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Volume 12 (3); December 2001
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Original Articles
Test of the New Health Promotion Model for the Prediction of Female Employees' Health Promotion Behavior at the Manufacturing Plants
Soon Nyoung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):557-569.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The purpose of the study was to test the Pender's New Health Promotion Model in order to explain and predict female workers' health promotion behavior at manufacturing plants by using latent variable structural equation model. The data were collected from 280 female workers at 8 electronic factories located at Seoul, Kyunggi, and Incheon using a structured questionnaire through interview and self-report. LISREL was used to test the model. The results are as follows; 8 out of 15 paths of the modified one from the hypothetical model of Health Promotion were statistically significant and the total variance was 40%. The relationship between the previous health behavior and the cognitive emotional factor, and the interpersonal factor, and the situational factor each, and the relationship between perceived health status and interpersonal factor, and health promotion behavior each among gamma paths were unidirectional. On the beta paths, the relationship between the interpersonal factor and the cognitive emotional factor was bi-directional; the relationships amongst the interpersonal factor and the commitment to action, and the health promotion behavior were unidirectional. But the commitment to action was not a significant mediating factor to the health promotion behavior. Pender's New Model is considered good to explain and predict the female workers' health promotion behavior. The interpersonal factor should be considered in occupational nursing practice. But the concepts of situation and commitment to action should be further validated and measured.
A Study on the Consumers' Expectation, Perception, Quality, and Satisfaction with the Industrial Nursing Services
Myun Sook Jung, Mi Jin Youn
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):570-581.   Published online December 31, 2001
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A Study on the Determining Factors of Utilizing the Nursing Home
Seung Eui Han
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):582-588.   Published online December 31, 2001
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A Study on Health Service Utilization for the Low Income Elderly in Korea
Mee Young Im, Ho Shin Ryu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):589-599.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation amongst health status, health care costs, health service utilization among the low income elderly who were 60 years of age or older, earning a half of the average Korean family income. The cross-sectional descriptive survey research we conducted used families randomly sampled nationwide. The data were collected from July 12 to August 7, 1999 and the total sample was 1,259 household members (421 households). These were the major findings. 1. As for the health status, 72.4% of respondents fell ill in the last 1 month; 54% of respondents had chronic disease. 2. As for the health care cost, the cost of hospitalization and the medical treatment were 1,069,000 won and 226,000won, respectively. 59.3% of respondents experienced a burden from the monthly health care expenses. 3. As for the health service utilization for the last 3months, 28.5% of respondents didn't utilize the health service. In addition, 22.2% of respondents gave up a medical treatment because of economic situation (88.8%). 4. The statistically significant determinants of health service utilization are old age, female, living with a spouse, unemployed state, medicare, and more days sick. 5. It is shown conclusively that equity and efficacy of the health care policy are to be considered for lower income older adult.
Effect of Rhythmic Exercise Program to Elderly on Risk Factors of Fall Injury
In Sook Lee, Young Ran Chin, Dong Ok Lee, Yun A Kim, Kyeng Ae Baek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):600-608.   Published online December 31, 2001
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Accidents are the fourth-leading causal factor of death among the elderly, and fall is a major type of accident (53.17%). Many cases of falls in the elderly result in delayed discovery and loss of quality of life. As the number of the elderly grows, falls will be a more important health problem. Most previous research on falls investigated prevalence, mortality, and the related factors. There are many studies proving the effect of rhythmic movements. But few researches considered linking risk factors of fall with rhythmic movements. PURPOSE: We want to show the changes after performing rhythmic movement program, in risk factors of falls and mobility such as flexibility, balance, muscle power and persistency in the elderly, in order to provide basic information needed for the development of fall injury prevention program for the elderly.
The design of this study is quasi-experimental, the equivalent control group, pretest-posttest. The subjects consist of 124 people who lived in Do-Bong-Gu, Seoul, agreed to participate in this study, and were able to follow this rhythmic movement program. About 93% of them are from 65 to 84 years (Mean+/-sd: 73.7+/-5.7); 64% are female. The rhythmic movement program was designed, and performed by two community health nurses working in the Do-Bong-Gu Public Health Center, regularly twice a week from May, 4 to December, 17, in 10 senior citizens' community centers. Risk factors of fall were measured with RAFS-II (Risk Assessment for Falls Scale II) by asking about each item; mobility was measured by observing their specific movements asked by investigators.
1. After performing the program during 7 months, risk factors score of falls were decreased significantly (paired-t = 4.77, p>0.01). 2. After performing the program during 7 months, flexibility (paired-t = 2.26, p=0.03) and mobility were improved (paired-t = 4.98, p>0.01), but muscle power and persistency did not change (paired-t = 0.33, p=0.74). Overall, mobility affecting the occurrence of falls was improved significantly (paired-t = 5.15, p>0.01).
A regular rhythmic movement program can be helpful in preventing falls in the elderly. Further, we can develop a fall injury prevention program using rhythmic movement.
Relationship between Inequalities in Health and Inequalities in Socioeconomic Status
Kwang Ok Lee, Hee Sang Yoon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):609-619.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This cross-sectional study is to measure the distribution of self-reported health by income, house type, level of education, income satisfaction and self reported social class in an effort to compare the level of health inequality in Korea. The data used in the research are the Social Statistics Survey undertaken in 1999. The correlation coefficient was used to measure the association between inequalities in health and inequalities in socioeconomic status. The correlation coefficient was the most significant between self-reported health and the level of education and income satisfaction. As for the health-related behavior, hypertension, smoking, overweight and drinking were shown to be highly correlated with self-reported health.
A Study on the Recognition and Attitude on the Home Health Care Program by Inpatients in Pusan
Jung Soon Kim, Young Hee Ko, Dae Suk Kim, Jeung Hwa Kim, Jae Shin Shin, Gil Za Lee, Ihn Sook Jeong, Sun Kyung Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):620-626.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This study was aimed at investigating the recognition and attitude of inpatients for the purpose of facilitating the implementation of the home health care program in relation to the opening of the Home Care Department in P University Hospital in Pusan.
Data were collected from the questionnaires returned by 293 patients, who were admitted at P University Hospital, from May 1 to May 15, 2001 and analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Fisher exact test.
In regard to the previous information about the home health care program, 55.6% of the inpatients heard about the name through the advertisement in the hospital, the mass communication, and from acquaintances. The percentage of right answers regarding the knowledge of home health care program was 43.9%. In regard to the acceptance of the home health care program, 97.1% of patients agreed with the implementation of the home care program. The reasons for acceptance were: the maintenance of the continuity of care, the alleviation of the family burden of time.
For the stabilization and successful implementation of a home health care system, it should be accompanied not only by advertisement but also education for patients about the home health care program, and a post-evaluative study after the implementation.
The Scenario Approach Method for Family Nursing Intervention Based on the Movie "Mabin's Room"
Kyung Min Park, Jung Nam Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):627-638.   Published online December 31, 2001
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No abstract available.
Family Support : a Review of Nursing Literature on its Trends and Implementations
Shin Ae Park, Kyung Sook Kang, Mi Young Jeong, Nam Hyun Cha, Soon Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):639-646.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the trend of nursing research related to family support and to provide an effective direction for future research by conducting a review of the Korean nursing literature from 1980 to 2000. A total of 73 studies were analyzed with the following results. 1) The number of studies related to family support has been rapidly increasing since 1984, and 77% of those were conducted in the 1990s. 48 studies, 65% of those analyzed, were degree-based research including 4 doctoral theses (4%) and 45 master's theses (62%). 2) Based on the objective frame of study types developed by Lee et al. (1991), the types of studies were analyzed: 56 studies, 76.6% of those reviewed, belonged to factor-relating; 9 studies (12.4%) belonged to factor-isolating; 7 studies (9.6%) belonged to situation-producing; and only 1 study (1.4%) belonged to situationrelating research, respectively. 3) In terms of research design, most studies of analyzed (90.4%) were conducted by non-experimental design, and 7 studies (9.6%) were conducted by experimental design. But, qualitative research related to family support was not found. 4) In terms of research subjects, target populations of experimental studies were patients with arthritis, mental disorder, tuberculosis, coronary artery disease and hypertension. In correlational studies, 51 studies, 69.9% of those analyzed, were conducted to patients with renal failure, cancer and hemiplegia, and 5 studies (6.8%) were conducted to aged people and adolescents. 5) Study concepts used in correlational studies were quality of life, anxiety and depression, self-esteem, hope, role behavior, compliance and self-care activities. The quality of life was most often used among studies with 12.5% of those analyzed. 6) Nursing interventions, including diet therapy, family involving education and supportive care, used in experimental studies mostly showed positive effects on client involvement and home health improvement. However, the nursing interventions of mental health rehabilitation and resistance exercise showed neutral and negative results. The findings of this study provide evidence that more empirical research including experimental or qualitative studies should be conducted actively to improve nursing practice related to family support. Also, to promote more diverse nursing interventions, a family assessment tool especially for Korean families needs to be developed.
Occupational Health Care Management Model in Small Scale Enterprises
Soon Nyung Yun, Hye Sun Jung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):647-660.   Published online December 31, 2001
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Forming health care management model in small-scale enterprises was the purpose of this study. For the purpose, we tried to investigate the characteristics of small-scale enterprises and analyzed the pattern of their health care management. The results are as follow: 1. The strength of health managing agency and technical supporting program lies in team approach by specialized manpower. However, if the liaison between each part of the organization is not smooth, the overall management will be very difficult. 2. Small scale enterprises are characterized by their short life after the establishment, use of rental building, lack of welfare facilities, weakness in sanitary management and aggregation of factories of similar type of industry. Because of these characteristics, it is very difficult to solve problem basically, such as improvement of working environment. Therefore, it is important to focus on health education and community-based approach. 3. Many workers in small-scale factories are in middle and old age. They have health problems mainly related to personal habits. Implementation of an appropriate health promotion program is needed. 4. The number of workplaces, which should be managed by health managing agent, is increasing rapidly. But the number of health managing agent is limited. In the aspect of the requirement of manpower and equipment, training personal agent is more urgent than founding institutional agent. 5. The uniform method of health management hampers the choice of employer and workers. The types of provision of health management should be diversified. 6. For an efficient management, a frequent visit of personal agent and the following referral to a specialist should be done. The specialists in charge of secondary management are from the field of occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, ergonomics, etc. 7. The health management of small-scale facilities should have six components. They are community-based approach, multi-disciplinary cooperative system, program based on the need of recipient, forming partnership of employer and worker, change of lifestyle, and evidence-based program.
Readability of Printed Educational Materials Used to Inform Computer Tomography
Hye Ra Yoo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):670-679.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This study examined the readability of 4 different kinds of patient education handouts about computer tomography tests from 5 different university-affiliated hospitals in Korea. Readability was evaluated in terms of syntax, length of sentence, usage of unfamiliar words, foreign words, Chinese words, abbreviation, and technical jargon. This study found that all of the handouts were very difficult to read. An excessive use of complex and long sentences was found. Unfamiliar words, rarely used in everyday life, were recklessly used. Most of the unfamiliar words were Chinese words and can be exchanged with Korean language. Excessive medical terminologies were used without any explanations. Based on the study results, guidelines to make the handouts easier and more accessible to patients and their family were recommended.
The Study on the Family Functionality and Spousal Relationship of Middle-aged Women to Develop Health Promoting Program
Kyung Hee Yang, Young Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):680-695.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for developing nursing intervention for middle-aged women. This study identified health status, family functionality and spousal relationship and analyzed relationship between individual characteristics and family functionality/spousal relationship. The subjects of this study were 1,723 women from 45 to 55 years of age, who lived in J city. Data were analyzed using percentages, means, t-tests, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficients with the SPSS statistical program. The results of the study were as follow: 1. The rate of women who perceived themselves to be healthy was 36.6%, those who did not was 30.8%. The most frequent health problem was a disease of the skeletal system (13.2%). 2. The mean score of family functionality was 3.25+/-.60, with cohesion score of 3.58+/-.66 and adaptability score of 2.99+/-.63. 3. The mean score of total spousal relationship was 3.22+/-.42; the relationship with in-laws was 3.78; sexual relationship, 3.74; life style, 3.44; and recreational activity, 3.39. 4. The women who experienced menopause perceived themselves to be unhealthier than those who did not. 5. Healthy women had a high score at total spousal relationship, personality of spouse, life style, recreational activity, and children's influence. 6. The women from 40 to 50 years of age, and women who graduated from middle or high school and had medium economic status showed a high score in family functionality. There was no correlation between family functionality and experience of the menopause. 7. Lower aged women were not good in personality of spouse (p<.05), sexual relationship (p<.05), and relationship with relatives (p<.05). Inexperienced women's menopause was influenced by their children (p<.05). Women who graduated from middle or high school (p<.001) and had medium economic status (p<.05) showed a high score in spousal relationship. 8. The higher the family functionality score, the higher spousal relationship score (p<.001); love and communication (p<.001), personality of husband (p<.05), and religion (p<.001), relationship with relatives (p<.05), but the lower the score of recreational activity (p<.05), and share of role (p<.001) in the spousal relationship. 8. The higher the family functionality score, the higher spousal relationship score (p<.001); love and communication (p<.001), personality of husband (p<.05), and religion (p<.001), relationship with relatives (p<.05), but the lower the score of recreational activity (p<.05), and share of role (p<.001) in the spousal relationship . 9. In the family functionality, the higher the cohesion score, the higher was the adaptability score (p<.001). 1) The higher the cohesion score, the higher were love and communication, personality of husband, life style, sexual relationship, and children's influence, but the lower were share of role in spousal relationship(p<.001). 2) The higher the adaptability score, the higher were love and communication, religion, but the lower were the personality of husband, life style, sexual relationship, recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role(p<.001), and children's influence in spousal relationship (p<.05). 10. Variables within the spousal relationship have relationships with other variables. 1) The higher the love and communication score, the higher personality of husband religion, life style, communication, relationship with relatives, and children's influence (p<.001). 2) The higher personality of husband life style sexual relationship, recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001). 3) The higher the religion score, the lower the recreational activity score (p<.05). 4) The higher the life style, the higher were the sexual relationship, recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001). 5) The higher the sexual relationship score, the higher were recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001). 6) The higher the recreational activity, the relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001). 7) The higher the relationship with relatives, the higher were the share of role, the higher children's influence (p<.001)). In conclusion, the spousal relationship was not good in unhealthy women, and the family functionality was related with the age of women and educational level. Also the spousal relationship was related with the age of women, personality of husband, sexual relationship, relationship with relatives by marriage and influence of sons and daughters. Menopause was related with spousal relationship, not related with family functionality. And the family functionality not related with perceived health status, but was correlated with spousal relationship. Therefore, the health management program for middle-aged woman should take place before menopause and must be based on promoting the family functionality and spousal relationship as well as physical health.
A Study on the Correlation among Family Life Events Stress, Family Functioning and Social Support of the Wives who Reside in Some Area
Su Ja Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):696-704.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This study was to investigate the family life events stress and family functioning and social support of wives, and to find out the correlation among these variables.
The subjects were 263 wives who participated voluntarily in the questionnaire. The instrument used in this study comprised family life events stress, family functioning and social support instruments, and the data were collected from Sep.10 to Sep. 29 with selfadministered questionnaires. We analyzed the data using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, t-test and ANOVA with SPSS win.
1) The mean score of family life events stress was 25.8, family functioning was 47.2, and social support was 43.4(4 point scale), 2) The rate of correlation between family life events stress and family functioning was (r=-.18), that between family life events stress and social support was (r=-.26), and that between family functioning and social support was (r=0.46). 3) The mean score of family life events stress by general characteristics was significant in age, religion and family type. The mean score of family functioning by general characteristics was significant in education. The mean score of social support by general characteristics was not significant.
Considering the results above, we can recognize that there are close relations among family life events stress, family functioning and social support. Although the correlation coefficient is somewhat different, these three variables are very significant for wives.
Literatures Review in Hwabyung Research
Young Sook Park, Sun Ok Chae
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):705-715.   Published online December 31, 2001
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No abstract available.
The Effect of Self-Efficacy Promotion Smoking Cessation Program for Middle School Students
Ji Hyun Lee, Eun Sil Kang, Myung Hwa Lee, Young Eun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):716-731.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to test the effect of a self-efficacy promotion smoking cessation program for middle school students. This program was redesigned on the basis of Shin Sung Rye(1997)'s Self-Efficacy Promoting Program for this study. The design of this paper was quasi-experimental, equivalent control group pre-post test, time series design. The subjects of this study were 53 smoker adolescents in D Middle School in the city of Busan. The results were summarized as follows: 1) The Hypothesis 1 was accepted : The self efficacy of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group after 1 week (expected efficacy t=2.20, P< .05, expected outcomes t=-2.58, p< .05) 4 weeks after education (expected efficacy t=- .19, P< .001, expected outcomes t=-2.586, p< .05). 2) The Hypothesis 2 was accepted : The amount of smoking of the experimental group was reduced more than that of the control group after 1 week (t=2.05, P< .05) and after 4 weeks (t=2.03, p< .05). 3) The Hypothesis 3 was accepted : The positive urine cotinine of the experimental group was less than that of the control group after 1 week after education(chi2=8.57, P< .01) after 4 weeks (chi2=22.49, P< .001). In conclusion, a self-efficacy promotion smoking cessation program for middle school students was an effective smoking cessation program and then it will be valuable for stopping the smoking among the adolescents.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing