Lifestyles and Factors Influencing the Bone Mineral Density (BMD) among Employees in a Community
Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(2):236-244. Published online June 30, 2013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2013.24.2.236
This study was to investigate lifestyles and identify factors influencing the bone mineral density (BMD) among employees in a community. METHODS Data were collected from 199 employees. Their lifestyles and BMIs were measured with a self-report questionnaire. As for their BMDs, their calcanei were measured with Quantitative Ultrasound. RESULTS Assessing their BMDs with reference to the WHO standards, 52.8% of the subjects' calcaneus BMDs were normal and 44.2% showed osteopenis, 3.0% showed osteoporosis. Age (odds ratio=1.05, p=.029), exercise (odds ratio=.31, p=.006) and the number of eating meals per day (odds ratio=1.97, p=.046) were significant factors influencing the subjects' BMDs. CONCLUSION Strategies to emphasize exercise and dietary habits in employees are important for improving their bone mineral density. Programs for improving bone mineral density based on life cycle need to be developed.
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Armin Hatefi, Amirhossein Alvandi Journal of Applied Statistics.2022; 49(4): 803. CrossRef - Comparison in Adherence to Osteoporosis Guidelines according to Bone Health Status in Korean Adult
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Factors Associated with Stages of Exercise Behavior Change of Residents in a Community
Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(3):316-326. Published online September 30, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.0000/jkachn.2012.23.3.316
This study was to identify the factors associated with stages of exercise behavior change of residents in a community on the basis of the Transtheoretical Model. METHODS Data were collected from 520 residents of a community using a self-report questionnaire. The survey variables comprised the stages of exercise behavior change, the process of change, decisional balance and self efficacy. RESULTS There were significant differences in the process of change, decisional balance and self efficacy by the stages of exercise behavior change. The factors associated with transition from pre-contemplation to contemplation were consciousness raising and self efficacy; regarding those from contemplation to preparation, cons of the decisional balance and social liberation; regarding those from preparation to action, dramatic relief and counter conditioning; regarding that from action to maintenance, cons of the decisional balance. CONCLUSION TTM would be applicable to explain the exercise behavior of some residents in a community, which suggested that the programs for improving exercise behavior of residents in a community need to be developed.
Factors Associated with the Preparation Stage to Quit Smoking among College Smokers
Kyung Shin Paek, Young Sook Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(2):173-183. Published online June 30, 2011
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2011.22.2.173
This study was to compare the Transtheoretical Model components according to the stage of change in smoking cessation behavior and identify factors associated with preparation to quit smoking among college smokers. METHODS Data were collected from 224 undergraduate students using the self-report questionnaire. The survey variables comprised the stage of change in smoking cessation, self-efficacy, and decisional balance and process of change in smoking cessation. RESULTS There were significant differences in self-efficacy, cons of smoking, and the process of change according to the stage of change in smoking cessation behavior. Cons of smoking and self liberation were significant factors related to the preparation stage of smoking cessation. CONCLUSION Strategies to enhance cons of smoking and self liberation in college smokers will be an important intervention component to prepare and plan smoking cessation in future studies.
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The Effects of a Smoking Prevention Program on Knowledge and Attitude toward Smoking and Smoking Coping Behavior among Preschool Children
Kyung Shin Paek, So Young Min, Young Sook Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(3):358-367. Published online September 30, 2008
This study was to evaluate the effects of a smoking prevention program among preschool children. METHOD This study used a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 141 preschool children aged 6 or 7 at two childcare centers in Jecheon City, who were divided into an experimental group (n=66) and a control group (n=75). The smoking prevention program was applied through 9 sessions and 30 minutes per session. Surveys were conducted before and after the smoking prevention program to examine the preschoolers' knowledge and attitude toward smoking and smoking coping behavior. RESULTS There were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in smoking knowledge (t=-2.02, p=.044) and smoking coping behavior (t=-2.01, p=.047), but smoking attitude (t=-1.20, p=.230) was not statistically significantly different between the two groups. CONCLUSION As a result, further research is needed into the long term effects of a smoking prevention program on the future behavior of preschoolers so that the health benefits of early prevention can be quantified. It is necessary for parents to participate actively in influencing preschoolers' attitudes and behaviors with regard to the avoidance of smoking.
The Effects of a Health Education Program on Health Promoting Behavior and Self-efficacy in University Students
So Young Min, Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):562-571. Published online December 31, 2007
The purpose of this study was to develop a health education program on the health promoting behavior and self-efficacy in university students and evaluate its effects. METHOD A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The subjects were 148 students [experimental(N=80) and control(N=68) groups] from a university in J City. The experimental group members participated in thirteen sessions of a health education program for fifteen weeks and the degree of their health promoting behavior and self efficacy was evaluated. The instruments for this study were the health promoting lifestyle profile developed by Walker et al.(1987) and self-efficacy scale developed by Sherer & Maddux(1982). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square tests, t-tests, and paired t-test using SPSS 10.0. RESULT The experimental group had a significantly higher health promoting behavior score(F=10.389, p=.002) than the control group, while no significant difference was found in the self-efficacy score(F=.481, p=.489). CONCLUSION The results suggest that the health education program can be utilized as an effective program to promote health promoting behavior in university students.
Exposure to Internet Pornography and Related Factors in Female High School Students
Kyung Shin Paek, Seung Kyo Chaung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(3):376-386. Published online September 30, 2006
- No abstract available.
The Effect of Smoking Prevention Education on Primary School Students
Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(2):273-282. Published online June 30, 2006
- No abstract available.
The Comparison of Waist Circumference, Waist to Hip Ratio and Body Mass Index in Female College Students
Seung Kyo Chaung, Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(4):527-533. Published online December 31, 2005
The purpose of this study was to validate waist circumference (WC) and waist to hip ratio (WHR) corresponding to body mass index (BMI) of 25kg/m2 and to survey the prevalence of hypertension according to obesity in female college students. METHOD Weight, height, waist and hip circumferences and blood pressure were measured for each of 286 female college students in J City, Chungbuk. RESULTS The subjects' mean BMI was 21.4kg/m2, and the estimated prevalence of obesity was 11.2%. The subjects, the 80th-90th percentile of whom had BMI exceeding 25kg/m2, were found to have WC of 75-78.1 cm and WHR of 0.79-0.80, respectively. Of the subjects with obesity(BMI> or =25kg/m2), 53.1% exhibited abdominal obesity (WC> or =80cm) and 40.6% had WHR over 0.80. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were correlated with BMI, WC, and WHR. The prevalence rate of hypertension in subjects with obesity(BMI> or =25kg/m2) was 25%. Additionally, the prevalence rate of hypertension in subjects with abdominal obesity (WC> or =80cm) was 39.1%. CONCLUSIONS Our study indicates that WC corresponding to BMI of 25kg/m2 in female subjects in their twenties is different from that of adult women. We also found that the prevalence rate of hypertension in subjects with abdominal obesity was high. Therefore. we suggest further studies to determine the cutoff value of WC for evaluating abdominal obesity and to investigate the long-term effects of obesity on women in their twenties.
The Effects of a Smoking Cessation Program on Nicotine Dependency and Self-Efficacy for Adolescents
Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(3):282-288. Published online September 30, 2005
This study was to verify the effects of a smoking cessation program for adolescents. METHOD This study was designed to use one group with one pre-test and two post-tests. One post-test was done immediately after the completion of the program and the other after eight weeks. The subjects were 21 male high school students who were smokers when this study was carried out. The smoking cessation program consisted of 5 sessions with smoking cessation education and e-mail service after the program. Variables in this research were nicotine dependency (using Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire) and self-efficacy. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed rank test. RESULTS Immediately after the program and eight weeks later, nicotine dependency for continuous smokers decreased significantly (after the program: Z=-2.319, p=.020, eight weeks later: Z=-1.999. p=.046) and self-efficacy increased significantly (after program: Z=-3.024. p=.002. eight weeks later: Z=-2.381. p=.017). CONCLUSIONS The smoking cessation program was effective in decreasing nicotine dependency in the continuous adolescent smokers and in increasing their self-efficacy, Further study needs to be made with a lager number of smoking adolescents using control group design.
High School Students' Knowledge and Attitude About Smoking according to Their Smoking Status
Kyung Shin Paek, Yeon Hee Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(2):277-288. Published online June 30, 2004
- No abstract available.
A study of Factors Influencing Health Promoting Behavior in College Students
Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(2):232-241. Published online June 30, 2003
To investigate the factors influencing health promoting behavior in college students and to provide a basic data for developing an effective health promotion program. METHOD The subjects were 711 college students living in Jecheon city and were selected using a convenience sampling method. The instruments used in this study included the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile developed by Walker et al.(1987), Perceived Health Status developed by Lawston et al.(1982), Self-Esteem scale developed by Rosenberg(1965), Self-Efficacy scale developed by Becker et al. (1993), and Health Locus of Control developed by Wallston et al.(1978). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression using SPSS/WIN program. RESULTS 1) The mean score of health promoting behavior was 2.39 point out of 4. In terms of sub-domains of health promoting behavior, self-actualization(2.78) showed the highest mean score, followed by interpersonal support(2.75), stress management(2.38), nutrition(2.11), exercise(2.04), and health responsibility (1.97). 2) The health promoting behavior had significantly positive correlations with self-efficacy, powerful others health locus of control, internal health locus of control, chance health locus of control, and perceived health status. 3) In the relationship between general characteristics and health promoting behavior, health promoting behavior was significantly different by gender(t=2.17, p= .03), and financial status of parents (F=10.79, p= .00). 4) The most powerful predictor of health promoting behavior was self-efficacy. A combination of self-efficacy, self-esteem, powerful others health locus of control, and sex accounted for 40.4% of the total variance in health promoting behavior. CONCLUSION The findings of this study showed that health responsibility and exercise were the domains where the college student showed relatively lower scores than other domains, self-efficacy was the most important predictor of health promoting behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that health promoting programs should focus on health responsibility, and exercise. Nursing strategies that can enhance self-efficacy should also be developed in order to promote healthy lifestyles in college students.
A Study on Obesity Index, Body Shape Satisfaction and Body Shape Esteem according to Weight Perception in Elementary Students
Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):115-123. Published online March 31, 2002
The purpose of this study was to identify the obesity index, body shape satisfaction and body shape esteem according to weight perception in elementary school students. METHOD The data were collected by using a questionnaire and physical examination records. The subjects were comprised of 669 children, all 12-years old, obtained from five (5) different elementary schools located in Jechoen. Data were analyzed with frequency, percentages, Chi-square test, ANOVA using the SPSS program. RESULTS 12.5% of male students, 11.1% of female students perceived themselves obese. There were significant differences in obesity index according to weight perception in male students (chi2=140.47, p= .000), in female students (chi2=130.99, p= .000). The percentages corresponding to normal body weight were highest with students who thought themselves thin in male students and self-perceived normal in female students. But in female students, 23.3% of self-perceived thin students, 37.8% of students who thought themselves obese corresponded to normal body weight actually.
There were significant differences in body shape satisfaction according to weight perception in male students(chi2=140.47, p= .000), and in female students(chi2=130.99, p= .000). The percentages of body shape satisfaction were highest with students who thought themselves normal in male students while and in female students, the students who thought themselves thin were highest.
There were significant differences in body shape esteem according to weight perception for male students (F=17.67, p= .000), and in female students (F=13.95, p= .000). The mean scores of body shape esteem were highest with students who thought themselves normal in male students and thin in female students. The students who thought themselves obese were lowest.
There were significant differences in weight perception according to father's body shape (chi2=13.72, p= .008) in male students and father's educational level (chi2=14.90, p= .021), mother's educational level (chi2=17.73, p= .007), mother's body shape (chi2=13.07, p= .011) in female students.
The Correlational Study on Health-promoting Behavior, Life Satisfaction and Self-esteem of the Elderly
Yeon Hee Choi, Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):39-48. Published online March 31, 2002
This study was done to describe the correlation among the elderly's health-promoting behavior, life satisfaction and sel-festeem. METHOD The subjects were a volunteer sample of 200 elderly in Kyungsan city. The instruments for this study were Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile(47 items), Life Satisfaction Scale(20 items) and Self-Esteem Scale(10 items). Frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test and Pearson's correlation coefficient with SAS program were used to analyze the data. RESULT 1) The average item score for the health-promoting behavior was 3.23; the highest score on the subscale was self-actualization and nutrition(M=3.45) with the lowest being exercise(M=2.98). 2) The average item score for the life satisfaction was 2.98. 3) The average item score for the self-esteem was 3.41. 4) Health-promoting behavior was significantly different according to age, marital status, religion and participation in society circles. 5) Life satisfaction was significantly different according to marital status and participation in society circles. 6) Self-esteem was significantly different according to participation in society circles. 7) Health-promoting behavior was positively related to life satisfaction and self-esteem. Life satisfaction was positively related to self-esteem. CONCLUSION It follows from this study that there is a very strong correlation among the elderly's health-promoting behavior, life satisfaction and self-esteem. Therefore health promoting programs that increase life satisfaction and self-esteem should be developed to promote a healthy lifestyle of the elderly.
The Effect of a Diabetic Education Program on Self-care Behavior and Glucose Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Kyung Shin Paek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(2):390-396. Published online September 30, 2001
- The purpose of this study was to test the effect of a diabetic education program using the self-efficacy theory on the self-care behavior and glucose metabolism. The subjects of the study consisted of 25 NIDDM patients who had participated with a diabetic education program from June 23 to July 14, 1999.
The research design was one-group pretest-posttest design. The pretest included measuring self-care behavior and 2PPBS, the diabetic education program was conducted to the group for 4 weeks. After the diabetic education program, the posttest included remeasuring of self-care behavior and 2PPBS. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for the significence of the differences between values before and after the diabetic education program.
The results are as follows.
The diabetic education program was effective in increasing the score of the self-care behavior in exercise but was not effective in increasing the score of the self-care behavior in diet, test and medication. The diabetic education program was not effective in decreasing the levels of glucose metabolism.
A Study of the Relationship among Self-Efficacy, Sick-Role Behavior and Metabolic Control in Diabetic Patients
Kyung Shin Paek, Myoung Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(1):128-142. Published online June 30, 1998
- The purpose of this study was to identify the degree of self-efficacy, sick-role behavior and metabolic control in patients with diabetes and to identify the relationships among those variables.
The subject of the study were composed of 204 NIDDM patients from 2 hospitals, who were visiting the outpatient clinic in Taegu.
Data were collected from Sep. 18th to Oct. 5th, 1996.
In data analysis, an SPSS/PC+ program was utilized for descriptives correlation, T-test, and ANOVA.
The results are as follows.
1) The mean scores for self-efficacy were 65.74 (range 30.83-90.68), on a 100 point scale.
2) The mean scores for sick-role behavior were 3.36(range 1.80-4.67), on a 5 point scale.
3) The mean score for metabolic control was 7.63 (range 5.0-13.2).
4) Self-efficacy was significantly correlated with sick-role behavior(r=.3614, p<0.01) but there were no significant correlations with self-efficacy and metabolic control (r=-.1045, p>0.01), sick-role behavior and metabolic control (r=-.1288, p>0.01).
5) There were significant differences in self-efficacy according to sex(t=4.47, p=0.000) and education(F=8.27, p=0.000).
6) There were no significant differences in sick -role behavior according to demographic characteristics.
7) There were significant differences in metabolic control according to the duration of diagnosed diabetess(F=4.13, p=0.007) and complication (t=2.47, p=0.014).
These results suggest that for improvement in sick-role behavior nursing intervention needs to be directed at promoting self-efficacy.