PURPOSE This study aims to examine the factors influencing sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Korean adolescents 12 to 18 years. METHODS Using statistics from 10-11th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, secondary analysis was conducted. The study sample consisted of 4,886 boys and 1,998 girls who had reported initiating sexual intercourse. RESULTS The proportion of adolescents who had a sexually transmitted infection was 8.8% of boys and 11.0% of girls. In multiple regression analysis, grade, smoking, first intercourse before middle school, intercourse after drinking alcohol, living without family, large amounts of pocket money were factors associated with sexually transmitted infection for both boys and girls. Use of condom is related to STI contraction of boys only. Formal sex education was not associated with reducing risk of STI. CONCLUSION The results of this study show the factors associated with STI among Korean adolescents. Gender-related effective interventions should be taken into consideration in school-based sex education programs.
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Bullying victimization and its associated factors among adolescents in Illu Abba Bor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study Hunde Tarafa, Yadeta Alemayehu, Tilahun Bete, Debela Tarecha BMC Psychology.2022;[Epub] CrossRef
PURPOSE In this study, we performed a comparative analysis on the quality of life (QoL) in male and female chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients based on the 4th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV) from 2007 to 2010. METHODS We extracted the socio-demographic and clinical data of 1,218 COPD patients including 874 men and 344 women from the KNHANES IV database. Descriptive statistics and correlation test were used to analyze the data. In order to find factors associated with QoL of COPD patients, we conducted multivariate linear regression analysis. RESULTS Infrequency analysis, the educational level and income were lower in the female COPD patients than in the male ones. The QoL indexes including mobility, self-care, activities of daily living, discomfort, anxiety, and depression were significantly worse in the female of COPD patients than in the male ones (p<.01). CONCLUSION Our study indicates that QoL of female COPD patients should be improved on the educational, economic, and healthcare aspects.
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Projecting Lifetime Health Outcomes and Costs Associated with the Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure among Adult Women in Korea Gyeyoung Choi, Yujeong Kim, Gyeongseon Shin, SeungJin Bae International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(5): 2494. CrossRef
Mapping analysis to estimate EQ-5D utility values using the COPD assessment test in Korea Jaeok Lim, Sang-Eun Choi, Eunmi Bae, Daewon Kang, Eun-A Lim, Gyeong-Seon Shin Health and Quality of Life Outcomes.2019;[Epub] CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to determine gender differences in effects of self-efficacy, exercise benefits and barriers, and demographic factors on the physical activity. METHODS Seventy sedentary office workers, 35 male and 35 female, from a major airline company, completed a questionnaire from March 28 to April 5, 2012. Steps and body mass indices were measured using a CW-700/701 (Yamax) pedometer and Inbody 720 (Biospace), respectively. Data were analyzed using t-test, chi2-test, multiple linear regression, and simultaneous quantile regression. RESULTS For male workers, exercise self-efficacy had a significant effect on physical activity, but only when respondents were at 10%(3,431 steps/day, p=.018) and 25%(4,652 steps/day, p=.044) of the physical activity distribution. For female workers, marital status was significantly related to physical activity, but only when respondents were at 10% (3,537 steps/day, p=.013) and 25%(3,862 steps/day, p=.014) of the physical activity distribution. CONCLUSION Quantile regression highlights the heterogeneous effect of physical activity determinants among office workers. Therefore intervention strategies for increasing physical activity should be tailed to genders as well as physical activity levels.
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Salutogenesis intervention improves cardio‐cerebrovascular health in at‐risk office workers: A quasi‐experimental study Ji Hyun Moon, Hosihn Ryu Public Health Nursing.2024; 41(4): 690. CrossRef
Health promotion program for office workers with SEM based on the WHO’s healthy workplace framework Hosihn Ryu, Jiyeon Jung, Jihyun Moon Health Promotion International.2020; 35(6): 1369. CrossRef
The association between low frequency of having breakfast and dyslipidemia in South Korean men and women Doo Woong Lee, Dong-Woo Choi, Yeong Jun Ju, Sang Ah Lee, Eun-Cheol Park European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.2019; 73(6): 896. CrossRef
Physical Activity of Workers in a Hospital So Yeon Jun, Jaewon Kim, Hyehoon Choi, Joon Sung Kim, Seong Hoon Lim, Bomi Sul, Bo Young Hong International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2019; 16(4): 532. CrossRef
Program Development and Effectiveness of Workplace Health Promotion Program for Preventing Metabolic Syndrome among Office Workers Hosihn Ryu, Jiyeon Jung, Jeonghyun Cho, Dal Chin International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2017; 14(8): 878. CrossRef
Unhealthy Lifestyle Behaviors in Korean People with Metabolic Syndrome Seongmi Moon Journal of Community Health Nursing.2017; 34(2): 69. CrossRef
Body Composition and Dietary Self-efficacy of Nursing Students Hyoung-Sook Park, Jae-Hyun Ha, Hyun-Ju Lee Journal of muscle and joint health.2016; 23(2): 95. CrossRef
Effects of the Health Support Network Project on Musculoskeletal Disorders of Females Deok-Ju Kim, Hee-Jung Han, Yeong-Ae Yang The Korean Journal of Health Service Management.2015; 9(1): 169. CrossRef
Factors Influencing Exercise Behavior of the Male Manual Worker and Office Worker based on Health Promotion Model SeungKyoung Yang, Yeongmi Ha, Mi-Ra Jung Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing.2015; 24(3): 235. CrossRef
Relationship Between the Physical Activity Levels and Health Care Utilization in Korean Elderly Kwang-Il Kwak, Chang-Hee Baek, So-Yeon Ryu Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(1): 617. CrossRef
Study of the physical condition of middle-aged workers by gender SooHee Park, DeokJu Kim Journal of Physical Therapy Science.2015; 27(3): 841. CrossRef
A Comparison of the Physical Activity of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Patients and Healthy People A Rum Han, Jeong Yun Park Asian Oncology Nursing.2014; 14(4): 221. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to identify difference in gender stereotype between female nursing students and humanities students. METHODS A descriptive comparative study was done. The subjects were 300 nursing students and 114 humanities students who were selected by convenient sampling. Data were collected from September 2008 to October 2008 using a constructive questionnaire with 30 questions, which was prepared for this study by modifying the instrument about gender stereotype developed by Kim. The data were analyzed through ANCOVA, factor analysis and Chronbach's alpha using the SPSS program. RESULTS 1) Of the six subcategories of gender stereotype, five were higher in the nursing students than in the humanities students, but occupational gender stereotype was not. 2) Age affected total, familiar, social, external, and intellectual gender stereotype. 3) Self-satisfaction and major satisfaction affected social gender stereotype. 4) In the analysis of difference in gender stereotype with controlling age, self-satisfaction and major satisfaction, the nursing students showed statistically significant higher scores in intellectual stereotype than the humanities students. CONCLUSION Because female nursing students tended to show high gender stereotype, nursing educators need to develop programs for helping nursing students escape from gender stereotypes and increase their self-satisfaction.
PURPOSE This study was to investigate the factors affecting the self-rated health of vulnerable elderly in community. METHODS The subjects were 2,328 elderly over 65 years who were enrolled in the Visiting Health Care Center in J-gu of S-city from Apr. 2007 to Sep. 2008. Data were collected using questionnaires including general characteristics, health related behavior and health status by nurse at the time of enrollment. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, test and multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS 47.2% of the male subjects and 57.2% of the female subjects rated their health "poor". Gender differences were observed in the factors affecting on Self-Rated Health. ADL, depression and the number of diseases played a major role for men, whereas depression, IADL, the number of diseases, ADL, regular exercise and education played a major role for women. These factors explained 17~29% of variance in Self-Rated Health. CONCLUSION Gender-specific programs for vulnerable elderly may be developed based on this study. Both physical and psychological functions need to be integrated into the programs to improve self-rated health of vulnerable elderly.
PURPOSE This study was done to investigate the relationship between the type of gender role identity and home environmental variables. METHOD This study used a descriptive survey design and convenience sampling. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires from 1,497 female high school students in Seoul. The data were analyzed by the SPSS 10.0 program, which included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square test, ANOVA, and Duncan test. RESULTS The androgyny gender role identity was most common (33.9%). The type of gender role identity had a significant correlation with home environmental variables (economic status, relationship with parents, father's education level, mother's education level. noninterference, reasonable guidance, affection, overprotection, achievement, active involvement, limit setting). CONCLUSION It is necessary to provide parent education programs to help female adolescents develop gender role identity toward androgyny.
PURPOSE This study intends to investigate gender role identity and egalitarianism consciousness among adolescents and to determine the relationship between the two factors. METHOD Data were collected from 376 middle and high school students in U City. Tools used were the Korean Sexual Role Identity (Kim, J. H., 2005) and the Gender Egalitarianism Consciousness among Adolescents (Kim, 2002). Data were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 for t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. RESULTS There was no significant difference between boys and girls in gender role identity. Boys' gender role identity was different according to school grade (t=-3.19, p=.00), frequency of mother's hugging (t=-2.28, p=.02) and girls' according to religion (t=-2.24, p=.03), mother's job (F=3.59, p=.02), father's education level (F=3.20, p= .04), mother's education level (F=3.24, p=.04), family harmony (F=7.28, p=.00), and frequency of mother's hugging (t=-2.41, p=.02). There was significant difference in egalitarianism consciousness according to gender (t=-12.70, p=.00). Boys' egalitarianism consciousness was different according to school type (t=.02, p=.00) and father's education level (F=4.97, p=.02), and girls' according to school grade (t=-4.21, p=.00), school type (t=-3.12, p=.00), father's level of education (F=3.78, p=.02), decision maker of important domestic matter (F=4.95, p=.00) and frequency of mother's hugging (t=2.53, p=.01). In Girls, sexual role identity and gender egalitarianism consciousness were significantly correlated with each other (r=.01, p=.04). CONCLUSION Through the study, it was found that boys' concern for sexual equality of was remarkably lower than girls. Therefore, it is necessary to offer curriculums for boys and to start social education for parents.