Purpose This study is to identify factors related to health-related quality of life in one-person households across the life cycle by analyzing data from the 2021 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Methods The subjects of one-person households were divided into 195 young adults, 273 middle-aged people, and 490 elderly people according to life cycle. Data were analyzed by complex sample cross tabulation, complex sample t-test, complex sample ANOVA, and complex sample multiple regression analysis using IBM SPSS 26.0.
Results In young adults, subjective health status, daily activity limitation, and stress level explained 41% of health-related quality of life, and in middle age, income level, education level, occupation, marital status, subjective health status, stress level, and depression had a 60% explanatory power. In old age, education level, subjective health status, daily activity limitation, stress level, and depression explained 53% of health-related quality of life.
Conclusion In order to effectively improve the health-related quality of life of one-person households, it is necessary to establish a customized program considering the influencing factors across the life cycle and systematically manage it according to the flow of the life cycle.
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Стресові стани українців, які проживають соло, під час війни Дар’я Яшкіна Sociological Studios.2024; (2(25)): 34. CrossRef
Purpose This study aims to find out further about the burden on families in undertaking caregiving for the elderly with chronic illnesses.
Methods A qualitative study was developed using in-depth interviews with 12 family caregivers selected by purposive sampling in July 2022. The thematic analysis was then carried out using the Colaizzi method, and N-Vivo 12 Qualitative Data Analysis Software was used to assist with the content analysis.
Results The result from the experience interview analysis of caregivers participating in this study were 54 codes which were categorized into thirteen categories. Then, they were derived into four themes, as follows: 1) Physical burden of the caregivers for the elderly with chronic illness, 2) Psychological burden of the caregivers for the elderly with chronic illness, 3) Obstacle of caregivers for the elderly with chronic illness, 4) The state of caregivers who perform caregiving for the elderly with chronic illness.
Conclusion The experience of caregivers in undertaking caregiving for the elderly with chronic disease has many obstacles, such as physical, psychological, and economic burdens. Caregivers often find positive aspects of their experiences while caregiving for the elderly, although their burden also constantly increases. Health facilities should pay serious attention to family caregivers and facilitate programs that can help reduce the burden on family caregivers.
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Relationship between Care Burden and Health Anxiety in the Family Caregivers of the Older Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease Mohammad Sadegh Sargolzaei, Daniyal Kohestani, Tahereh Alsadat Khoubbin Khoshnazar, Hossein Asghari Asl Ageing International.2024; 49(2): 280. CrossRef
Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the roles and function of family in mediating the relationship between depression and quality of life of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Most studies have found that depression is particularly common in patients with PD and further associated with poor quality of life. Family function, as a mediator, is based on a strength orientation perspective that emphasizes not only their responsibilities and risks but also recuperative powers and growth potential. Methods Overall 157 adults with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease were enrolled in this study via outpatient clinic and completed a set of assessment to measure depression using BDI, family APGAR questionnaire, and patients’ quality of life using PDQ-8. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the mediating role of family APGAR score in the relationship between BDI and PDQ-8. Results Patients' depression, gait disturbance, duration of illness, and family function were statistically significant on quality of life. These factors accounted for 60% of the variance in quality of life. Family function has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between depression and quality of life. Conclusion Findings from the study suggest that although PD patients' depression impacts their quality of life, by having strong family function, the extent to which depression impacts the quality of life can be favorably mitigated. Additionally, these outcomes have important implications for future model development regarding PD patients.
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Mediating Role of Social Support and Family Functioning on Quality of Life of Family Caregivers of Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder Hunny Kalra, Suninder Tung Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Factors Influencing Suicidal Ideation in Middle Aged Adults: Focused on Gender Differences Jaerin Kim, Kuem Sun Han Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2023; 32(1): 45. CrossRef
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the correlations among emotional perception clarity, emotion regulation, family relationship, non-suicidal self-injury, and depression, and to determine associated factors of non-suicidal self-injury and depression for senior elementary school students. Methods Data were collected from 150 early adolescences in K region, Korea. A self-report questionnaire consisted of Trait Meta-Mood Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Family Relationship Assessment Scale, Functional Assessment of Self-Mutilation, and Children's Depression Inventory. The data were analyzed using t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, logistic regression, and multiple regression analysis. Results: Non-suicidal self-injury and depression were positively associated with maladaptive emotion regulation strategy and family conflict, but negatively related to emotional perception clarity and family support. Adaptive emotion regulation strategy and family togetherness were only significantly correlated with depression. In logistic regression analysis, significant predictors of non-suicidal self-injury were emotional perception clarity, maladaptive emotion regulation strategy, and family support. Multiple regression analysis found that significant factors of depression were adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, which explained 38.0% of the variance. Conclusion Our study findings suggest that targeted intervention to reinforce the adaptive emotion regulation strategy and family relationship may prevent non-suicidal self-injury, and depression for senior elementary school students.
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학교모래놀이 집단상담이 초기자해행동 초등학생의 애착에 미치는 효과:예비연구 Ester Park, Un-Kyoung Ahn School Counselling and Sandplay.2024; 6(2): 18. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study tries to systematically understand factors that explain levels of happiness among pregnant women in the Ecological systems theory. METHODS A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with 169 pregnant women in Korea. Collected data from self-report questionnaires were analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis using the SPSS statistics 23 program. RESULTS A total of 5 models were examined according to individual, microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem in the Ecological systems theory. In the first model including individual factors, extraversion, neuroticism, and physical and psychological change constitute significant factors explaining happiness. In the second model with microsystem factors and in the third one with mesosystem factors, marital intimacy appears to be a significant factor. In the fourth model including exosystem factors, community service is a significant factor. In the final model with social atmosphere, personality (β=.15 for extraversion; β=−.30 for neuroticism), physical and psychological change (β=−.15), marital intimacy (β=.35), and community service (β= .18) turn out to be significant. These factors explain 59% of the variance of happiness in the pregnant women in Korea. CONCLUSION Considering the fact that pregnant women's happiness is explained by microsystem and exosystem factors as well as individual factors, developing intervention programs that can promote influencing factors such as marital intimacy and community service is necessary to improve levels of happiness among pregnant women in Korea.
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Trajectories of subjective health status among married postmenopausal women based on the ecological system theory: a longitudinal analysis using a latent growth model Eun Jin Kim, Ju-Hee Nho Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2022; 28(2): 123. CrossRef
The Mediating Effect of Marital Intimacy on the Relationship between Spouse-Related Stress and Prenatal Depression in Pregnant Couples: An Actor–Partner Interdependent Model Test Miyoung Lee, Yeon-Suk Kim, Mi-Kyoung Lee International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(2): 487. CrossRef
Effects of Positive Psychology-Based Program for the Depressed Pregnant Women Hyeon Hee Shin, Yeong Hee Shin Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2021; 25(2): 109. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the elderly's health statuses, health behavior, and social relations on their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) according to their family types. METHODS The subjects of this study were 1000 elderly persons (298 living alone, 420 living with their spouses, and 282 living with their family)living in C city in Gangwon Province. Data were collected through structured questionnaires from July 20 to September 30, 2015. The SPSS/WIN program was used for data analysis. RESULTS The HRQoL of the elderly living alone was much lower than the other groups. The most influential factors on the HRQoL include self-rated health and depressive symptoms in all three groups. Social activities and skipping meals were associated with the HRQoL of the elderly living alone and living with their spouses, while marital status, number of chronic disease, and instrumental activities of daily living were associated with the HRQoL of the elderly living with their family. CONCLUSION Nurses should take into account family types when designing interventions for improving the HRQoL of the elderly.
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Predictors of life satisfaction among older men living alone: Analysis of the 2020 National Survey of Older Koreans: A cross-sectional study Young-Ran Hwang, Gwi-Ryung Son Hong Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2024; 26(3): 278. CrossRef
The Association Between Physical Activity Levels and Health-related Quality of Life in Korean Elderly: The Eighth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Sung-Tae Park The Asian Journal of Kinesiology.2024; 26(4): 3. CrossRef
Work intensity, burnout and quality of work life in the hotel industry: The moderating role of psychological detachment Hannah Vivian Osei, Felicity Asiedu-Appiah, Rhoda Owusu Ansah Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism.2023; 22(1): 26. CrossRef
Factors associated with levels of health-related quality of life in elderly women: secondary data analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2019 Miseon Son Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2022; 28(3): 187. CrossRef
Factors Influencing Depression in Older Adults According to Family Structure (Older Adults Living with Adult Children, a Spouse, or Alone): Data from the 2020 National Older Koreans Data Kyoungsun Yun, Yu-Jin Lee Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2022; 24(1): 1. CrossRef
Factors Associated with Poor Self-Rated Health among Older Women Living Alone Eunha Kim, Hye Young Choi International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(18): 11182. CrossRef
A Study on the Characteristics of Health Risk Behavior in Older Adults with Chronic Joint Pain Using Association Analysis Seyeon Park, Jieun Shin Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2021; 23(2): 107. CrossRef
Quarantine Hotels: Integration between Hospitality and Healthcare Services to Promote Health Behavior and Quality of Life Ahmed Abdulaziz Alshiha American Journal of Health Behavior.2021; 45(6): 1059. CrossRef
Factors influencing the perceived health status of older adults living alone based on the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2018) Mi-So Shim, Youngin Kim, Minkyung Park, Gwang Suk Kim Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.2021; 96: 104433. CrossRef
YAŞLI BAKIM İSTİHDAMINDA YAŞLANMA VE YAŞLILIK ALGISI Işıl KALAYCI, Metin ÖZKUL, Meyrem TUNA UYSAL Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi.2021; 8(1): 146. CrossRef
Demographics as determinants for predicting quality of life among senior citizens in the Philippines Madonna S Palmes, Sheilla M Trajera, Gregory S Ching International Journal of Research Studies in Management.2021;[Epub] CrossRef
Analysis of the Types and Affecting Factors of Older People's Health-related Quality of Life, Using Latent Class Analysis Sun-Hee Jang, Dong-Moon Yeum Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(2): 212. CrossRef
Factors Influencing Health-Related Quality of Life in the Korean Seniors with Lower Education Level: Focusing on Physical Activity Types Hye Young Choi, Guna Lee Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2020; 32(3): 292. CrossRef
Multilevel Analysis of Factors Associated with Perceived Good Health and Multimorbidity among Older Adults: Using the 2017 Community Health Survey Sunjoo Boo, Young Ran Han, Hye Young Choi Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(Suppl): 549. CrossRef
Effects of BeHaS Program on Health Behavior, Physiologic Index and Self-Esteem of the Elderly Living Alone with Metabolic Syndrome Based on Community Based Participatory Research Jong Im Kim, Sun Ae Kim, Keumok Park, Jiyoung Kim, Lina Lee, Si Wan Choi, Bon Jeong Ku Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2020; 50(4): 571. CrossRef
The Mediating Effects of Subjective Health Status on the Relationship between Relatedness and Participation in Exercise by Younger Elderly Women Yeong-Mi Seo, Won-Hee Choi Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2019; 21(3): 183. CrossRef
Predictors of Health-related Quality of Life among Spouses of Older Adults with Dementia in the Community-dwelling Hye-Young Jang, Song Yi Han Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2019; 30(4): 518. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study tries to explore experiences with a special rating dementia service among family caregivers of elderly people with dementia. METHODS The participants were 11 family caregivers of elderly people with dementia and had used a day-care service from the special rating dementia service for more than 3 months. Data were collected through individual in-depth interviews and analyzed using content analysis. RESULTS Three categories emerged: “reminiscence of an entangled lifeâ€, “feeling relieved from a stifled lifeâ€, and “hope for a better life through help and support†with 8 sub-categories and 23 codes. By using the special rating dementia service, the participants experienced relief from the burden of caring for their elderly family member with dementia and restored their social relations or family relationships. They experienced a positive transition in which their caring for elderly family members with dementia was integrated into their daily lives, and they expressed their desires for better policies. CONCLUSION These findings imply the importance and necessity of the special rating dementia service. Practical and systematic family support programs are necessary and proactive publicity activities by the government and public agencies are suggested to ensure that family caregivers can easily use the special rating dementia system.
PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing burnout in primary family caregivers of Home Health Care Patients. METHODS Data were collected from 121 primary family caregivers of home health care patients in three different hospitals in ‘D’ metropolitan city and the study was conducted from August 10, 2016 to January 17, 2017. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression. RESULTS Mean scores for the nursing needs of the participants were 3.54±0.79, the family functions were 1.24±0.58, the burnouts were 2.74±0.49. The burnouts were positively correlated with the nursing needs but inversely correlated with the family function. The factor that had the greatest influence on the burnouts of primary family caregivers of Home Health Care was family function (β=−.245, p=.001), followed by patients' daily activity (β=−.213, p=.014), age (β=.208, p=.032), monthly nursing services cost (β=−.196, p=.044) and nursing needs (β=.129, p=.014). The Explanatory Power of Models was 23%. CONCLUSION Individually customized home care nursing intervention programs are required to be provided in accordance with patient's family function and daily activity, monthly home care nursing service cost, nursing needs and general characteristics of primary caregivers of Home Health Care Patients such as their age, the number of family members living together, sex and the name of disease.
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Roles and Problems of Stroke Caregivers: A Qualitative Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Paryono Muhrodji, Hendrawan Dian Agung Wicaksono, Sekar Satiti, Laksono Trisnantoro, Ismail Setyopranoto, Amelia Nur Vidyanti F1000Research.2022; 10: 380. CrossRef
Roles and Problems of Stroke Caregivers: A Qualitative Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Paryono Muhrodji, Hendrawan Dian Agung Wicaksono, Sekar Satiti, Laksono Trisnantoro, Ismail Setyopranoto, Amelia Nur Vidyanti F1000Research.2021; 10: 380. CrossRef
Influence of Self-care on Burnout in Primary Family Caregiver of Person with Dementia Jeong Hwa Kwon, Gwi-Ryung Son Hong Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2021; 51(2): 217. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to examine the association of family support, self-efficacy, health literacy and perceived health status with health-promoting behavior (HPB) in married immigrant women. METHODS A cross-sectional based survey was conducted to collect data from married immigrant women living in Gyeongsang province. Questionnaires included Health promoting lifestyle profile II, General self-efficacy scale, Korean Health literacy assessment and perceived health status. RESULTS 157 subjects participated in the study (mean age, 30.47±6.83). Their duration of living in Korea was 63.05±50.11 months. Of the participants, 59.2% were Vietnamese. The level of HPB, perceived health status, health literacy, support of family and self-efficacy were 2.58±0.42, 3.39±0.86, 25.12± 20.99, 3.83±0.70 and 3.61±0.53 respectively. Factors affecting the HPB of the participants were support from family (β =.45, p<.001) and self-efficacy (β=.16, p<.05). The explanatory power of these two variables was 34.2%. CONCLUSION This study suggests that the factors influencing the HPB of married immigrant women include support from family and self-efficacy. A variety of programs should be provided for families so that they can support those women to help them increase their HPB. It is recommended that more various programs be provided to increase their self-efficacy.
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The effect of health literacy and self-efficacy levels of Syrian refugee university students on quality of life Hıdır Apak, Gülhan Yiğitalp, Oktay Tatlıcıoğlu Journal of Public Health.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Relationships Among Health Literacy, Self-Efficacy, Self-Management, and HbA1c Levels in Older Adults with Diabetes in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Study Geun Young Jang, Soo Jung Chang, Jun Hee Noh Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.2024; Volume 17: 409. CrossRef
Multiple mediation effect of coping styles and self-esteem in the relationship between spousal support and pregnancy stress of married immigrant pregnant women So-hyun Moon, Miok Kim PeerJ.2023; 11: e16295. CrossRef
Influence of Perceived Health Status, Perceived Barrier, Cultural Acculturation on Empowerment in Married Migrant Women Yong-Sook EO, Yeon Hee LEE JOURNAL OF FISHRIES AND MARINE SCIENCES EDUCATION.2020; 32(5): 1308. CrossRef
Trends and Level in Health Literacy Research on Immigrants in Korea: A Literature Review Soo Jin Kang, Na Kyum Hyung Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(3): 322. CrossRef
The Impact of Social Cognitive Constructs on Dietary Behaviors in Breast Cancer Survivors Hyenam Hwang Asian Oncology Nursing.2016; 16(3): 139. CrossRef
PURPOSE This research was conducted to examine the successful aging and identify factors influencing successful aging in the Korean elderly. METHODS The subjects were 4,507 elders and data were collected from the 4th Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing in 2012. The data were analyzed using frequencies, weighted percentage, chi2 test, and logistic regression. RESULTS The results of this study showed that 19.6% of the participants were categorized to successful aging. The domains of the absence of disease and disability and maintaining physical and mental functioning showed a high rate of achievement, while the domain of active engagement with life showed a low rate of achievement compared to others. Successful aging was influenced by gender, age, subjective economic status, subjective health status, and family support, particularly spouse's support. CONCLUSION Intervention programs to increase the prevalence of successful aging are required. Especially programs for strengthening spouse's support and enhancing subjective health status are required.
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Comparative analysis of successful aging in young-old and old-old adults based on Rowe and Kahn’s model: A secondary data analysis Ji Eun Lee Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2024; 26(2): 203. CrossRef
Factors Influencing Cardiovascular Disease Preventive Behaviors among Rural Residents Based on a Socio-Ecological Model in South Korea: A Mixed Method Research Bohyun Park, Juhyeon Yang, Youngsoo Kim, Gianpiero Greco Health & Social Care in the Community.2023; 2023: 1. CrossRef
Influence of Successful Aging, Quality of Life, and Factors Related to Potential Stressors on Older Consumers’ Purchase of Private Health Insurance in South Korea: An Empirical Study Based on Proactive Coping Theory Jimin Lee, Hyeyoon Bae, Euehun Lee Journal of Applied Gerontology.2022; 41(1): 253. CrossRef
Factors Associated with Successful Aging among Community-Dwelling Older Adults Based on Ecological System Model Hye-Young Jang International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(9): 3220. CrossRef
Social networks, health-promoting behaviors, and health-related quality of life in older adults with and without arthritis Minjoo Hong, Hyewon Shin, Jennie C. De Gagne, Kenzie Latham-Mintus PLOS ONE.2019; 14(7): e0220180. CrossRef
Relations of Sleep Quality, Lifestyle, and Successful Aging in the Elderly Attending a Senior Welfare Center Soomi Kim, Pilbong Kim, Seung Hee Lee, Eunyeong Lee, Jongeun Lee, Kyung Mi Kim The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2018; 21(1): 43. CrossRef
The Effect of Basic Psychological Needs and Wisdom on Successful Aging in the Elderly Min-Jeong Nam, Young-Mun Cho Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2018; 30(1): 70. CrossRef
Prevalence and related factors of successful aging among Chinese rural elders living in nursing homes Menglian Wu, Yang Yang, Dan Zhang, Yaoyao Sun, Hui Xie, Jie Zhang, Jihui Jia, Yonggang Su European Journal of Ageing.2017; 14(4): 419. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study was conducted to identify activities of daily living, depression and self-rated health and related factors for Korean Elderly. METHODS Data from the survey for the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging in 2010 were used. The data were analyzed using frequencies, weighted proportions, and hierarchical multiple logistic regression. RESULTS Significant difference was observed in health status induced by socioeconomic status between men and women, but not among age groups. Socioeconomic status was strongly associated with self-rated health among male and female elders. Being unschooled and low net family asset were significantly related with dependency in activities of daily living and depressive symptoms among men. Only low net family asset was significantly related with depressive symptoms among women. Family support provides a slight decrease to the negative relationship between socioeconomic status and health status, especially depressive symptoms. CONCLUSION This study suggests that interventions to reduce health inequalities should target elderly with lower socioeconomic status and with poor family support, using a gender-specific approach.
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Factors affecting the health status of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus receiving insulin treatments: A multi‐mediation path analysis Kang Sun Lee, Hye Young Kim, Heung Young Jin Journal of Clinical Nursing.2022; 31(9-10): 1285. CrossRef
Factors Influencing Participation in National Health Screening Program among Korean Older Adults by Cognitive Function Level Song Yi Han, Young Ko Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2019; 30(4): 508. CrossRef
The Death Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms among Poor Older Women in Rural Areas: The Moderating Effect of Social Support Seung Joo Lim, Young Ko, Chunmi Kim, Hung Sa Lee Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2017; 28(4): 440. CrossRef
Analysis of Convergent Factors on Subjective Health Status of Patients with Depression Myoung-Jin Kwon, Young-Ju Kim Journal of Digital Convergence.2016; 14(6): 309. CrossRef
Successful Aging and the Influencing Factors in the Korean Elderly: Focused on Family Support SongYi Han, Soon-Nyung Yun Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(4): 372. CrossRef
The Effects of Socio-demographic Factors, Acculturation Stress and Resilience on Depression among Mothers-in-law in Multicultural Families Dong-Hee Kim, Sang-Hwa Lee, Young-Sil Bae, Yi-Kyung Ha Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(3): 221. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study attempted to identify the effectiveness and substantiality of a dementia education program for family caregivers of the demented elderly. METHODS This quasi-experimental study using a nonequivalent control pretest-posttest design was carried out from April 15 to July 29 in 2012 with 137 subjects divided into an experimental group (n=70) and a control group (n=67). This study examined the subjects' general characteristics, and evaluated their nursing method four times, respectively, before the intervention, right after the intervention, and 2 and 4 weeks after the intervention, and then analyzed collected data through t-test and chi2-test. RESULTS In the experimental group that had received the dementia education, the nursing method score was significantly higher right after the intervention (t=8.33, p<.001) and 2 weeks after the intervention (t=8.01, p<.001) than before the intervention, but their score 4 weeks after the intervention was not significantly different from that of the control group (t=1.08, p=.28). CONCLUSION The dementia education was found to be effective in improving the nursing method of family caregivers of the demented elderly. This study implies that further follow-up dementia education is necessary between 2 and 4 weeks to maintain the effectiveness.
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Comparison of Sleep Quality between Families of Dementia Patients and General Population in Community: Analysis with the Korea Community Health Survey Mina Kim, Young-Hoon Lee Korean Journal of Health Promotion.2023; 23(3): 139. CrossRef
The effect of a comprehensive mobile application program (CMAP) for family caregivers of home‐dwelling patients with dementia: A preliminary research Eunsil Park, Heeok Park, Eun Kyung Kim Japan Journal of Nursing Science.2020;[Epub] CrossRef
Comparing the Needs of Family Caregivers and Program Providers in Long-Term Care in Terms of Family Support Program Myonghwa Park, Younghye Go, Miri Jeong, Eun-Jeong Han Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2019; 31(1): 14. CrossRef
The Effects of a Support Program for Family Caregivers of Elderly with Dementia on Empowerment and Attitudes toward Dementia So Yoon Kim, Seonghee Jeong Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2019; 25(1): 103. CrossRef
Factors associated with Burden of Family Caregivers of Home-dwelling Elderly People with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Eun Kyung Kim, Heeok Park Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2019; 31(4): 351. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a social support program on family caregivers' role strain in elderly long-term home care. METHODS The research adopted a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The number of participants was 25 in the experimental group and 25 in the control group sampled among family caregivers in elderly long-term home care. The experimental group participated in a 10-session social support program, which consisted of physical, emotional, informational, and material support. The effect of the program was evaluated by measuring family caregivers' role strain. RESULTS The experimental group showed a significant decrease in family caregivers' role strain in elderly long-term home care. CONCLUSION The result suggests that the social support program was effective in decreasing family caregivers' role strain in elderly long-term home care. There is a need to develop more effective and systematicsocial support programsfor family caregivers of elderly long-term home care.
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The Effects of a Support Program for Family Caregivers of Elderly with Dementia on Empowerment and Attitudes toward Dementia So Yoon Kim, Seonghee Jeong Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2019; 25(1): 103. CrossRef
Comparing the Needs of Family Caregivers and Program Providers in Long-Term Care in Terms of Family Support Program Myonghwa Park, Younghye Go, Miri Jeong, Eun-Jeong Han Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2019; 31(1): 14. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among family functioning, empathy and aggression by high school students. METHODS This was a descriptive study. The survey participants were 467 high school students from M city. Data were collected from November 29 to December 7, 2012 and self-report questionnaires including a Family Adaptability Cohesion Evaluation Scale, Interpersonal Reactivity Indexes, and an Aggression Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-test, ANOVA, stepwise multiple regression. RESULTS The majority of the subjects were 2nd graders (42.0%) and female (57.2%). 59.7% of the subjects had religion, 84.8% were living together with parents. The mean ages of their fathers and mothers were 49.90+/-0.20 and 46.85+/-0.19 respectively. Aggression was found to have a statistically negative correlation with family functioning and empathy. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of aggression was empathic concern. Empathic concern, family cohesiveness, perspective taking, personal distress and gender accounted for 16.7% of the variances. CONCLUSION It is necessary to provide aggressiveness reduction programs for high school students that consider their family functioning and empathy.