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Youn Kyoung Kim 5 Articles
Analysis of Current Status of the Community Health Nursing Practice Education
Yoo Hyang Cho, Eun Young Do, Kyung Sook Kang, Young Me Kim, Youn Kyoung Kim, Farrah Rou, Chong Mi Lee, In Hee Choi, Hee Chung Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(3):347-356.   Published online September 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to provide basic evidence to improve community health nursing practice education by analyzing the current status of actual operation, program outcomes and evaluation methods, and the level of achieving learning goals.
Data were collected through an e-mail survey from 155 professors teaching community health nursing in April 2016. Out of 45 responses in total, 42 cases were used for analysis (response rate 29.0%).
Community health nursing practice was a 3-credit course in most of the schools (66.7%) and included a practice at public health centers without exception. The most common diagnosis classification system was OMAHA (81.0%). The core fundamental nursing skills evaluated during the practice were subcutaneous injection, vital signs, oral administration, and intradermal injection. Among the subjects of community health nursing practice, the area with the highest potential for achieving learning goals was primary health care provision (4.4/5) and the area with the lowest potential was disaster management (2.4/5).
The results of this study show that there would be active efforts to complement and improve several problems of the community health nursing practice among the community health nursing practice instructors for more effective and qualitative community health nursing practice.


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  • The Current Status of Nursing Management Practicum during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Eun A Kim, Yoomi Jung, Miyoung Kim, Jeong Hee Kim, Myonghwa Park, Kyung Ryu
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2022; 28(4): 471.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Global Nursing Practice Education Experience
    Eun Sil Cho, Myoung Hee Seo, Soo Ok You, Ok Hee Ahn, Myeoung Hi Song
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2021; 32(4): 485.     CrossRef
  • Geochemical occurrences of arsenic and fluoride in bedrock groundwater: a case study in Geumsan County, Korea
    Joo Sung Ahn
    Environmental Geochemistry and Health.2012; 34(S1): 43.     CrossRef
  • Geochemical characteristics of fluoride in groundwater of Gimcheon, Korea: lithogenic and agricultural origins
    Yeongkyoo Kim, Jong-Yong Kim, Kangjoo Kim
    Environmental Earth Sciences.2011; 63(5): 1139.     CrossRef
The Effects of an Individual Cognitive Improvement Program on the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairments
In Hyae Park, In Hee Choi, Seo Young Kang, Youn Kyoung Kim, Chong Mi Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2015;26(1):1-10.   Published online March 31, 2015
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This study was conducted to investigate changes in cognitive functions, depression and life-satisfaction for elderly participants with mild cognitive impairments participating in an individual cognitive improvement program.
A quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was implemented. The participants were senior citizens over 65 years of age who had been clinically diagnosed with mild cognitive impairments in G City and J Province (experimental group: 29, control group: 27). The experimental group participated in the individual cognitive improvement program based on Korean traditional tales and games for nine weeks.
After the intervention, only the participants in the experimental group reported significant improvement in K-MMSE (t=-2.5, p=.016), MoCA-K (t=-2.6, p=.008), depression (t=3.51, p=.001), and life satisfaction (t=-2.75, p=.008) when compared to those in the control group.
These results indicated that the individual cognitive improvement program was effective in improving cognitive functions, depression, and life-satisfaction among the elderly with mild cognitive impairments. Therefore, the application of this individual cognitive improvement program developed in this study by visiting nurses may strengthen the cognitive functions of seniors with mild cognitive impairments.


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  • The BRHW Cognitive Cerebrospinal System’s Improvement Influence on Elderlies’ Brain Function
    Gyeong-Jin Yoo, Eun-Jeong Kim, Ho-Il Kim
    Journal of Digital Contents Society.2024; 25(8): 2193.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation Program Combined with Physical Exercise on Cognitive Function, Depression, and Sleep in Chronic Stroke Patients
    SoHyun Kim, SungHyoun Cho
    Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science.2022; 11(1): 32.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Integrative Cognitive Function Improvement Program on Cognitive Function, Oral Health, and Mental Health in Older People: A Randomized Clinical Trial
    Eun-Seo Jung, Yoon-Young Choi, Kyeong-Hee Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(21): 14339.     CrossRef
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Therapeutic Programs on Improving Cognitive Function and Depression among Older Adults Living with Dementia in Korea
    Jaeeon Yoo, Sunhee Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(9): 3218.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Cognitive Improvement Program on Cognition, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Depression, Life Satisfaction, and Grasping Power in Small Groups
    Seo Young Kang, Chong Mi Lee
    Journal of muscle and joint health.2016; 23(3): 169.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Computerized Cognitive Training on Cognitive Function, Depression, Self-esteem, and Activities of Daily Living among Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment
    Myoungsuk Kim, Kyung-Choon Lim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2016; 28(6): 691.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Occupational Reminiscence Therapy(ORT) Program for the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI) in Local Community
    Yu-Jin Cha
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2016; 17(8): 605.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of a Functional Game (Rejuvenescent Village) for Older Koreans’ Cognitive Function, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Depression, and Life Satisfaction
    Kyung Choon Lim, Min Ho Chun
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2016; 18(4): 296.     CrossRef
Constructing a Questionnaire on Male Workers' Sobriety Behavior: Based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior
In Hyae Park, Youn Kyoung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(2):156-168.   Published online June 30, 2010
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The purpose of this study was to construct a questionnaire to assess male workers' sobriety behavior based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).
A primary questionnaire with 56 questions was constructed based on literature review and structured interview with male workers. The Content Validity Index (CVI) was evaluated by a group of experts, construct validity was tested by principle component analysis, and reliability was evaluated by Cronbach's alpha and the test-retest reliability test.
Fifty two questions showed higher than .8 of CVI. Four factors explained 78.71% of the total variance among items for sobriety intention and direct measure, and six factors explained 67.99% of the total variance among indirect measure items and those factors coincided with the variables of TPB in factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha of this questionnaire was .873 and the result of test-retest reliabilty test was relatively reliable. A total of 41 items with 7-point scale were constructed in the final version.
This questionnaire was valid and reliable to measure sobriety behavior based on TPB in male workers. It can be useful to evaluate the result of a sobriety program for male workers.


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  • Controlled Drinking Behaviors Among Korean American and Korean Male Workers
    Younkyoung Kim, John Lowe, OiSaeng Hong
    Nursing Research.2021; 70(2): 114.     CrossRef
  • An Analysis and Evaluation of the Theory of Planned Behavior Using Fawcett and DeSanto-Madeya's Framework
    Sungwon Park, Hyewon Shin
    Advances in Nursing Science.2021; 44(4): E141.     CrossRef
  • Development of an Aggression Scale for Adolescents: Based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior
    Sook Jang, Hye Young Ahn
    Child Health Nursing Research.2018; 24(4): 484.     CrossRef
  • A Structural Model of Alcohol Abstinence Behavior among Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases
    Tae Kyung Kim, Hye Sook Min
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2018; 30(1): 30.     CrossRef
The Relation between Farmers' Syndrome and Quality of Life of Residents in Suburban Area
In Hyae Park, Aeran Joo, Youn Kyoung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(3):495-505.   Published online September 30, 2008
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This study was conducted to identify the relation between farmers' syndrome and the quality of life of residents in suburban areas.
A total of 994 subjects were selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected from June 25 to August 31, 2007. Data analysis included frequency, chi2-test, Fisher's exact test, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test, and Pearson's correlation coefficient using SPSS Win 12.0.
1. Analysis of farmers' syndrome showed that there were statistically significant differences according to age, gender, education, living with, family conversation, health security, monthly income, occupation, general health status, systolic blood pressure, and sleeping time. 2. Analysis of the quality of life showed that there were statistically significant differences according to age, education, religion, family conversation, health security, monthly income, occupation, and sleeping time. 3. Farmers' syndrome was in a significantly negative correlation with quality of life.
Considering the results above, we need to develop nursing interventions for decreasing hypertension, high blood sugar, and farmers' syndrome of residents in suburban area.
The Effects of Taekwon Aerobic Exercise on Obesity Indices and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Middle-Aged Obese Women
In Hyae Park, In Hee Choi, Hyun Sook Ryu, Ae Ran Joo, Youn Kyoung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(3):382-390.   Published online September 30, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of taekwon aerobic on obesity indices and cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged obese women.
Data were collected from 19 middle-aged obese women who participated in taekwon aerobic exercise. This research adopted one-group pretest-posttest design. Taekwon aerobic was applied 3 times in a week for 12 weeks, and the obesity indices and cardiovascular risk factors were checked before and after the program. Body weight, BMI and % body fat for obesity indices were checked, and total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol and the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol for cardiovascular risk factors were measured. The data was analyzed by paired t-test using SPSS/Win 10.0.
There were significant differences in body weight, BMI and % body fat after the taekwon aerobic exercise. There was a significant difference in total cholesterol. However, there were no significant differences in triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol and the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol after the taekwon aerobic exercise.
This study showed that taekwon aerobic exercise decreased obesity indices and lowered total cholesterol in the cardiovascular risk factors. The results of this study show that taekwon aerobic exercise is effective in enhancing the health of middle-aged obese women.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing