the aspects of the structure, the procedure, and the result of a result. Through this, a device to improve the health improvement project was derived. The target data for evaluation was the second data and data of self-evaluation, reported data, membership register data of a health management, and interview materials with the people in charge by projects that are all collected as a project management documents. The result of evaluation is stated below. 1. Main purpose of a health promotion project is building a environment of healthy life practicing and providing information through various ways to increase the rate of practicing healthy life. Through overall project, the ultimate purpose and definite purpose were same, however, it was not quite satisfied to offer planning of a time, and a target amount in detailed strategy. As the purpose was to build environment of healthy life practicing, most of the projects had the whole community citizen as a target group. That made difficult to operate detailed projects, so the result was hard to estimate as much as the effort put into it. Also, there were too many kinds of projects and target groups to be equal to by the human source of a health promotion project team, so we were just bent on operating a project, and could not prepare for the evaluation. As the most of former evaluation of public health service was just counting number of the objects, the new way of evaluating a project wasn't familiar to us, so the evaluation of a detailed project cannot be done well. Techniques and advices needed for all of these things weren't offered appropriately. For the forward direction of unfolding project, it is desirable to operate project by selecting focused target and considering a strategy of evaluation as a strategy of reasonable spread. The evaluation of the project became difficult as participation of citizen for it was poor. So, approach strategy that can lead the motivation of community citizen should be derived. 2. For the continuation of a health promotion project, technical assistance system, description of a field in charge, and arrangement of the amount of task should be developed as a central level. Furthermore, as the health promotion project focus on behavioral modification program whose purpose is to lessen dangerous factors, the public health service model which is incorporated with former project should be developed and spread out in the field for the object-centered project plan.
A Comparison of Outcomes of Visiting Nursing Service by the Organizational Structure of Health Centers
Soon Nyoung Yun, Sung Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(1):5-17.   Published online June 30, 1996
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The purpose of this study was to identify the differences of the outcomes of visiting nursing service (VNS) between the two types by the organizational structure of health centers. Type I referred to 3 health centers with departmentalization for VNS and type II of 3 health centers providing VNS under the subunit of a department. Data were collected from 38 visiting nurses at the six health centers for their perceived formalization, decision-making authority and job satisfaction, 293 clients for the satisfaction level with VNS served and their records analysis for level of quality care and frequency by the contents of VNS through the questionares during the period from June, 1 to August 30, 1993. Data were analyzed using chi2, F. t or/and Scheffe test. The result were as follows: 1) There were no significant differences in perceived formalization and decision -making authority of visiting nurses between the two types of health centers. 2) There were significant differences in the level of quality care and frequency of the VNS contents between the two types of health centers. 3) There were no significant differences in perceived clients' satisfaction and job satisfaction of the visting nurses between the two types of health centers. From this study, Not only organizational differentiation with the development of job standards and supportive system but also personnel development are suggested when new health care service in health centers begins.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing