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Volume 32 (3); September 2021
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Influencing Factors Affecting Caregivers’ Service Quality for the Elderly with Dementia: Focusing on Dementia Knowledge, Work Value, and Job Performance Confidence
Doo Ree Kim, Kwang Hwan Kim, Soo Yeon Lee, Sun Hee Han, Gi Ran Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):233-242.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The purpose of this study was to verify influencing factors affecting service quality provided by caregivers working for the elderly with dementia.
Data were collected using a self-reported questionnaire from 214 caregivers in a long-term care facility in D city. The data were analyzed with service quality, dementia knowledge, work value, and job performance confidence. For data analysis, the descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression were performed using SPSS/WIN 21.0 program.
There were significant differences in service quality depending on the health status. Factors influencing service quality were work value, and job performance confidence with R2 value of 38%. The highly influencing factors were work value, and job performance confidence.
The results of this study indicate that the effort to improve the service quality of caregivers should focus on work value and job performance confidence.


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  • The subjectivity of care workers’ perception on remaining functional ability care: A Q methodology approach
    Hyunjung Doo, Soonmi Park
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2023; 25(1): 56.     CrossRef
Factors Influencing Urinary Incontinence Quality of Life among Elderly Women in Home Visiting Healthcare Services
Ae Young So, Sun Ah Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):243-253.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting the urinary incontinence (UI) prevalence and the quality of life among elderly adult women who are subject to home visiting healthcare services.
A cross-sectional study was conducted with 400 women aged 60 or over who were registered for home health care services at one health center in Gangwon-do. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire consisting of UI severity, UI type, and the quality of life. The UI severity was assessed using International Consultation of Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form (ICIQ-SF), the quality of life using Incontinence Quality of Life (I-QOL), and type of UI using Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID). The data were analyzed by using x2 test, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s Correlation, binary logistic, and multiple lineal regression.
The prevalence of UI is 51.7%. The mean score of ICIQ-SF was 9.70±4.04 for women with UI and 0.04±0.51 for women without UI (t=-33.67, c<.001). As the frequency of day time urination (OR=1.34), the subjective health status (OR=1.45), and the educational status (OR=0.90) were higher, the risk of UI prevalence was the higher. The factors affecting I-QOL were ICIQ-SF score, mixed UI, subjective health status, and nighttime urination (adjusted R2 =.61).
The results of this study showed that UI severity, mixed UI, subjective health status, and day time urination affected the quality of life. It suggests that the assessment for the severity and type of UI be needed to prevent UI or improve the quality of life of UI vulnerable elderly adult women.


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  • A Multisite Study on the Effect of a Urinary Incontinence Self-Management Program on Community-Dwelling Older Women in Korea
    Sunah Park, Aeyoung So
    Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing.2024; 51(1): 61.     CrossRef
The Effects of Brain-wave Biofeedback Training Nursing Intervention upon Self-regulation of Emotional Behavior Problem in Adolescents at School
Moon Ji Choi, Wan Ju Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):254-267.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of brain-wave biofeedback training nursing intervention (NFT) upon enhancing self-regulation response in adolescence with emotional behavior problems in school.
A quasi-experimental design was conducted. The participants were assigned to the experimental group (n=24) or the control group (n=24). The experimental group additionally received NFT. The NFT was conducted 10 sessions for 30 minutes per session with the band reward and inhibit training which matched their Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG), participant’s demand and chief complaint. Data were collected with QEEG and heart rate variability (HRV) in physiological response, self-efficacy in cognitive response, depression in emotional response, impulsivity and delay gratification in behavioral response of self-regulation.
The general characteristics and the pre-test scores of two groups were all homogeneous. The experimental group was reported to be significantly higher in QEEG homeostasis, HRV homeostasis, self-efficacy, and delay gratification than the control group. The experimental group was reported to be significantly lower in depression and impulsivity.
The results indicate that NFT using brain cognitive neuroscience approach is effective in enhancing self-regulation response. Therefore, this nursing intervention using brain cognitive neuroscience approach can be applied as an effective self-regulation nursing intervention for adolescents with emotional behavior problems in communities for adaptive life.


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  • The Effect of Biofeedback Training on Attention, Affect Balance, Academic Delay Behavior, and Problem-Solving Ability of Korean College Students
    Jungmin Lee, Youngkyoung Kim, Wanju Park
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2024; 38(2): 150.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Brain Attention Biofeedback Self-regulation Training Nursing Intervention on Attention, Multidimensional Impulsivity, Emotional Response Intensity, and Self-regulated Learning Ability of School-aged Children in the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
    Youngkyung Cho, Wanju Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2022; 31(2): 111.     CrossRef
The Effects of the Smoking Cessation Program of Life Skill Training Using Flipped Learning for Middle School Male Students
Eun Hee Seo, Eun Suk Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):268-280.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The study is examined the effects of the smoking cessation program of life skills training using flipped learning for male middle school students.
The study was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The Smoking Cessation Program of life skills training using flipped learning is a Smoking Cessation Program that applied 5 stages of flipped learning such as before class, introductory class, during class, after class, and during work. Participants were 32 male students attending a middle school in D city, with 16 in the control group and 16 in the experiment group. Data collection was conducted from February 26, 2019 to May 14, 2019 for the control group, and from May 28, 2019 to August 19, 2019 for the experiment group. The collected smoking knowledge, smoking attitude, self-efficacy, basic psychological needs, and urine cotinine were analyzed by x2 test, independent t-test, two-way repeated measured ANOVA, and Fishers exact test using the SPSS 25.0 program.
The experimental group showed higher smoking knowledge, smoking attitude, self-efficacy, basic psychological need, and urine cotinine negative response than the control group, and there were significant differences.
These findings indicate that the Smoking Cessation Program of life skill training using flipped learning is an effective intervention for cessation of middle school male students, and it has a positive effect on the increase in urine cotinine, and a physiological indicator of the cessation effect, and is effective in the success of smoking cessation.


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  • Effects of Adler's Theory‐Based nudge volunteer program on middle school students
    Eunae Kim, Jongeun Lee
    Psychology in the Schools.2025; 62(1): 136.     CrossRef
Typology of Community Health Vulnerabilities and Their Effects on Health Status by Type-Using Community Health Survey
Bo Hyun Park, Kyung Hee Yi, Sook Ja Choi, Sukyong Seo, Seon Im Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):281-291.   Published online September 30, 2021
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This study examined health determinants at a community level and put forward to a typology of five different forms of community health vulnerabilities. We also investigated the differences in the prevalence of chronic diseases, self-rated health, and quality of life (EQ-5D) among the five types.
Latent class analysis was applied to material, social capital, and health behavior vulnerability variables across 255 regions of South Korea. The data came from 2017 & 2019 Community Health Survey.
We found five types of community health vulnerabilities: Type 1 group had the highest material vulnerabilities compared to Type 5. The typology was found to be significant in all the regression analysis on the prevalence of chronic diseases (hypertension and diabetes), self-rated health status, and quality of life. In the regions with high material vulnerabilities, the material vulnerability appeared the most effective to the health status of individual’s. In the other regions with less material vulnerabilities, the social capital and health behavior resources were found to be effective.
A comprehensive measure of vulnerability can be helpful to understand community health. Policy makers need to consider the level of material vulnerability when planning for a health promotion project.


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  • The threaten of typhoons to the health of residents in inland areas: a study on the vulnerability of residents to death risk during typhoon “Lekima”
    Yiwen Ma, Xianhui Zhang, Yingjian Zhang, Jipei Du, Nan Chu, Jinli Wei, Liangliang Cui, Chengchao Zhou
    BMC Public Health.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Trends and regional distribution in health-related quality of life across sex and employment status: a repeated population-based cross-sectional study
    Soon-Ki Ahn, Hyun-Ju Seo, Min-Jung Choi
    Journal of Occupational Health.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Factors influencing the health satisfaction of users of public health and medical institutions in South Korea
    Kichan Yoon, Munjae Lee
    Frontiers in Public Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
Associated Factors of Depression and Suicidal Behaviors among Korean Adolescents: Web-based Survey of the Korea Youth Risk Behavior in 2015~2017
Hyun A Choi, Hye Jin Yang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):292-302.   Published online September 30, 2021
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Suicide among adolescents is a serious problem worldwide, and especially, the suicide rate of teenagers is increasing rapidly in South Korea. This study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting the respective suicidal behavior in terms of home-environment characteristics, health behavior characteristics, and psychological health characteristics in Korean adolescents.
The data of the Web-based Survey of the Youth Risk Behavior from 2015 to 2017 collected by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) was analyzed using multivariable logistic regression analysis.
The influential factors by depression and suicidal behavior (suicidal ideation (SI), suicidal plan (SP), and suicidal attempt (SA)) were female(adjusted odds ratios [aOR], 1.45, 1.69, 1.30, 2.19), age (aOR 1.03, 0.98, 0.97, 0.90), no family members (aOR 1.21, 1.36, 2.11, 2.32), living with only the father (aOR 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.11), high economic status (aOR 1.15, 1.22, 1.34, 1.46), residence in relatives’ home (aOR 1.6, 1.36, 2.34, 1.97), drinking experience (aOR 1.35, 1.47, 1.57, 1.76), smoking experience (aOR 1.28, 1.30, 1.31, 1.94), hospital treatment experience due to violence (aOR 2.18, 3.33, 6.24, 8.40), bad health status (aOR 1.23, 1.48, 2.00, 2.15), unhappiness (aOR 2.49, 6.14, 6.72, 8.89), and a lot of stress (aOR 6.05, 10.40, 4.86, 5.52).
The suicidal behavior risk screening and prevention program for adolescents should be developed considering the subjective happiness and hospital treatment experience status due to violence that affects suicidal behavior.


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  • Profiles of Perfectionism and Their Relations to Task Disengagement, Test Anxiety, and Depression in South Korean High School Students: The Mediating Role of Achievement Goals
    Yoonkyung Chung, Joo Yeon Shin
    European Journal of Education.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The residential, area-specific prevalence and associated factors of suicidal ideation among South Korean adolescents
    Eunok Park, Hyo Young Lee
    Preventive Medicine Reports.2024; 41: 102698.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of suicide ideation among South Korean adolescents: A machine learning approach
    Hayoung Kim Donnelly, Yoonsun Han, Suna Kim, Dong Hun Lee
    Journal of Affective Disorders.2023; 329: 557.     CrossRef
  • The influences of mental health problem on suicide-related behaviors among adolescents: Based on Korean Youth Health Behavior Survey
    Eunok Park
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2023; 29(1): 98.     CrossRef
  • Mental health of South Korean adolescents in the COVID-19 Era: Web-based survey focused on suicide-related factors
    Sang Mi Kim, Yeong Mi Jeong, Hye Seon Park, Sulki Choi
    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
Factors Influencing the Self-management Behaviors of the Elderly with Hypertension in the Local Community
Jeong Ju Hong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):303-311.   Published online September 30, 2021
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This study investigated the health literacy level of, the hypertension knowledge of, the self-management behaviors of, and the factors influencing self-management behaviors of the hypertensive elderly population residing in the urban and rural areas.
Data were collected from November to December 2017 by the trained research staff. For two months, a total of 160 subjects in urban and rural areas who had been taking antihypertensive medications consented to participate in the project. 157 participants completed the survey. Results: The health literacy score of the hypertensive elderly subjects was at 48.38±8.13, the hypertension knowledge score at 8.90±2.01 points, and the self-management behaviors score at 52.96±8.08. The factor that influenced the self-management behaviors of the hypertensive elderly subjects the most was the health literacy, followed by the residential area, and the hypertension knowledge.
The research findings suggest that a health promotion program for the hypertensive elderly population should be designed in consideration of the health literacy, the area of residence and the hypertension knowledge of the elderly.


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  • A Cross-Sectional Study of Physical Fitness and Risk of Hypertension in Korean Adults Aged 20–59
    Bogja Jeoung, Jiyoun Kim
    Healthcare.2023; 11(14): 2057.     CrossRef
Concept Analysis of Self-stigma in Patients with Tuberculosis
Seon Mi Yeom, Jeong Hee Kang, Young Ran Yang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):312-324.   Published online September 30, 2021
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Tuberculosis is an infectious condition with a high disease burden, and the stigma in patients with tuberculosis causes negative health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to define and clarify the concept of self-stigma among patients with tuberculosis.
The analysis was conducted using Walker and Avant’s conceptual approach. Twenty-seven studies met the selection criteria.
Self-stigma in patients with tuberculosis can be defined by the following attributes: 1) self-esteem decrement; 2) fear; 3) negative emotions to oneself; 4) social withdrawal; and 5) discrimination. The antecedents identified were 1) inappropriate knowledge of tuberculosis, 2) spread of improper health information through media and social communications, 3) stereotypes and prejudices, 4) visibility due to symptoms appearing, 5) recognizing the risk of infection, and 6) low financial status. The consequences were 1) concealing the disease, 2) treatment delay, 3) poor treatment adherence, 4) poor quality of life, and 5) deterioration in or lack of social activities. Conclusion: The definition and attributes of self-stigma identified by this study can be applied to enhance the understanding of stigma in tuberculosis patients and to improve communications between healthcare providers and researchers. It can also be used to develop theories and measurements related to stigma in patients with tuberculosis.
A Meta Analysis of Impulsivity Related to Self-destructive Behavior in Korean Adolescents
Wan Ju Park, Shin Jeong Park, Moon Ji Choi, Kyeng Jin Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):325-343.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The purpose of this study is to determine the results of a meta-analysis of impulsivity variables related to self-destructive behavior of South Korean adolescents.
A meta-analysis was carried out according to the Cochrane guidelines criteria and the quality of the studies was evaluated using the JBI checklist. 2,333 studies were collected through the databases of RISS, KISS, and DBpia on ‘impulsivity’ published from 2000 to 2020. Self-destructive behavior-related variables were largely categorized into three areas (addiction, violence, and delinquency), and six subgroups.
Using the correlations with impulsivity in the final 53 papers, 231 self-destructive behavior-related variables were identified. The social delinquency showed the closest relationship with impulsivity (ES=0.34, 95% CI: 0.23~0.43, p<.001), followed by addictive behavior (ES=0.28, 95% CI: 0.24~0.32, p<.001), personal delinquency (ES=0.28, 95% CI: 0.23~0.32, p<.001), violence against others, violence against self, and substance addiction. These effects were identified as ranging from magnitudes of 0.23 to 0.27 based on the criteria of Cohen.
To improve the reliability of the results of meta-analysis, more studies on the impulsivity of adolescents should be carried o
Factors Influencing the Physical Activity of Foreign Workers: Based on a Health Promotion Model
Jeong Eui Cho, Yeong Mi Ha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):344-355.   Published online September 30, 2021
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With low birth rates and aging population problems in Korea, the number of foreign workers grows rapidly. The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing physical activity of foreign workers based on a Health Promotion Model by examining relationships between acculturation, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, exercise self-efficacy, activity-related affect, social support, and physical activity. Methods: The participants were foreign workers aged 18 to 60 who were employed at eight shipyards. A questionnaire was distributed to 216 participants.
As a result of the multivariate ordinal logistic regression analysis, factors affecting physical activity of foreign workers were perceived benefits (B=.65, 95% CI=0.08~1.22), exercise self-efficacy (B=.16, 95% CI=0.05~0.26), integration (B=.41 95% CI=0.14~0.69), and social support for physical activity (B=.48, 95% CI=0.12~0.83). The total explanatory power was 17.7% (x2 =41.95, p<.001). Conclusion: Based on these results, there is a need to develop a customized program to increase physical activities of foreign workers by enhancing integration, perceived benefits, exercise self-efficacy and social support.


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  • Structural Equation Modeling of Health Promotion Behavior on Migrant Workers: A Multi-Group Analysis Based on the Period of Residence
    Hanna Jeong, Youngsuk Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2024; 54(1): 73.     CrossRef
Economic Evaluation of Hospital-based Home Care Services for the Breast Cancer Surgery Patients
Jeong Yeon Ko, Ju Young Yoon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):356-367.   Published online September 30, 2021
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This study conducted an economic evaluation of hospital-based home care services for the patients who had undergone breast cancer surgery.
A total of 12,483 patients over 18 years of age who had received breast cancer surgery in 26 tertiary hospitals in 2018 were analyzed with the claim data from the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service using cost-minimization analysis and societal perspectives.
There were 156 patients who utilized hospital-based home care services within 30 days after breast cancer surgery, and they received 2.17 (SD=1.17) hospital-based home care service on average. The average total cost was 5,250,028 KRW (SD=1,905,428) for the group receiving continuous hospital-based home care and 6,113,402 KRW (SD=2,033,739) for the group not receiving continuous hospital-based home care (p<.001). The results of the economic evaluation of continuous hospital-based home care services in patients who had undergone breast cancer surgery indicated a total benefit of 953,691,000 KRW, a total cost of 819,004,000 KRW, and a benefit-cost ratio of 1.16 in 2018.
Continuous hospital-based home care was considered economically feasible as the total costs for the group receiving continuous hospital-based home care were lower than those of the group not receiving continuous hospital-based home care. Therefore, policy modification and financial incentives are recommended to increase the utilization of hospital-based home care services for patients who had undergone breast cancer surgery.


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  • Economic evaluation of the hospitalist care model in an acute medical unit: a benefit–cost analysis
    Hyun Jeong Kim, Jinhyun Kim, Jung Hun Ohn, Nak-Hyun Kim
    BMJ Open.2024; 14(7): e081594.     CrossRef
  • Dimensions and components of hospital-at-home care: a systematic review
    Parniyan Nikmanesh, Jalal Arabloo, Hasan Abolghasem Gorji
    BMC Health Services Research.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
Current Status and Needs Assessment for Obesity Prevention and Management Project at Public Health Centers
Ji Young Park, Mi Hae Im, Seol Hyang Baek, Chongwon Park, Ga Hui Hwang, Wan Soo Kim, Yu Mi Oh, A Ra Cho, Ji Eun Jo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):368-381.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The obesity prevention and management program led by public health centers are important in the community. This study aims to identify the current status of obesity prevention and management programs at public health centers and perceptions regarding facilitators and barriers when implementing programs.
This study used a concurrent mixed methods design. A survey was conducted to investigate the current status and infrastructure of the obesity prevention and management program at eighty-three public health centers nationwide. Nine program managers and six local residents with experience in the program were interviewed by using a semi-structured questionnaires.
Most of the infrastructure facilities for the program were inadequate, and insufficient budgets and lack of professional staff were identified as barriers. Facilitators included diversification of program delivery methods, operator competence, and visible outcomes and rewards. For the effectiveness of the program, it is vital to have adequate assistants, a sufficient budget, various promotional methods, and connections with various institutions in the community. On this basis, it is acknowledged that the public health center serves as a platform for preventing and managing obesity in the community. Conclusion: It is expected that infrastructure improvements in public health centers and the link with community resources are needed. In addition, there is an urgent need to set standards for obesity prevention and management programs implemented in public health centers to ‘resolve regional disparities’.
Transition Experiences of the Elderly from Long-Term Care Hospital to Home: Focusing on the Elderly Living Alone of Community Care Project
Yun Hee Hwang, Ga Eon Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):382-395.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the transition experiences of the elderly from long-term care hospitals to their homes.
The participants were eight elderly medicaid beneficiaries, who had been the subjects from the community care project in Korea. The data were collected with one-on-one interviews from April to November in 2020, and analyzed by phenomenological steps.
The seven themes derived in this study were ‘Space to escape’, ‘Reliable supporter opened the way to discharge’, ‘Comfortable life at home’,‘Obstacles to independent life’, ‘Struggling to live alone’, ‘Fence for community life’, and ‘Energizing in daily life’ Conclusion: The results revealed the positive aspects of Community Care program in Korea. However, it is suggested that active communication between hospitals and community care institutions, and improvement of home environment to live in the community before discharge should be required. And system revision is needed to adjust activity in their home and support health problems of the elderly in the early stage of discharge. The results of this study can be referred to as the foundation of transitional care for the elderly.


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  • Experiences of Transitional Care for Medicaid Case Managers
    Yunhee Hwang, Gaeon Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2023; 53(5): 556.     CrossRef
The Mediating Effect of Perceived Appraisal Support on the Relationship between Neuroticism and Occupational Stress in Firefighters
Yoon Jung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):396-403.   Published online September 30, 2021
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of perceived appraisal support between neuroticism and occupational stress in firefighters.
The subjects of this study were 156 firefighters who worked at three fire stations in G province in Korea. The collected data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis using Baron and Kenny’s method for mediation.
There were significant relationships between neuroticism and perceived appraisal support (r=.30, p<.001), neuroticism and occupational stress (r=.42, p<.001), and perceived appraisal support and occupational stress (r=.36, p<.001). Perceived appraisal support showed partial mediating effects in the relationship between neuroticism and occupational stress.
The impact of neuroticism in firefighters was mediated by perceived appraisal support for occupational stress. This suggests that strategies for enhancing perceived appraisal support in fire fighters should be considered when developing neuroticism management interventions for decreasing their occupational stress.
The Association between Social Support and Health Behaviors for Metabolic Syndrome Prevention among University Students: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Stress
Soo Yeon Park, Su Ah Cho, Eugene Lee, Sung Chul Choi, Jin A Choo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(3):404-414.   Published online September 30, 2021
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Health behaviors for metabolic syndrome (MetS) prevention should be emphasized from early adulthood. There is little information on psychosocial factors associated with health behaviors for MetS prevention. The aim of this study was to determine whether there would be a mediating effect of perceived stress on the association between social support and health behaviors for MetS prevention among university students.
This cross-sectional and correlation study was conducted with 502 university students in South Korea. Social support, perceived stress, and lifestyle evaluation for metabolic syndrome scales were used. Online questionnaire survey was conducted between November and December 2019. The mediating effect of social support on health behaviors for MetS prevention was analyzed using PROCESS macro program with bootstrapping method to test our hypotheses.
Social support directly influenced perceived stress (β=-.35, p<.001) and health behaviors for MetS prevention (β=.14, p=.002). Health behaviors for MetS prevention was indirectly influenced by perceived stress (β=-.25, p<.001). The size of indirect effect of social support on health behaviors for MetS prevention was 0.06.
The association of social support and health behaviors for MetS prevention was partially mediated by perceived stress among university students. Therefore, a university-based nursing intervention should comprise social support strategies with stress management to promote health behaviors for MetS prevention.


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  • Factors Associated with Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome Among Middle-Aged Postmenopausal Korean Women: A Study Based on the Information, Motivation, Behavioral Skills (IMB) Model
    Yoonjung Kim, Sooyeon Park
    Patient Preference and Adherence.2023; Volume 17: 2279.     CrossRef
  • Causal model of health literacy in dietary supplement use and sufficient health behavior among working-age adults
    Ungsinun Intarakamhang, Pitchada Prasittichok
    Heliyon.2022; 8(11): e11535.     CrossRef

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing