A Phenomenological Study on the Lived Experience of Train Operators Exposed to Person under Train (PUT)
Young Joo Kim
, Hee Seung Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(1):98-106. Published online March 31, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2017.28.1.98
To understand the meaning of the lived experience with Person under train (PUT) for train or subway operators. METHODS The study was built on hermeneutic phenomenological themes from individual interviews of present-day train or subway operators in South Korea. Eight participants were selected to participate in the study. All qualitative data were analyzed using the heuristic guides of Van Manen. RESULTS Four fundamental lifeworld themes and eight sub themes emerged in the findings. The first theme of spatiality had‘the place pressed by the darkness’ and ‘the train drags me there’. The second theme, corporeality had ‘a foreboding fear’, and ‘debris of death that gets stuck in the whole body’. The temporality theme had‘distorted time in chaos’, and ‘memory trapped in time’. Finally the last existential theme of relationality had ‘intrapersonal encounter’ and ‘resentment and guilt’. CONCLUSION The four existential lifeworld themes provided a framework for in-depth investigation of the operator's “lived experience.†This leads to clear understanding of effects of PUT experience on related individuals. The findings imply that specific active nursing intervention strategies are necessary in order to treat affected train operators, and to prevent further issues in their work and private life.