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Gwang Suk Kim 9 Articles
Factors Influencing the Wellness of Call Center Employees
Yeon Ju Kim, Gwang Suk Kim, You Lim Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2022;33(1):128-138.   Published online March 31, 2022
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This study aimed to identify the factors influencing the wellness of call center employees.
From December 2018 to October 2019, a cross-sectional study was conducted with 155 workers recruited from the call centers in Seoul, South Korea. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires were used to measure the following scales: Korean occupational stress scale, emotional labor scale, work-life balance scale and wellness scale. Using the SPSS 26.0 program, the descriptive statistics, independent t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were conducted.
The mean score of the wellness level of call center employees was 3.05 out of a maximum of 5.00. More wellness level of call center employees was associated with gender, psychiatric diagnosis, and call characteristics. A multiple regression analysis indicated that the total scores on the wellness scale were predicted by call characteristics, occupational stress and work-life balance, with an explanatory power of 42.2%.
Study findings show that it is necessary to promote wellness in call center workers with differentiated strategies according to call characteristics, occupational stress and work-life balance. This implies that it is necessary to understand the call characteristics and patterns of workers and to provide an innovative wellness program tailored to individual characteristics for an effective management of the emotional labor and occupational stress.
Factors Influencing the Initiation of Treatment after the Diagnosis of Korean Patients with HIV
Mi So Shim, Gwang Suk Kim, Chang Gi Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2018;29(3):279-289.   Published online September 30, 2018
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This study has been conducted to identify factors that influence the initiation of treatment after the diagnosis of Korean patients with HIV.
A cross-sectional study design was used, and 290 patients with HIV from outpatient departments of 7 hospitals participated. Self-report questionnaires included items on the days from the primary diagnosis to the initiation of treatment, and the patients' demographic and disease related characteristics. Negative binomial regression model (NBR) was utilized to determine risk factors influencing the initiation of treatment after the diagnosis of the patients with HIV.
The skewness of days was 6.62, and the degree of asymmetry of distribution was severe. In NBR, patients who were in their 40s and 50s, female, unmarried and living with their family, jobless, in a middle or high level of economic status, and diagnosed before 2014 showed a higher risk of delayed treatment than patients who were younger, male, married and living with family, in a low level of economic status, and diagnosed in 2014 or afterwards.
The findings suggest the necessity of intervention to promote HIV patients' early entry into treatment based on the participants' characteristics.


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  • Barriers and facilitators on the HIV care continuum among adults living with HIV in high-income countries: a scoping review protocol
    Gwang Suk Kim, Youngin Kim, Min Kyung Park, Sang A Lee, Youngjin Lee, Mi-So Shim
    Systematic Reviews.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
Health Empowerment of Older Adults with High-risk of Cardio-cerebrovascular Diseases
Hyo Jin Son, Gwang Suk Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(4):410-420.   Published online December 31, 2017
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This study was to identify factors explaining health empowerment of older adults with high-risk of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases.
Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 148 older adults residing in two areas who have one or more of the following diseases; hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression.
Health empowerment had a positive correlation with health literacy and social support. Perceived health status and social activity participation showed significant contribution in explaining health empowerment.
This study showed that enhancing perceived health status and social activity participation are vital in an effort to improve health empowerment of the population. Main findings of this study can contribute to developing health empowerment interventions to improve health behavior practices of the older adults.


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  • Association between health-related empowerment and health-protective behaviors among community-dwelling older adults
    Manal Mohammed Hawash, Abeer Abd El-Rahman Mohamed, Mona Metwally El-Sayed, Ayman Mohamed El-Ashry, Sarah Ali Hafez
    Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2024; 48: 59.     CrossRef
  • The Mediating Role of Health Empowerment in the Relationship Between Social Support and Loneliness Among Nursing Home Residents: A Correlational Study
    Hüsne Demirel, Sultan Ayaz‐Alkaya
    Journal of Advanced Nursing.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The effects of health empowerment and social support on health promotion behavior in older adults: A cross-sectional study
    Kyungmi Lee, Semi Lim
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2022; 24(4): 433.     CrossRef
  • Development and evaluation of the Coronary Artery Disease Empowerment Scale (CADES) in Korea
    Jiyoung Kim, Nayeon Shin, Kyungmi Lee
    Clinical Nursing Research.2021; 30(8): 1241.     CrossRef
Factors Influencing Medication Adherence in Patients with Hypertension: Based on the 2008 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Eun Hee Cho, Chung Yul Lee, In Sook Kim, Tae Wha Lee, Gwang Suk Kim, Hyeon Kyeong Lee, Ji Sook Ko, Kyong Eun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(4):419-426.   Published online December 31, 2013
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The purpose of this study is to examine factors influencing medication adherence in patients with hypertension.
This study carried out a secondary analysis of data from the 2008 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Stratified sampling was used to select a participant sample that was representative of patients with hypertension throughout the country. Using the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi2 test, t-test, and logistic regression.
Of the patients with hypertension, 8.8% had showed non-adherence to medication. Medication adherence was associated with age, spouse, Medicare insurance, number of other diseases, and current smoking status. The cases with older age, a spouse, Medicare insurance, higher number of other diseases, and no current smoking status showed significantly high medication adherence.
Nursing interventions and further studies are needed to achieve high levels of medication adherence based on factors influencing medication adherence such as age, spouse, Medicare insurance, number of other disease, and current smoking status.


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  • Influence of Health Literacy and Self-Efficacy on Compliance in Hypertensive Patients
    Jihyon Pahn
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2024; 38(3): 331.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing the Control of Hypertension According to the Gender of Older Adults
    Hye Young Choi, Eunha Kim
    Healthcare.2023; 11(11): 1595.     CrossRef
  • Association between Patient Experience and Medication Compliance of Dyslipidemia: Using Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2015)
    Ho-Hyoun Yim, Hwan-Sik Hwang, Hoon-Ki Park, Kye-Yeung Park, Miso Park
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2021; 42(2): 116.     CrossRef
  • Medication Adherence and Effective Management of Hypertension
    Seung-Won Oh
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2021; 42(2): 89.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing 1-Year Medication Adherence of Korean Ischemic Stroke Survivors
    Gye-Gyoung Kim, Duck-Hee Chae, Man-Seok Park, Sung-Hee Yoo
    International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.2020; 27(2): 225.     CrossRef
  • Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of a Single-Pill Combination of Olmesartan/Amlodipine/Hydrochlorothiazide in Korean Patients with Essential Hypertension (RESOLVE): A Large, Observational, Retrospective, Cohort Study
    Sung-Ji Park, Si Jae Rhee
    Advances in Therapy.2020; 37(8): 3500.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with Awareness, Treatment, and Control Rate of Hypertension among Korean Young Adults Aged 30–49 Years
    Yong Woo Jeon, Hyeon Chang Kim
    Korean Circulation Journal.2020; 50(12): 1077.     CrossRef
  • Psychological Resistance to Drug Therapy in Patients with Hypertension: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis
    Jiyeon Kang, Yeon Jin Jeong
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2020; 32(2): 124.     CrossRef
  • Health Behaviors and Quality of Life in the Elderly with High Blood Pressure
    So-Youn Bang, Sa-Sang Hyeon
    Journal of Digital Contents Society.2018; 19(11): 2159.     CrossRef
Correlates of Physical Activity among Korean Navy Personnel: An Ecological Approach
Mi Young Roh, Hyeon Kyeong Lee, Chung Yul Lee, Gwang Suk Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(3):296-306.   Published online September 30, 2012
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This study was conducted to measure the relationships between ecological factors and Navy personnel's physical activity (PA) based on McLeroy's Ecological model.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a convenience sample of 184 Navy personnel working in 10 Navyships. A self-reporting questionnaire consisted of measures of intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational and community factors related to Navy personnel's PA. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi2-test, t-test, analysis of variance, and hierarchical multiple regression using SPSS/WIN 17.0 programs.
Their mean PA level was 2,848.1+/-3,344.5 MET-min/week, and mostly moderate level (50.5%). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that religion, working department, working type, perceived health status and community environment were significant PA correlates.
Community environmental factors as well as intrapersonal factors were significantly associated with Navy personnel's PA, indicating that community health nurses should expand an approach for individual-level behavioral change to incorporate Navy personnel specific community environmental barriers into PA interventions.
Current Status of Community Health Nursing Practicum in Bachelor Program in Korea
Chung Yul Lee, Hyang Yeon Lee, Gwang Suk Kim, Kyung Ah Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(1):26-37.   Published online March 31, 2006
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This study was to investigate the current situation of community health nursing practicum in bachelor programs.
Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of questions on education goals, teaching items, teaching methods, and evaluation methods and items. Forty five nursing departments/colleges or 84.9% of four-year nursing schools in Korea responded to the survey.
Nursing process application and understanding about the role and function of community health nurses were major goals of practice education. Community health centers were the most significant practice fields because all nursing schools mentioned them as places for practice. All nursing schools used a specific evaluation tool to measure students outcomes and utilized guidebooks to help students.
The results of this study suggest that the goals of practice education should be standardized to improve the quality of education. Besides, evaluation tools that can be used commonly at all nursing schools should be developed to measure the effectiveness of practice education of community health nursing.
Relationship between Problematic Drinking Behavior and the Personalities of High School Students
Won Jung Cho, In Sook Kwon, Gwang Suk Kim, Ku Min Seo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(3):471-482.   Published online September 30, 2004
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This study intended to identify personality factors and related problematic behaviors of adolescents who drink alcohol in order to provide basic data for developing nursing programs.
The data were collected from October to December 2002 from 1,080 high school students in Seoul. The Revised Cloninger's Tri-dimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) was used to measure their personalities. The alcohol expectancy was measured using the tool revised by Cho (1999) and stress levels were measure using a stress tool revised Cho (1998). The data were analyzed with SPSS Windows using Chi square test, independent t-test, and logistic regression analysis.
1. The percentage of fathers who drank was 79.8%, mothers, 54.3%, and friends, 54.3%. The alcohol expectancy averaged 6.36 while the stress levels were 132.79. 2. It was found that there are significant differences (p<.001) in problematic drinking behaviors according to the following variables: second year high school students among all grade variables, more monthly pocket money for the amount of money variables, the group of students who smoked in the case of the variable related to smoking, spending more time using the Internet for the Internet use variable, and having friends who drink 65.6% for the friend variable. The alcohol expectancy scale of those students who showed problematic drinking behaviors was higher than that of those who did not. There are four family-related stress subscales, and there was a significant difference among them (p<.05). Among the personal characteristics, the group who displayed problematic drinking behaviors seeks new experiences and reward dependence more than the group who did not exhibit those behaviors, and there were significant differences between the two groups (p<.001). 3. When the socio-demographic and drinking-related factors were controlled, the tendency of seeking new experiences increased the risk of problematic behaviors 1.07 times (p<.05). Compared to the non-smoking group, the smoking group was found to have a 5.06 time (p<.001) greater risk of displaying problematic drinking behaviors. In comparison with the non-drinking group, the drinking group was also found to have a 5.31 time (p<.001) greater risk of exhibiting problematic drinking behaviors. The group with high alcohol expectancy scores was significantly different from the group with the no alcohol expectancy, showing a 1.26 time (p<.001) greater risk of problematic drinking behaviors.
Based on these results, the problematic drinking behaviors were connected with alcohol expectancies, friends and personality types. Therefore, we should develop an alcoholic prevention program for adolescence considering the above results.
Evaluation research on the application of Problem-Based Learning program in community health nursing
Chung Yul Lee, Won Jung Cho, Margaret J Storey, Eui Sook Kim, Kyung Hee Lee, Sun Hyoung Bae, Gwang Suk Kim, Ku Min Seo, Ok Kyung Ham
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(4):579-586.   Published online December 31, 2003
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The goal of community health nursing courses is to prepare student nurses so that they become able to perform a variety of nursing roles in community. To achieve this goal, programs for community health nursing must develop students' abilities to function independently as community health nurses. This study evaluated the effectiveness of Problem-based Learning(PBL) as a teaching method in programs for community health nursing at four-year colleges of nursing. The subjects of this study were senior students at Y University. The study was designed as a descriptive & comparative survey. To determine the effectiveness of PBL, the author analyzed the process and results of teaching. The PBL teaching method was found to be significantly effective in building critical thinking abilities and increasing knowledge. The results also showed that the 43 students who were taught by both PBL and lecture teaching methods got a significantly higher knowledge score than the other 28 students who were taught only by lectures. As for the future direction of community health nursing courses, a teaching strategy involving both PBL and lectures is recommended.
Development of A Community-Based Nursing Center Model: Focused on Health Promotion of Infant & Toddler
Won Jung Cho, Ka Sil Oh, Eui Sook Kim, In Sook Kim, J Margaret Storey, Ok Kyung Ham, Gwang Suk Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):795-807.   Published online December 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to develop a community based nursing center model that can provide health promotion for infants and toddlers as well as a research and practice site for nursing faculty and students.
Review of current health care system and health promotion programs and workshops with brain-storming were carried out to identify needy areas of services to be provided by the nursing center Finally the community nursing center model was developed through expert consultation and filed visits.
The services and programs were developed for infants and toddlers residing in Seoul area. These services and programs include growth and developmental screening environment and health problem assessment infant stimulation and parent education and self-help group Full-time and part time staff nurses and nurse practitioners will provide those services and offer home visiting if needed. Database system health information system and trainers training programs were developed as well.
The nursing center model developed in this study will ensure clients direct access to nursing care and increase of autonomy and accountability of nursing practices. The nursing center model focused on disease prevention and health promotion will enhance the quality of life of the infants toddlers and their families as well as to decrease national health care expenditure.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing