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Volume 22 (4); December 2011
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Original Articles
Factors Affecting Depression in Elderly Vulnerable People Living Alone
Hyun Mi Kim, Yeon Hee Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):355-364.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influenced depression of the elderly vulnerable people living alone in the public home visiting health service center.
The participants for this study were 491 Korean elderly men living in G city. Data were collected from February to July, 2011 using structured questionnaires. chi2-test, t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN program were used to analyze the data.
The levels of ADL and IADL of the elderly living alone were higher, and the levels of social support and life satisfaction were lower than the normal elderly. Depression was positively related to ADL and IADL and negatively to social support and life satisfaction in the elderly living alone. In addition, age, fall experience, ADL, IADL and life satisfaction had influence on the depression.
The elderly living alone are in a more serious health status, especially in depression than the normal elderly. It is necessary to develop depression controlling intervention programs in order to promote healthy lifestyles for the elderly vulnerable people living alone.


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  • The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health Among Older Adults From Different Communities in Chengmai County, China: Cross-sectional Study
    Zhimin Xu, Gabriela Lima de Melo Ghisi, Lixian Cui, Fang Zeng, Xiaohai Zhou, Zhongtang Yue, Hanbei Chen
    JMIR Formative Research.2022; 6(5): e37046.     CrossRef
  • The elderly living in single-person households in South Korea: a latent profile analysis of self-esteem, life satisfaction, and depression
    Jeong Hoon Park, Sung Min, Yookyung Eoh, Soo Hyun Park
    Quality of Life Research.2021; 30(4): 1083.     CrossRef
  • Impact of Social Integration and Living Arrangements on Korean Older Adults’ Depression
    Youjung Lee, Kyeonghee Jang, Naorah C. Lockhart
    The International Journal of Aging and Human Development.2018; 86(3): 306.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and Predictive Factors of Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in South Korea
    Jae Soon Yoo, Sun Ju Chang, Hyun Sook Kim
    Research and Theory for Nursing Practice.2016; 30(3): 200.     CrossRef
  • Study of Factors Influencing Depression among Elderly Women Living Alone in Rural Community Living Homes
    Jung Shin Choi, Yoon Ji Choi
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2016; 27(S): 625.     CrossRef
  • The Study for Improvement of Frailty and Depression in the Health Vulnerable Elderly of Home Visiting Health Care Service
    Youngji Kim, Song-Nang Jang
    Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society.2016; 20(2): 85.     CrossRef
  • Prediction of Quality of Life among the Elderly at Care Facilities for the Elderly according to Health States, Physical and Cognitive Functions, and Social Supports-Focused on D Metropolitan City
    Jong-Im Kim
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(7): 4656.     CrossRef
  • The Factors Associated with Depression in the Elderly Male: Based on the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Doonam Oh, Chul-Gyu Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2015; 27(5): 583.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of perceived health status, sleep, depression and pain on quality of life by Gender in Community-dwelling Older Adults
    Koung-Oh Chang, Su-Jin Park, Du-Yi Bae
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(3): 1566.     CrossRef
  • Gender Difference in Factors Related to Depression in Vulnerable Elderly
    Eun-Kyung Kim
    The Korean Journal of Health Service Management.2014; 8(3): 169.     CrossRef
  • Gender differences in the relationship between physical functioning and depressive symptoms in low‐income older adults living alone
    Eun Ju Lim
    Nursing & Health Sciences.2014; 16(3): 381.     CrossRef
  • Fear of Falling and Related Factors in Elderly Living Alone Based on Fall Experience
    Myungsuk Lee, Yunbok Lee
    Journal of agricultural medicine and community health.2013; 38(4): 243.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between Depression, Cognitive Function and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living of Elderly Women Living Alone
    Eun Ju Lim
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2013; 14(4): 1849.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and Its Influencing Factors on Depression among Elderly Vulnerable People in Urban Community
    Hye-Ryoung Kim
    The Korean Journal of Health Service Management.2013; 7(3): 275.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Health Characteristics on Depression of Elderly Beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Scheme
    Jungyi Hur, Yunjeong Yi, Keum-Jae Lee, Hee Gerl Kim
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2013; 27(2): 327.     CrossRef
The Patterns and Risk Factors of Smoking Relapse among People Successful in Smoking Cessation at the Smoking Cessation Clinics of Public Health Centers
Yi Soon Kim, Yun Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):365-376.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of smoking relapse and to identify risk factors related to smoking relapse among those successful in smoking cessation at the smoking cessation clinics of public health centers.
Data were collected from 1,705 six-month quitters and analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier analysis and the Cox proportional hazard model.
The rate of smoking relapse was 38.2% in 1 year, 44.4% in 2 years, and 47.8% in 5 years. The vast majority of relapse (62.3%) occurred within the first six months after quitting. The risk factors related to smoking relapse were age (HR 1.964: 95% CI 1.545, to 2.497), nicotine dependence (HR 1.293: 95% CI 1.087 to 1.539), problem drinking (HR 1.497: 95% CI 1.116 to 2.008), behavioral therapy type (HR 1.398: 95% CI 1.193 to 1.638), and nicotine replacement therapy type (HR 1.363: 95% CI 1.077 to 1.724).
For reducing smoking relapse, it is necessary to develop a smoking relapse prevention program for the first six months after quitting and to strengthen behavioral therapy in the course of smoking cessations clinics.


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  • Factors Related to Smoking Relapse Within Six-Months of Smoking Cessation Among Inpatients
    Ji Eun Bae, Chul-Woung Kim, Seung Eun Lee, Myungwha Jang
    Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 307.     CrossRef
  • Factors associated with long-term smoking relapse in those who succeeded in smoking cessation using regional smoking cessation programs
    Seung Hun Lee, Yu Hyeon Yi, Young In Lee, Hyo Young Lee, Kyoung-Min Lim
    Medicine.2022; 101(31): e29595.     CrossRef
  • Patterns and predictors of smoking relapse among inpatient smoking intervention participants: a 1-year follow-up study in Korea
    Seung Eun Lee, Chul-Woung Kim, Hyo-Bin Im, Myungwha Jang
    Epidemiology and Health.2021; 43: e2021043.     CrossRef
  • Factors associated with smoking cessation success at four weeks by the disabled
    Jong Ju Park, Seung Eun Lee, Hyo-Bin Im, Chul-Woung Kim
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2020; 37(5): 1.     CrossRef
  • Investigating the Drivers of Smoking Cessation: A Role of Alternative Nicotine Delivery Systems?
    Sam Hampsher, James E. Prieger
    SSRN Electronic Journal .2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Re-smoking and related factors of prisoners after release who were in a forced smoking cessation environment for 1 year or more
    Jina Jung, Hae-Sung Nam
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2019; 36(3): 27.     CrossRef
  • Auricular Acupressure and Positive Group Psychotherapy With Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation
    Eun Jin Lee
    Holistic Nursing Practice.2019; 33(4): 214.     CrossRef
  • Factors Related to Smoking Relapse among Military Personnel in Korea: Data from Smoking Cessation Clinics, 2015–2017
    Eunjoo Kwon, Eun-Hee Nah
    Korean Journal of Health Promotion.2018; 18(3): 138.     CrossRef
Diabetes and Cognitive Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Yong Suk Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):377-388.   Published online December 31, 2011
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This study was to examine the relation between diabetes and cognitive function in older adults.
Eighty community-dwelling patients with diabetes and 506 subjects without diabetes were studied with cognitive function test. Cognitive function was measured by Full-scale IQ, Basic IQ, Executive IQ, Attention Function Index, Working Memory Index, Language Function Index, Visuospatial Function Index, Memory Function Index, and MMSE-K1.
In model controlling for education, the diabetic group showed significantly lower scores than the non-diabetic group in in Full-scale IQ (p=.012), Basic IQ (p=.034), Executive IQ (p=.014), Attention Function Index (p=.002), Working Memory Index (p=.037), and Memory Function Index (p=.043). The diabetic and non-diabetic groups that were matched for gender, age, and education showed similar differences in 7 out of 9 cognitive measures. The impairments of Full-scale IQ and Memory Function Index in the diabetic group were, respectively, 2.7 and 2.8 times greater than that in the diabetic group.
These results showed that diabetes should be considered to a factor of cognitive impairment in older adults.
Factors Influencing the Burden Felt by Main Family Caregivers of Elderly Patients with Brain and Spinal Diseases
Hee Kyung Park, Kyung Min Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):389-398.   Published online December 31, 2011
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This study of this study was to identify factors influencing the burden of main family caregivers who take care of elderly patients with brain and spinal diseases.
This was conducted as descriptive research and data were collected from 255 main family caregivers who were taking care of elderly patients with brain and spinal diseases from 4 hospitals in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province. Stepwise-multiple regression was used to identify the influencing factors of burden felt.
As the score of burden felt by the main family, economic, social, physical, interdependent and emotional burdens were high in order. Factors influencing burden felt by main family care givers taking care of elderly patients with brain and spinal diseases were changed relation with patient after hospitalization, daily life ability, marital status, education and family caregiver's personality (explanatory power of 24.6%). Family caregivers felt a heavier burden when their relation with the patient was changed negatively or when the patient's activity of daily living was low.
Based on these results, we need to develop coping measures and interventional programs for reducing the burden felt by the main family caregivers of elderly patients with brain and spinal diseases.


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  • The Effect of a Social Support Program on Family Caregivers' Role Strain in Elderly Long-term Home Care
    Mei Hae Oh, Kyung Min Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2014; 25(2): 137.     CrossRef
  • The Care Giving Burden of Primary Caregiver based on Nursing Needs of Long-term Care lnsurance Grade
    Mi-Kyoung Kim, Dahye Park, Okhee Ahn
    Journal of the Korea Convergence Society.2014; 5(3): 7.     CrossRef
The Effects of an Education Program on the Knowledge of Medication and Prevention of Depression in the Elderly with Chronic Disease at a Local Community
Yeong Ju Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):399-408.   Published online December 31, 2011
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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of an education program on the knowledge of medication and prevention of depression in the elderly at a local community.
This study utilized the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Thirty consecutive people were included in this study for the experimental group, and another 30 people were allocated to the control group. The program was performed once a week for 3 weeks. Data were collected from March 15 to April 30, 2010 and statistical analyses were performed by chi2-test and independent t-test using the SPSS/WIN 12.0 program.
There were statistically significant differences in the knowledge of medication, depression and medication compliance between the experimental and control groups.
This study demonstrated that an education program for the knowledge of medication and prevention of depression in the elderly with chronic disease could improve their knowledge of medication and their medication compliance, and decrease their depression. These results suggest that education of knowledge with social psychology can be an effective and practical method of management to the elderly with chronic disease at local communities.


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  • The Effects of Chronic Diseases, Sleep and Serotonin Concentration on Depression among Elderly People Living in the Community
    Eunjeong Nam, Jin Kyoung Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(4): 472.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Self-Care Behaviors of Renal Dialysis Patients
    Yoonjung Kim, Sanggeon Park
    STRESS.2019; 27(4): 320.     CrossRef
  • Medication Status and the Effects of a Medication Management Education Program for the Elderly in a Community
    Young-Im Park, Kang-Yi Lee, Dong-Oak Kim, Dong Choon Uhm, Ji-Hyun Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2014; 25(3): 170.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Medication Adherence in Patients with Hypertension: Based on the 2008 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Eunhee Cho, Chung Yul Lee, Insook Kim, Taewha Lee, Gwang Suk Kim, Hyeonkyeong Lee, Jisook Ko, Kyongeun Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2013; 24(4): 419.     CrossRef
The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Sleep, Depression and Skin Temperature of the Female Elderly at Home
Chung Soon Kim, Se Hwa Hong, Se Ryeong Kim, Yeo Jin Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):409-419.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of foot reflexology on sleep, depression and skin temperature of the female elderly at home.
This research used the non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 45 elders residing at home: 23 in the experimental group and 22 in the control group. The experimental group received 30-minute foot reflexology 8 times for 2 weeks. The results were analyzed using chi2 test, t-test with the SPSS/WIN 12.0 program.
The results showed that foot reflexology was significantly effective in improving the quality of sleep, reducing depression, and raising the temperature of both feet. However, the temperature of both palms was not statistically significantly different between the two groups.
The results of this study indicated that foot reflexology is an effective nursing intervention in improving the quality of sleep, reducing depression, and raising the temperature of both feet. Therefore, it is recommended to use foot reflexology as a complementary nursing intervention for elderly women at home in community.


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  • Effects of Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Improve the Sleep of Korean Elderly: A Systematic Review
    Yunhee Park, Hyun Jung Yun
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2022; 29(1): 67.     CrossRef
  • Effects of aroma self-foot reflexology on peripheral neuropathy, peripheral skin temperature, anxiety, and depression in gynaecologic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A randomised controlled trial
    Gie Ok Noh, Kyung Sook Park
    European Journal of Oncology Nursing.2019; 42: 82.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Arthralgia, Ankylosis, Depression, and Sleep in Community-dwelling Elderly Women with Osteoarthritis
    Chung Soon Kim, Kwang Soo Yoo, Se Hwa Hong
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2014; 25(3): 207.     CrossRef
Relations between Fatigue and Work-related Factors in Workers
Eun Sook Jung, Nam Hyun Cha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):420-428.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between fatigue and work-related factors in workers.
A total of 204 subjects aged between 21 and 59 were selected through convenient sampling. Data were collected with a self-reported questionnaire from May 20 to 31, 2011. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS/WIN 17.0.
Difference in fatigue according to general characteristics was significant according to duty type. Difference in fatigue according to occupational characteristics was significant according to work intensity, work speed, demand of work concentration, work space, physical environment, largest weight by hands, vibration, visual demand of work, difficulty of work practice, work stress, and rest hours in holiday. There was a positive correlation between fatigue and occupational characteristics. Stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that educational level, work intensity, and rest hours in holiday were the strongest factors associated with fatigue (R2=.363 p<.001). These factors explained fatigue by 36.3%.
The findings of this study may be useful in understanding workers' fatigue and developing more specific fatigue relief programs.


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  • Effects of Fatigue Reduction Program on Female Employees in One Food Production Company
    Eun-Sook Jung, Jong-Eun Lee, Tae Yeon Kim
    Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing.2015; 24(1): 11.     CrossRef
Factors Contributing to Low Weight in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Jung Soon Kim, Yun Hee Kim, Jung Ok Yu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):429-437.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purposes of this study were to describe the prevalence of low weight and to investigate related factors contributing to low weight in community-dwelling older adults.
From the database of the Fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-IV), the researchers selected 2,964 older adults aged over 65. The original study was a population-based epidemiological survey of health and nutrition with a stratified multistage clustered probability design. Data were analyzed using chi2-test and multiple logistic regression with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program.
The prevalence of low weight in older adults was 4.7%. The prevalence of low weight was different according to demographic characteristics. That is, the rate was higher in male elders, older ones, and rural residents. In the cases of current smoking, frequent alcohol consumption and no chronic disease, the prevalence of low weight was higher. Age, gender, area of residence, and current smoking were found to be contributing factors to low weight in community-dwelling older adults.
The result of this study provides important insights into possible reasons for low weight in community-dwelling older adults and suggests that low weight should be considered in promoting older adults' health.


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  • Body Mass Index as a Determinant of Lower Limb Function and Community Well-Being in Older Adults: Analysis of 2020 National Older Korean Survey Data
    Joonyoung Lee, James Robinson, Jung Hoon Huh, Eun Seong Kim
    Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health.2024; 36(8): 696.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of the Nutrient Intake and Health Status of Elderly Koreans According to their BMI Status: Focus on the Underweight Elderly Population
    You-Sin Lee, Yoonna Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2022; 27(5): 422.     CrossRef
  • The associations between body mass index (BMI) and life satisfaction among older adults: Focusing on mediating effects of depressive symptoms
    Hae Sook Jeon
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2019; 36(3): 83.     CrossRef
  • The Mediating Effects of Food Craving on the Relationship between Stress and Obesity in Elderly
    Ju Yeun Kim
    Stress.2018; 26(3): 215.     CrossRef
  • The relations of the elderly's eating habits with their obesity
    Hye-Young Song, Hyo-Eun Park
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(8): 5404.     CrossRef
  • The Associations between Discordance of Body Image and Physical Activities among Adults Aged 19 to 64 Years: Based on the Data from 2010 Community Health Survey
    In Ae Chun, So Yeon Ryu, Jong Park, Mi Ah Han, Seong Woo Choi, Dae Sik Ko
    The Korean Journal of Obesity.2014; 23(4): 274.     CrossRef
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)-Related Factors of Community-Dwelling Elders: Comparison between Early and Late Elderly People
    Hye Sun Hyun, In Sook Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2013; 24(1): 62.     CrossRef
  • The Development of Infants from Low-Income Families, Parenting Characteristics, and Daily Routines
    Hanna Kang, Hyewon Park
    Family and Environment Research.2013; 51(6): 613.     CrossRef
Cost-benefit Analysis of Home Visiting Care for Vulnerable Populations with Hypertension
Young Ko, In Sook Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):438-450.   Published online December 31, 2011
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This study was to investigate the effect of home visiting care service and to evaluate the effect from the cost-benefit perspective.
Target participants were enrolled in 2007~2008 for home visiting care and provided with a home visiting nursing service for more than 18 months in J Ward of S City. Of 391 participants, 244 who satisfied the inclusion criteria were used in the final analysis. Cost-benefit analysis was done using the net benefit and benefit/cost ratio.
After providing the home care nursing service, the blood pressure control rate increased from 50.8% to 75.4%. Of the subjects, 39.8% maintained their blood pressure level within the target range. As a whole, the net benefit of home visiting care per person ranged from 434,964.86 to 447,112.43 won and the benefit/cost ratio ranged from 2.82 to 2.84.
Home visiting care for vulnerable populations with hypertension was effective in both maintaining blood pressure and reducing blood pressure to the target range. Therefore these results are especially useful for establishing the value of home visiting services for policy makers as well as for prioritizing vulnerable populations.


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  • A Study on Outcomes of the Utilization of Visiting Nursing Service at the Integrated Visiting Nursing Center in Bucheon-si
    Hyun-Kyung Park, Ae Jung Yoo, Ju Young Yoon, Jae Woo Choi
    Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 127.     CrossRef
  • Types of Perception of Home Visiting Oral Health Care Services for Korean Older Persons: A Q Methodology Study
    Sue-Hyang Lee, Soo-Myoung Bae, Bo-Mi Shin, Sun-Jung Shin
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 18(1): 214.     CrossRef
  • Nursing Students' Practice Experience on Community Visiting Nursing
    Jae-Hyun Ha, Jeong-Hee Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(1): 43.     CrossRef
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Occupational Therapy in Center for Dementia Based on Public Data
    Seung-Hyun Cho, Kyung-Yoon Kam, Sung-Yoon Bae, Nam-Hoon Cho, Hye-Won Oh, Young-Ae Yang
    Journal of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy.2018; 26(2): 99.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Working Conditions among Non-regular Visiting Nurses in Public Health Centers based on Their Employment Types
    Hee Girl Kim, Ryoun-Sook Lee, Soong-Nang Jang, Kwang Byung Kim, Young Ran Chin
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2018; 29(3): 267.     CrossRef
  • The Study for Improvement of Frailty and Depression in the Health Vulnerable Elderly of Home Visiting Health Care Service
    Youngji Kim, Song-Nang Jang
    Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society.2016; 20(2): 85.     CrossRef
  • The Cost-Benefit Analysis of the NutriPlus Program in Daejeon Dong-gu Health Center
    Hyun Ju Kim, Sung Han Kim
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2015; 28(4): 717.     CrossRef
  • Estimating need for Home Visiting Nurse from Public Health Centers
    Hyun-Ji Bae, Jinhyun Kim
    Perspectives in Nursing Science.2015; 12(1): 23.     CrossRef
  • Development of the evaluation tool for the food safety and nutrition management education projects targeting the middle class elderly: Application of the balanced score card and the structure-process-outcome concept
    Hyeja Chang, Hyoi Yoo, Harim Chung, Hyesang Lee, Minjune Lee, Kyungeun Lee, Changhee Yoo, Junghwa Choi, Nayoung Lee, Tongkyung Kwak
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2015; 48(6): 542.     CrossRef
  • Effectiveness of Telemedicine: Videoconferencing for Low-Income Elderly with Hypertension
    Hanna Choi, Jeongeun Kim
    Telemedicine and e-Health.2014; 20(12): 1156.     CrossRef
The Effect of Thera Band Exercise on Muscle Flexibility, Balance Ability, Muscle Strength in Elderly Women
Hee Gerl Kim, Hye Kyung Nam
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):451-457.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of thera band exercise on muscle flexibility, balance ability, muscle strength and self-rated health in elderly women.
The quasi-experimental research design (one-group pretest-post test) was employed. Participants were recruited in S-city and a total of 14 elderly women completed 15-week thera band exercise. Descriptive statistics, paired t-test and McNemar-test were used in data analysis by SPSS/WIN 12.0.
Compared with those before participation, the participants showed higher muscle flexibility, balance ability, and muscle strength after participation in thera band exercise.
Findings of this study indicated that the 15-week thera band exercise program had a favorable effect on muscle flexibility, balance ability and muscle strength of elderly women. Future research needs to develop combined exercise programs with other types of exercise for the health of elderly women.


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  • Developing a Mobile-Based Exercise Program to Reduce Fear of Falling
    YoungJi Ko, Jungah Park, Seung-Hoon Baek
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2024; 27(2): 100.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Progressive Core and Ankle Muscle Strengthening Exercises Using Thera-Band on Body Balance
    Kwang-Sub Lee, Ji-Won Wang, Dong Yeop Lee, Jae Ho Yu, Jin Seop Kim, Seung Gil Kim, Ji heon Hong
    The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy.2022; 34(3): 121.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Intake of Leucine-Rich Protein Supplement in Parallel with Resistance Exercise on the Body Composition and Function of Healthy Adults
    Gyu Seok Oh, Ju-hak Lee, Kyunghee Byun, Dong-Il Kim, Ki Deok Park
    Nutrients.2022; 14(21): 4501.     CrossRef
  • Investigation of health literacy by gender in individuals receiving physiotherapy and rehabilitation services
    Ayşenur GÖKŞEN, Zafer ERDEN, Gizem İrem KINIKLI
    Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation.2022; 9(3): 205.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of the Immediate Effect of Ankle and Hip Joint Thera-band Exercise on the Balance Ability
    Eunnarae Cho, Yeong-Seo Kwon, Dongyeop Lee, Ji-Heon Hong, Jae-Ho Yu, Jin-Seop Kim, Seong-Gil Kim
    Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine.2021; 16(4): 23.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Physical Activity Program based on Social Cognitive Theory for Old-Old Women with Knee Osteoarthritis
    Soon Rim Suh, Jeong Hwa Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2021; 30(3): 278.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Elastic Band Exercise on Functional Fitness and Blood Pressure Response in the Healthy Elderly
    Hyun-Min Choi, Chansol Hurr, Sukwon Kim
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(19): 7144.     CrossRef
  • Effects of BeHaS Program on Health Behavior, Physiologic Index and Self-Esteem of the Elderly Living Alone with Metabolic Syndrome Based on Community Based Participatory Research
    Jong Im Kim, Sun Ae Kim, Keumok Park, Jiyoung Kim, Lina Lee, Si Wan Choi, Bon Jeong Ku
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2020; 50(4): 571.     CrossRef
  • The effects of elastic band exercises and nutritional education on frailty, strength, and nutritional intake in elderly women
    Yena Bong, Wook Song
    Physical Activity and Nutrition.2020; 24(1): 37.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of an Exercise Program for Preventing Urinary Incontinence among Community-Dwelling Elderly Females Living Alone
    Mi Sook Song, Sunjoo Boo
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2016; 30(2): 247.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Thera-Band Exercise Program on Pain, Knee Flexion ROM, and Psychological Parameters Following Total Knee Arthroplasty
    Ji Yeong Yun, Jong Kyung Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2015; 45(6): 823.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Muscle Strength Training on Urinary Incontinence and Physical Function: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Long-term Care Facilities
    Hyekyung Kang, Gwi-Ryung Son Hong
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2015; 45(1): 35.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of the Thera Band Exercise Program on Bone Mineral Density and Health Promotion Behaviors in Elderly Women
    Joo Hyun Kim, Hye Jin Hyun, Mi Hyang Ahn, Eun Young Choi, Ga Yeon Ko, Bock Soon Park
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2013; 15(3): 147.     CrossRef
The Effect of Cardiopulmonary Symptoms and Sleep on Fatigue in Pneumoconiosis Patients
Young Mee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(4):458-464.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cardiopulmonary symptoms and sleep on fatigue in pneumoconiosis patients.
Self-administered questionnaires were given to 211 neumoconiosis patients during the period from May 12 to May 20, 2010.
The mean score of fatigue was as high as 6.7. The level of fatigue depended on the subjects' leisure activity and complication. Fatigue was significantly correlated with cardiopulmonary symptoms and sleep. The influential factors affecting fatigue were cardiopulmonary symptoms, complication, sleep and leisure activity, which explained about 46.5% of the variance.
The results of this study indicate that nursing interventions are needed to reduce fatigue and to improve cardiopulmonary symptoms and insomnia in pneumoconiosis patients.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing