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Hee Chong Baek 7 Articles
Evaluation and Application Effect of a Home Nasogastric Tube Feeding Simulation Module for Nursing Students: An Application of the NLN Jeffries Simulation Theory
Hee Chong Baek, Young Ran Lee, Jong Eun Lee, Jin Hwa Lee, Hyung Seon Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(3):324-333.   Published online September 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop a simulation module for teaching home health care and evaluate the applicability of the program to nursing students' practical training.
The simulation module was developed based on the National League for Nursing Jeffries Simulation Theory. The theme of the developed scenario was teaching nasogastric tube feeding to the caregiver of patient with Parkinson disease. Participants were 61 nursing students who had learned tube feeding, and participated in the questionnaire survey after the simulation training.
The evaluation of simulation design showed the highest score on feedback/guided reflection, and was highly evaluated in the order of objectives/information, problem solving and fidelity. The educational practice of the simulation was highly evaluated in the order of active learning, high expectation and diversity of learning. The nursing students showed high satisfaction and self-confidence after the simulation education.
We suggest that the developed simulation module can be applied to practical training for home health care. In the future, the change of self-efficacy, clinical judgment and performance ability of the students after the simulation education should be identified. Also, various simulation modules related to the community health nursing competencies should be continuously developed and verified.


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    Ji-Young Lim, Seulki Kim, Juhang Kim, Seonhee Kim
    BMC Nursing.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Eunjoo Kim, Ju Young Yoon, Kyungmi Woo, Aeri Kim, Hyori Kim, Juna Lee
    Public Health Nursing.2023; 40(6): 857.     CrossRef
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    Nurse Education in Practice.2023; 73: 103819.     CrossRef
The Effects of a Group Educational Intervention on the Prevention of Osteoporosis in Breast Cancer Patients
Bong Hae Ma, Chai Soon Park, Hee Chong Baek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2015;26(4):398-404.   Published online December 31, 2015
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This study was conducted to examine the effects of osteoporosis prevention education on Korean breast cancer patients' knowledge and health promoting behavior.
The participants in this study included breast cancer patients who were registered at a self-help group organized by the Breast Cancer Center of a university hospital in Seoul, Korea. The intervention group received 60 minutes'didactic instruction followed by 30 minutes' interactive session, and reinforcement education with leaflets was given three weeks after the group intervention. In order to measure the effects of the intervention, this study used valid and reliable scales on the knowledge of osteoporosis and health promoting behavior for preventing osteoporosis. A post-test was conducted 12 weeks after the intervention.
The results showed significant improvement in three of the five factors of osteoporosis knowledge including bone physiology, the characteristics of osteoporosis, and preventive behaviors in the intervention group. Overall health promoting behavior for preventing osteoporosis had significantly increased in the intervention group compared to the control group.
Osteoporosis preventive education improved breast cancer patients' knowledge of osteoporosis and health promoting behavior for preventing osteoporosis by inducing their voluntary participation in self-care activities.
Comparative Study on Health Promoting Behavior in Working and Non-working Mothers with Infants and Toddlers
Hee Chong Baek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2014;25(4):282-290.   Published online December 31, 2014
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The purpose of this study was to compare health promoting behavior between working and non-working mothers with infants and toddlers, and to investigate factors affecting the mothers'health promoting behavior.
This descriptive study was conducted through conveniently sampled 403 women who visited the child health clinics at two public health centers. The questionnaire included the Health Promoting Life Style Profile (HPLP) and a visual analogue scale for subjective health status. ANCOVA, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression were conducted using SPSS ver. 21.
Working mothers' average HPLP score (2.30+/-0.37) was higher than non-working mother's (2.15+/-0.37). The score of the physical activity subscale was lowest among the subscales and there was a difference between the two groups. Subjective mental health status was the only predictor of working mothers'health promoting behavior, and it explained 23.2% of variance in health promoting behavior. Subjective mental health status, education, and age were the predictors of non-working mothers' health promoting behavior and they explained 27.2% of variance in health promoting behavior.
According to the findings, both working and non-working mothers' health promoting behaviors were low. To promote mothers' health, it is necessary to develop diverse community health promotion programs to support mothers.


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  • The Effects of the Infant Health Promotion Program for Mothers with Their Firstborn Infants
    Chae-Min Yoon, Mi-Ae You
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2023; 53(6): 666.     CrossRef
  • Mediating and Moderating Effects of Family Cohesion between Positive Psychological Capital and Health Behavior among Early Childhood Parents in Dual Working Families: A Focus on the COVID-19 Pandemic
    In Young Cho, Sun-Hee Moon, Ji Yeong Yun
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(9): 4781.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Unmet Healthcare Needs of Working Married Immigrant Women in South Korea
    Jinseon Yi, Insook Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2018; 29(1): 41.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Korean Medicine Health Promotion program for Children-Focus on Education and Prevention Programs-
    Angela Dongmin Sung, Hyun-Kyung Sung, Haemo Park, Sundong Lee
    Journal of Korean Medicine.2017; 38(4): 90.     CrossRef
Factors Affecting Suicidal Ideation of the Low-income Elderly Living Alone
Hee Chong Baek, Jin Hwa Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2014;25(3):180-186.   Published online September 30, 2014
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The purpose of this research is to identify factors affecting suicidal ideation of the low-income elderly.
The study subjects were lowest-income(basic living allowance) and lower-income elders who were registered for home visiting services at five District Health Centers in Seoul. Interview data were collected from 280 elders and analyzed. Using SPSS/WIN 21, chi2-test and t-test were conducted to analyze the relationship between the subjects' characteristics and their suicidal ideation, and logistic regression was done to identify factors affecting suicidal ideation.
Of the subjects, 48.6% had suicidal ideation for the last one year. Self-evaluated psychological status, quality of sleep, depression, and loneliness were affecting factors to the subjects' suicidal ideation.
Psychological and social factors are strongly related to the suicidal ideation of the elderly who are living alone in metropolitan areas. Therefore, home visiting services should supply physical, psychological and social cares continuously to the low-income elderly, especially those who live alone in metropolitan areas.


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    Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives.2021; 12(5): 314.     CrossRef
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    Eun Jeong NAM, Jong-Eun LEE
    Journal of Nursing Research.2019; 27(3): e20.     CrossRef
  • Suicidal Ideation among Older People by Different Living Arrangement: The Mediating Effect of Pleasurable Activities
    Bora Kim, Serah Lim, Wontae Hong, Heejung Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2019; 28(3): 248.     CrossRef
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    Eun Sook Jung, Moon Sook Shim
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2016; 30(2): 326.     CrossRef
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    Mi Sook Song, Sunjoo Boo
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(4): 319.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(3): 221.     CrossRef
The Effects of an Overweight Control Exercise Program in Elementary School Students
Young Aie Go, Hee Chong Baek, In Young Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):535-542.   Published online December 31, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of an overweight control exercise program on body composition and blood lipids.
This comparative study was conducted at an elementary school in Seoul, Korea. Pre and post body weight, BMI, PBF, and obesity degree as body composition and TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and TG as blood lipids were tested. The aerobic exercise lasted 12 weeks from April to July, 2006. A total of 168 overweight 3rd grade to 5th grade school children attended and were divided into a walking exercise group (n=68) and a rope jumping exercise group (n=38). Data were analysed using SAS 8.12.
At the end of the program, the participation rate was higher in the rope jumping exercise group than in the walking exercise group. Body weight, BMI, PBF, obesity degree, TC, and LDL-C were lower than those before the program, and HDL-C was higher than before the program.
The school-based overweight control exercise program was effective. Because of the participation rate was higher in the rope jumping exercise group than in the walking exercise group, rope jumping exercise is recommended for low grade children.
Burden and Quality of Life in Caregivers of Patients with Rare and Incurable Disease
Kyung Ja Choi, Hee Chong Baek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(3):364-375.   Published online September 30, 2006
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No abstract available.
The Effects of Group Walking Exercise Program on Body Composition, Blood Lipids and Psychological Factors
Young Aie Go, Hee Chong Baek, In Young Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(1):38-45.   Published online March 31, 2006
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a group walking exercise program on body composition, blood lipids and psychological factors at a community.
The subjects were 200 women(29 groups) who agreed to participate in group walking exercise for three months. Their ages ranged between 30 to 77 years. A simple walking exercise protocol was given to the participants, which was to do walking over three times a week and over thirty minutes each time. We compared the participants' body composition (BMI, PBF, BFM, FFM, WHR and VFA), blood lipids (HDL C, LDL C, total cholesterol, triglyceride) and exercise-self efficacy, self esteem, and quality of life before and after group walking. Collected data were analyzed through paired t test using the SAS program.
BMI. PBF, BFM, WHR, and VFA were significantly reduced (p<.01). However. FFM did not increase significantly (p=.416). There were significant changes in TC and TG (p<.01) but not in LDL C (P=.340). HDL C decreased but within the normal range. Exercise-self efficacy and quality of life did not increase significantly. Only self esteem increased significantly (p<.0001).
Group walking exercise had positive effects on body composition, blood lipid and self esteem in community women.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing